Autodesk® HSMWorks™ 2019.2.1 Update
Release Notes
Build R3.43424 / 16 November 2018
Autodesk, Inc.
This document covers all three HSMWorks products:
- HSMXpress
- HSMWorks Premium (formerly HSMWorks Professional)
- HSMWorks Ultimate (formerly HSMWorks Premium)
What’s New
System Requirements
The following changes have been made in the current update (2019.2.1):
New in this Version
- Fixed an issue which prevented a use of a part if the "HoleBuilder" component threw an error, but only if using SolidWorks 2018. (#10957)
- Fixed an issue where HSMLIB files exported from Fusion 360 did not have any numerical field information in HSMWorks. (#11237)
- Added a missing library to the installer which is needed for the HSMEdit backplot function. (#11319)
The following changes have been made in an earlier update (2019.2):
New in this Version
- Added support for SolidWorks 2019.
- Added support logging SolidWorks API integration. This is a hidden feature to allow deep analysis of HSMWorks-SolidWorks integration issues.
- Major extension of HSMWorks API.
- Added new API HSMWorks_hasToolId() to check if tool is available in document.
- Fixed missing support for setting description when using HSMWorks_createObject() and HSMWorks_createObject2() APIs.
- Added new API HSMWorks_importToolById() for importing tool from specified tool library.
- Added HSMWorks_postProcess() API.
- Added HSMWorks_createObject2() API.
- Added HSMWorks_isToolpathObject() API.
- Fixed support for using 0 as default container for HSMWorks_createObject() API.
- Added API HSMWorks_writeAPILog() to allow write of log file for all API calls.
- Show required range for out of range errors for properties when post processing.
- Show range in property tool tip for all number types when post processing.
Changes to toolpath generation
- Fixed issue where Adaptive Clearing would not complete. (#10362)
- Fixed potential generation failure for turning. (#10072)
- Fixed generation failure for Slot. (#10048)
- Fixed potential failure of Adaptive Clearing on Windows when installation path contained characters not in the active codepage. (#9968)
- Fixed wrong toolpath for Turning Profile. (#9941)
- Fixed issue where shaft/holder would not pull away when using Shaft and Holder for Adaptive Clearing. (#9938)
- Improved linking for Adaptive Clearing to avoid retracts. (#9744)
- Improved linking for Adaptive Clearing when using slot opening. (#9702)
Changes to post processor
- Allow X, Y, and Z properties to be directly set for Vector class.
- Section.doesStartWithCycleIgnoringPositioning() API now ignores dwell also. (#10699)
- Fixed issue where rapid down move to safe position was missing when expanding deep drilling and chip-breaking cycles. (#10616)
- Fixed missing use of retract feedrate for expanded break-through drilling cycle.
- Fixed support for onSpindleSpeed() for expanded cycles.
- Added API for getting tool as mesh using Tool.getCutterAsMesh() and Tool.getHolderAsMesh().
- Fixed G71 threading support for Okuma turning post.
- Fixed G71 threading support for Okuma LB3000 mill-turn post.
- Fixed retract position issue for canned cycles when using subprograms.
- Fixed canned cyles in G18/G19 for 5AXISMAKER post.
- Fixed wrong property types for METABEAM META 4C Laser post.
- Fixed wrong property types for Freedom router post.
- Fixed wrong property types for DMG MORI DMF 260 posts.
- Fixed wrong property types for DMS routers posts.
- Fixed wrong property types for Siemens 840D post.
- Fixed wrong property types for Intercim G-Post APT post.
- Fixed wrong property types for ICAM CAM-POST APT post.
- Fixed wrong property types for CAMplete APT post.
- Fixed wrong property types for Operation sheet CSV post.
- Fixed wrong property types for MillMaster Pro post.
- Fixed wrong property types for Tool sheet CSV post.
- Fixed C-axis direction with 3+1 operations on the sub-spindle for mill-turn posts.
- Fixed wrong Z for threading output for HAAS mill-turn posts.
- Fixed multi-axis orientation for MillPlus post.
- Do not output redundant coolant off for the first section for Heidenhain posts.
- Added multi-axis support for Kosy post.
- Fixed output of double #-prefix and wrong *-suffix for Gerber Conversational post.
- The Y0 position is now output when switching between XYZ-mode and XZC or polar modes for mill-turn posts.
- Prevent the SFM speed from being reset during a stock transfer operation for HAAS mill-turn posts.
- Updated C-axis engage handling for mill-turn posts.
- Fixed C-axis positioning issue when B-axis is supported for Doosan mill-turn post.
- Removed unsupported tool preload feature for HAAS turning post.
- Updated HAAS mill-turn posts to avoid undesired spindle stops.
- Fixed prepositioning moves for 5-axis simultaneous toolpath for HAAS Next Generation posts.
- Fixed probe support for DATRON MCR post.
- Added support for force tool change for Heidenhain posts.
- Updated spindle speed handling for DATRON MCR post.
- Updated machine retract handling for DMG Mori CMX with FANUC control.
- Updated machine retract handling for DMG Mori NHX with CELOS control.
- Updated block output handling for HAAS mill posts.
- Updated machine retract handling for posts.
- Adjusted output of the C-axis enable/disable when the 'optimizeCaxisSelect' property is set to false for Doosan mill-turn post.
- Added support for new style cycles for Siemens 840D post. Extended cycles are disabled by default but can be enabled using the property 'useExtendedCycles'.
- Added support for G400 compensation block with milling/drilling operations for Doosan mill-turn post for Puma MX model.
- Updated spindle speed handling for posts.
- Updated spindle speed handling for Takisawa mill-turn post.
- Fixed order of angles for CYCLE800 mode for Siemens mill posts.
- Updated spindle speed handling for lathe posts.
- Fixed missing unlock of C-axis for mill-turn posts.
- Fixed issue for canned cycle handling for DMG Mori NHX post.
- Fixed chip breaking issue for Siemens 840D post.
- Updated work offset support for DMS Router with posts.
- Updated spindle speed handling for posts.
- Added support for probing for OKUMA post.
- Added property 'Reverse Z-axis direction' to allow the user to choose whether to reverse the Z-axis direction for WinPC-NC post.
- Added property 'Style' to control the output style for Mitsubishi laser post.
- Added the property 'useM26' to control the output of M06/M26 code for a tool change for Bridgeport DX-32 post.
- Fixed potential failure for Fanuc with A-axis post.
- Updated spindle speed handling for posts.
- The rotary table is now positioned at 0 degrees at the end of the program, whether it is defined as the A, B, or C axis for HAAS Next Generation posts.
- Removed support for unsupported tool preload for DATRON ISO post.
- Added M26 to lock axis for Hermle C12U post.
The following changes were made in an earlier update (2019.1):
New Features
- Major update of stock simulation to address various potential issues. (#9366)
- Added backplot feature in NC editor.
- Fixed issue where toolpath generation could fail when using rest machining. (#7811)
- Fixed wrong machining area issue for 2D Adaptive Clearing. (#9821)
- Fixed wrong default stock contours when using Cylindrical/Tube stock. (#10435)
- Fixed missing motion when simulating multi-axis toolpath for stock simulation in Fast 3D mode. (#10438)
Changes to toolpath generation
- Fixed wrong toolpath issue for turning. (#9917)
- Fixed potential generation failure when using negative stock to leave for turning. (#9722)
- Fixed wrong toolpath issue for turning. (#9751)
- Improved toolpath quality to avoid tiny moves for 2D Contour. (#7585)
Changes to post processor
- Major update of Mazak Integrex post.
- Major update of Siemens mill-turn post.
- Added power setting for through cutting, etching, and vaporize for Grbl laser post.
- Added support for rigid/non-rigid tapping for posts.
- Added support for M960 for controlling C-axis direction for Okuma LB3000 with OSP-300 control post.
- Added support for Spindle Speed Variation (SSV) for HAAS mill-turn posts.
- Updated coolant and retract handling for posts.
- Added support for DPM feedrates for multi-axis motion for Doosan mill-turn post.
- Added support for polylines and full circles for DXF post.
- Added support for tool calls by tool description rather than tool number for Siemens 810D post.
- Added property to control C-axis scale for DMS Router FAGOR posts.
- Fixed missing G43 when using the safe start all operations feature for HAAS posts.
- Fixed Euler angles for multi-axis positioning for posts.
- Fixed Z-probing clearance for Siemens 840D post.
- Fixed left handed tapping for HAAS turning post.
- Fixed missing spindle output for posts.
- Fixed missing force of G-codes at new subprograms for Siemens 840D post.
- Fixed missing force of G-codes at new subprograms for Robodrill post.
- Fixed missing force of G-codes at new subprograms for posts.
- Fixed tapping feedrate rounding issue for HAAS mill-turn posts.
- Fixed tapping feedrate rounding issue for HAAS turning post.
- Fixed tapping feedrate rounding issue for HAAS posts.
- Fixed tapping pitch property description for posts.
- Avoid machine retract at start of program for MaslowCNC post.
- Fixed failing ISEL post.
- Fixed inverse time/DPM output for rapid moves for Doosan mill-turn post.
- Avoid Z repositioning after a tool change for posts.
- Fixed machine axis support for HURCO post.
- Fixed multi-axis indexing issue for Tormach post.
- Fixed multi-axis indexing issue for Pocket NC post.
- Fixed missing RAPTO output for drill cycles for CAMplete post.
- Fixed output of C-axis when turning for Doosan mill-turn Fanuc post.
- Fixed issue where post processor could run out of memory. (#3115)
- Updated rotary positioning handling for posts.
- The spindle speed is now output using RPM mode prior to the first positioning and is then output in SFM mode when using 'Use constant surface speed' to avoid starting with a slow RPM for lathe posts.
- The spindle speed is now output using RPM mode prior to the first positioning and is then output in SFM mode when using 'Use constant surface speed' to avoid starting with a slow RPM for HAAS mill-turn posts.
- The spindle speed is now output using RPM mode prior to the first positioning and is then output in SFM mode when using 'Use constant surface speed' to avoid starting with a slow RPM for HAAS mill-turn post.
- Updated tapping feedrate for HAAS mill-turn posts.
- Added diameter and length registers at tool change for ACU-RITE MILLPWR G2 post.
- Updated coolant for Heidenhain posts.
- Updated circular motion handling for DXF post.
- Updated inverse time/DPM support for posts.
- Avoid empty blocks for Opticut post.
- Updated coolant and retract handling for posts.
- Changed C-reset to use closest virtual C0 instead of absolute C0 for DMS Router posts.
- Added check for tool break control for DMG MORI NHX and CMX posts.
- Time output is no longer forced for DATRON posts.
- Increased minimum chord length for posts.
- Added more decimals for feedrate for HAAS mill-turn posts.
- Updated multi-axis indexing for Siemens posts.
The following changes were made in an earlier update (2019.0.1):
- Fixed issue where turning toolpaths could not be generated when using rest machining (#9828)
- Fixed issue in contour selection that lead to empty toolpaths or machining on the wrong side of the part (#9821)
- Fixed issue where stock simulation was showing a gouge falsely (#7585)
- Fixed issue in turning where roughing passes would ignore the model, leading to gouges (#9751)
- Fixed issue where copying and pasting "Operation nodes" under a tool in the tool library would lead to incorrect results (#9749)
- Removed (broken) link to HSMWorks 2019 license agreement (#9791)
The following changes were made in an earlier update (2019.0):
New Features
- Added Both-Ways Adaptive Clearing (#6890)
- Added support for 2D Adaptive Clearing (#7768)
- Added Tool Orientation to Probing (#9410)
- Added support for tapered walls in 2D Adaptive (#9201)
- Added API method to get objects in a job (#9320)
- Added API method to identify whether an object is a pattern (#9321)
- Added support for setting stock for HSMWorks API (#8723)
- Fixed compensation in control/wear for turning ID machining. (#7495)
- Fixed issue where duplicating an operation within a job causes operation to be unnecessarily marked dirty. (#9462)
- Fixed wrong multi-axis handling for feed optimization. (#9509)
- Changed guided deep drilling to use retract feedrate (#9310)
- Fixed issue where tool is not always taken to limit when rewind is required (#9559)
- Fixed out of memory error when using nested patterns with the Excel Setup Sheet (#3115)
- Fixed issue where rest machining does not calculate when preceded by a manual NC operation in turning operations (#9499)
- Fixed bad ordering issue when using both ways for Adaptive Clearing. (#9580)
- Fixed fragmentation of circular cutting passes and missing potential missing cut passes for turning when using rest machining. (#9529)
- Fixed wrong toolpath issue when using negative radial stock to leave for turning. (#9667)
- Fixed issue where the same cutting pass could be repeated when using rest machining for turning. (#9537)
- Improved rest machining quality for Turning Profile/Grooving. (#8385)
- Fixed potential issue where Turning Profile could ignore an area of the given part. (#9574)
- Fixed wrong ordering issue for 2D Contour. (#9415)
- Fixed wrong toolpath issue for Turning Grooving. (#9489)
- Fixed potential generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. (#9361)
- Fixed potential generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. (#9483)
- Fixed issue where lead would hit stock for Turning Grooving. (#9394)
- Fixed issue where cutting feedrate would be used instead of lead/in/out feedrate for certain linking moves for Adaptive Clearing. (#8845)
- Fixed missing compensation in control when using back trimming of cutting passes for 2D Contour. (#9391)
- Fixed preserve order when using roughing passes for 2D Contour/Pocket. (#9290)
- Fixed potential lead-out issue when using back cutting (Sandvik PrimeTurning) for Turning Profile. (#9073)
- Fixed issue where Adaptive Clearing was not using plunge feedrate. (#8708)
- Improved lead-in for finishing passes by extending beyond the safe distance for 2D Contour. This will avoid skipped passes in additional cases. (#9260)
- Improved linking for Adaptive Clearing to avoid stay further away from stock when moving down outside of stock. (#9066)
- Fixed issue where the minimum cutting radius setting affected 2D Contour toolpaths when it shouldn't (#8598)
Post library
- Added support for subprograms for Robodrill post.
- Added post for Messer plasma.
- Updated retract and coolant handling for DATRON MCR posts.
- Added support for left-handed tapping and a self-reversing tapping head for Tormach PathPilot post.
- Improved tailstock handling for Okuma LB3000 post.
- Patterned operations can now be output using XYZ mode for HAAS mill-turn posts.
- Fixed various issues for different machine types for Techno CNC Router post.
- Fixed incremental Z output for Biesse CIX post.
- Fixed retract handling for Bridgeport DX-32 post.
- Fixed handling of machine orientation when using subprograms for posts.
- Fixed retract handling for DATRON posts.
- Fixed tailstock support for mill-turn posts.
- Fixed tailstock support for Okuma LB3000 mill-turn posts.
- Fixed tailstock support for HAAS mill-turn posts.
- Updated G187 for HAAS posts.
- Updated tool call handling for Grbl post.
- General improvements for DATRON next post.
- Improved retract and coolant handling for Siemens 802D post.
- Improved retract and coolant handling for posts.
- Updated work plane handling for posts.
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- Autodesk HSMWorks 2019 supports Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit, and Windows 10 64-bit.
- HSMWorks 2019 is compatible with the 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 versions of SOLIDWORKS.
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New installation
SOLIDWORKS must be installed prior to installing HSMWorks
Before you install HSMWorks 2019, please make sure to run Windows Update, install all Windows Updates that are pending on your machine, and reboot:
- For Windows 10: Windows Update is available in the Update and Security section of Windows Settings, which is available from the Windows menu.
- Windows 8 and Windows 8.1: Windows Update is located in the Control Panel, which is accessible on the desktop Charms Bar, Settings menu.
- Windows 7: Windows Update is located in the Control Panel, which is accessible from the Start menu.
It is sometimes necessary to perform a Windows Update multiple times to completely update your operating system.
Verify that enough disk space is available on your machine to install HSMWorks 2019 (approx. 2 GB).
Before installing HSMWorks 2019, please uninstall all prior Autodesk beta products.
Download HSMWorks 2019 from the Autodesk Account Portal (preferred) or
Follow the instructions to download and launch the installer. Temporary extraction is to your temp folder. Operating system errors regarding very long path names can occur if the temporary location is nested too many levels deep.
If the installer does not launch, browse to the folder where the files were extracted, and double-click setup.exe.
Updating an existing installation
- When a new update is available, an update notification will appear in the Autodesk Desktop App.
- Please download and install the update package.
Before installing an update there is no need to uninstall a previous HSMWorks release; but if you prefer to do so, you can uninstall the relevant release in Programs and Features in Windows Control Panel by accessing “View installed updates”.
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We encourage you to provide your feedback to us and help make HSMWorks even better. If you encounter issues not covered in this document, please report them to Autodesk through your reseller or to the HSMWorks team directly at or on the CAM discussion forum.
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Copyright 2018 Autodesk, Inc.