The intermediate NC data is transferred to the configuration script one record at a time using the special entry functions listed below.
is invoked when the machine configuration changes during post processing.
is invoked once at post processing initialization. This is the place to output the program header.
The configuration script is not allowed to modify the entry functions after onOpen()
has been invoked.
is invoked for each parameter in the CLD data where a parameter is a simple name-value pair.
is invoked for pass-through information. Pass-through allows the user to transfer text unmodified through to the post processor to the output file. This feature should be used with caution as the post processor will ignore any pass-through data.
is invoked for each comment.
is invoked at the start of a section. A section commonly corresponds to an individual operation within the CAM system. However, note that it is perfectly legal from the post processors perspective if an operation generated multiple sections.
is invoked at the start of a section if the section contains a cycle that has been marked as special. A section commonly corresponds to an individual operation within the CAM system. However, note that it is perfectly legal from the post processors perspective if an operation generated multiple sections. onSectionSpecialCycle()
doesn't do anything by default. Use PostProcessor.setSectionSpecialCycle()
to mark a cycle as special.
is invoked per dwell command.
Invoked when the spindle speed changes. The property spindleSpeed
specifies the current spindleSpeed.
is invoked per linear rapid (high-feed) motion. Make sure to prevent dog-leg movement in the generated program.
is invoked per linear motion.
is invoked per circular motion.
is invoked per linear 5-axis rapid motion.
is invoked per linear 5-axis motion.
is invoked per for simultaneous 5-axis motion when machine axis rewind is required. Note that rewinds are commonly undesired but cannot be avoided for certain machine types.
is invoked per for simultaneous 5-axis motion when machine axis rewind is required. This is called before performing a machine rewind in the kernel, as onRewindMachine()
is now deprecated. Several other functions need to be implemented for rewind machine to perform properly, such as onTurnTCPOff()
, onRotateAxes()
etc. These are marked with "Required for machine rewinds" in this manual.
Required for machine rewinds. onMoveToSafeRetractPosition()
is invoked during a machine rewind procedure. It needs to output the code for retracting to safe position before indexing rotaries (usually a retract in Z).
Required for machine rewinds. onReturnFromSafeRetractPosition()
is invoked during a machine rewind procedure. It needs to output the code for returning from safe position after indexing rotaries.
Required for machine rewinds. onRotateAxes()
is invoked during a machine rewind procedure. It needs to output the code for rotating the axes to new position above re-entry position. Usually just a call to onRapid5D()
with xyz disabled before the call and re-enabled after.
is invoked when the movement type changes. The property movement
specifies the current movement type.
is invoked when the power mode changes. The property power
specifies the current power mode. Used for water jet, laser cutter, and plasma cutter.
is invoked when the radius compensation mode changes. The property radiusCompensation
specifies the current radius compensation mode.
is invoked when the feedrate mode changes.
is invoked when the tool compensation mode changes. Only used for tool types for which dual compensation is defined.
is invoked at the beginning of each cycle. The variable cycleType
holds the unique name identifying the type of the current cycle. The parameters of the cycles are available through the cycle
is invoked for each point associated with the active cycle. onCyclePoint()
is only invoked between onCycle()
and onCycleEnd()
is invoked at the beginning of the cycle with toolpath (e.g. turning canned cycle). onCyclePath()
is only invoked between onCycle()
and onCycleEnd()
is invoked at the ending of the cycle with toolpath (e.g. turning canned cycle). onCyclePathEnd()
is only invoked between onCycle()
and onCycleEnd()
is invoked on cycle termination. A corresponding onCycleEnd()
is guaranteed to follow an invocation of onCycle()
is invoked for well-known commands (e.g. stop spindle).
is invoked when any of the Manual NC commands are processed. If onManualNC is not defined the previous method will be used (onParameter, onCommand, etc.).
is invoked for machine commands (e.g. 28 could be mapped to M28).
is invoked after the last posted operation of a Part Alignment.
is invoked when a specific spindle orientation is required. The function may be invoked when expanding cycles.
is invoked per linear extrusion motion in an additive FFF toolpath.
is invoked per circular extrusion motion in an additive FFF toolpath.
is invoked at the start of a layer in an additive FFF or DED toolpath.
is invoked at the end of a layer in an additive DED toolpath.
is invoked when the extrusion length is reset in an additive FFF toolpath.
is invoked when the extruder is changed in an additive FFF toolpath.
is invoked when the extruder temperature is changed in an additive FFF toolpath. The variable wait
defines whether the process should wait to reach the desired extruder temperature before continuing.
is invoked when the bed temperature is changed in an additive FFF toolpath. The variable wait
defines whether the process should wait to reach the desired bed temperature before continuing.
is invoked when the fan speed is changed in an additive FFF toolpath.
is invoked when the max axis acceleration is changed in an additive FFF toolpath.
is invoked when the acceleration is changed in an additive FFF toolpath.
is invoked when the axis jerk is changed in an additive FFF toolpath.
is invoked at the termination of a section.
is invoked at the termination of a section if the section contains a cycle that has been marked as special. onSectionEndSpecialCycle()
doesn't do anything by default. Use PostProcessor.setSectionSpecialCycle()
to mark a cycle as special.
is invoked at post processing completion. This is the place to output your program footer.
is invoked once after post processing has completed. The output file is unlocked at this point and can be moved and copied as desired.