/** Copyright (C) 2012-2024 by Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Doosan Lathe post processor configuration. $Revision: 44132 43e5a58dcd1e7bcc87a95bf253f3ed223d7e7c80 $ $Date: 2024-06-21 21:12:55 $ FORKID {C7A4BD6C-CF7A-4299-BF94-3C18351E8FA7} */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MANUAL NC COMMANDS // // The following ACTION commands are supported by this post. // // partEject - Manually eject the part // transferType:phase,speed - Phase or Speed spindle synchronization for stock-transfer // transferUseTorque:yes,no - Use torque control for stock-transfer // usePolarInterpolation - Force Polar interpolation mode for next operation (usePolarMode is deprecated but still supported) // usePolarCoordinates - Force Polar coordinates for the next operation (useXZCMode is deprecated but still supported) // useTailStock:yes,no - Use tailstock until canceled // syncSpindleStart:error, unclamp, speed - Method to use when starting the spindle while they are connected/synched // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// description = "DN Solutions (Doosan) Mill/Turn with Fanuc 0i/31i control"; vendor = "DN Solutions (Doosan)"; vendorUrl = "https://www.dn-solutions.com"; legal = "Copyright (C) 2012-2024 by Autodesk, Inc."; certificationLevel = 2; minimumRevision = 45909; longDescription = "DN Solutions (Doosan) lathe (Fanuc 0i and 31i control) post with support for mill-turn for use with Lynx and Puma."; extension = "nc"; programNameIsInteger = true; setCodePage("ascii"); capabilities = CAPABILITY_MILLING | CAPABILITY_TURNING; tolerance = spatial(0.002, MM); minimumChordLength = spatial(0.25, MM); minimumCircularRadius = spatial(0.01, MM); maximumCircularRadius = spatial(1000, MM); minimumCircularSweep = toRad(0.01); maximumCircularSweep = toRad(120); // reduced sweep due to G112 support allowHelicalMoves = true; allowedCircularPlanes = undefined; // allow any circular motion allowSpiralMoves = false; allowFeedPerRevolutionDrilling = true; highFeedrate = (unit == IN) ? 470 : 12000; // user-defined properties properties = { machineModel: { title : "Machine type", description: "Select type of machine.", group : "configuration", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"Puma", id:"PUMA"}, {title:"Lynx", id:"LYNX"}, {title:"Lynx with Y-axis", id:"LYNX_YAXIS"}, {title:"Puma MX", id:"PUMA_MX"}, {title:"Puma SMX", id:"PUMA_SMX"} ], value: "PUMA", scope: "post" }, gotSecondarySpindle: { title : "Got secondary spindle", description: "Specifies if the machine has a secondary spindle.", group : "configuration", type : "boolean", value : true, scope : "post" }, gotMultiTurret: { title : "Got multiple turrets", description: "Specifies if the machine has a second turret.", group : "configuration", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, reverseAxes: { title : "Invert AC axes on sub-spindle", description: "Enable to reverse the Y and C axes when programming on the sub-spindle. If you notice that the geometry is mirrored or conventional cutting on the machine, then disable this property.", group : "configuration", type : "boolean", value : true, scope : "post" }, xAxisMinimum: { title : "X-axis minimum limit", description: "Defines the lower limit of X-axis travel as a radius value.", group : "configuration", type : "spatial", range : [-99999, 0], value : 0, scope : "post" }, reverseSpindle: { title : "Reverse spindle direction on sub-spindle", description: "Enable to automatically reverse the secondary spindle direction. Does not apply to live tooling.", group : "configuration", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, useSpindlePcodes: { title : "Use P-codes for spindle selection", description: "Enable if P11, P12, etc. are used for spindle selection. Disable if unique M-codes are used for spindle selection.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : true, scope : "post" }, usePartCatcher: { title : "Use part catcher", description: "Specifies whether part catcher code should be output.", group : "configuration", type : "boolean", value : true, scope : "post" }, partCatcherPosition: { title : "Sub spindle position for part catcher", description: "Defines the position of the sub spindle when the part catcher is activated. A value of 0 will not move the subspindle.", group : "homePositions", type : "number", range : [-1000, 0], value : 0, scope : "post" }, gotChipConveyor: { title : "Got chip conveyor", description : "Specifies whether to use a chip conveyor.", group : "configuration", type : "boolean", presentation: "yesno", value : true, scope : "post" }, maxTool: { title : "Max tool number", description: "Defines the maximum tool number.", group : "configuration", type : "integer", range : [0, 999999999], value : 24, scope : "post" }, maximumSpindleSpeed: { title : "Max spindle speed", description: "Defines the maximum spindle speed allowed by your machines.", group : "configuration", type : "integer", range : [0, 999999999], value : 6000, scope : "post" }, showSequenceNumbers: { title : "Use sequence numbers", description: "'Yes' outputs sequence numbers on each block, 'Only on tool change' outputs sequence numbers on tool change blocks only, and 'No' disables the output of sequence numbers.", group : "formats", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"Yes", id:"true"}, {title:"No", id:"false"}, {title:"Only on tool change", id:"toolChange"} ], value: "toolChange", scope: "post" }, sequenceNumberStart: { title : "Start sequence number", description: "The number at which to start the sequence numbers.", group : "formats", type : "integer", value : 1, scope : "post" }, sequenceNumberIncrement: { title : "Sequence number increment", description: "The amount by which the sequence number is incremented by in each block.", group : "formats", type : "integer", value : 1, scope : "post" }, useRadius: { title : "Radius arcs", description: "If yes is selected, arcs are outputted using radius values rather than IJK.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, useCycles: { title : "Use cycles", description: "Specifies if canned drilling cycles should be used.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : true, scope : "post" }, optionalStop: { title : "Optional stop", description: "Outputs optional stop code during when necessary in the code.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : true, scope : "post" }, useParametricFeed: { title : "Parametric feed", description: "Specifies the feed value that should be output using a Q value.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, autoEject: { title : "Auto eject", description: "Specifies whether the part should automatically eject at the end of a program. 'Use coolant flush' will use flush coolant to eject the part instead of the part ejector.", group : "preferences", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"Yes", id:"true"}, {title:"No", id:"false"}, {title:"Use coolant flush", id:"flush"} ], value: "false", scope: "post" }, useTailStock: { title : "Use tailstock", description: "Specifies whether to use the tailstock or not. 'Sub spindle' will use a live center mounted in the sub spindle.", group : "configuration", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"Yes", id:"true"}, {title:"No", id:"false"}, {title:"In sub spindle", id:"subSpindle"}, {title:"In sub spindle no torque", id:"noTorque"} ], value: "false", scope: "post" }, useTailStockTorque: { title : "Tailstock torque value", description: "Enter the torque value to use with the live center in the sub spindle.", group : "configuration", type : "number", range : [0, 2000], value : 100, scope : "post" }, useTailStockPositioning: { title : "Tailstock positioning mode", description: "Defines the positioning mode for the tailstock in the sub spindle.", group : "configuration", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"Offset from part", id:"offset"}, {title:"Machine position", id:"machine"}, {title:"WCS position", id:"wcs"} ], value: "offset", scope: "post" }, useTailStockPosition: { title : "Tailstock position", description: "Enter the position/offset of the subspindle prior to engaging the tailstock. The default offset is .25in", group : "configuration", type : "spatial", value : 0, scope : "post" }, homeMethodZ: { title : "Move to Z-home position", description: "Specifies the method to use when positioning the Z-axis to its home position. WCS positions in the active work coordinate system.", group : "homePositions", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"G28", id:"G28"}, {title:"G30", id:"G30"}, {title:"G53", id:"G53"}, {title:"WCS", id:"WCS"} ], value: "G28", scope: "post" }, homePositionZ: { title : "Z-home position", description: "Z-home position for the G53/WCS Z-axis home positioning methods.", group : "homePositions", type : "number", value : 0, scope : "post" }, useG0: { title : "Use G0 for rapid moves", description: "Disable to use G1 for rapid moves when multiple axes move in a single block. Enable to use G0 for all rapid moves.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, useG53ForXfer: { title : "Sub-spindle Machine position control", description: "Select how Machine Positions are output in a chuck plane operation. \n G53 = in rapid mode with G53, \n G53.2 = in feed mode (must have G53.2 enabled on control), \n Linear = in G01 feed mode, \n Not supported = will generate an error if Machine position is specified as the Chuck Plane Mode", group : "preferences", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"G53", id:"g53"}, {title:"G53.2", id:"g532"}, {title:"Linear", id:"linear"}, {title:"Not supported", id:"error"} ], value: "g53", scope: "post" }, transferType: { title : "Transfer type", description: "Phase, speed or stop synchronization for stock-transfer.", group : "preferences", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"Phase", id:"phase"}, {title:"Speed", id:"speed"} ], value: "phase", scope: "post" }, optimizeCAxisSelect: { title : "Optimize C axis selection", description: "Optimizes the output of enable/disable C-axis codes.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, transferUseTorque: { title : "Stock-transfer torque control", description: "Use torque control for stock transfer.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, cutoffConfirmation: { title : "Parting confirmation", description: "Use parting confirmation after cutoff.", group : "preferences", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"G350", id:"true"}, {title:"G133", id:"g133"}, {title:"Disabled", id:"false"} ], value: "true", scope: "post" }, useSimpleThread: { title : "Use simple threading cycle", description: "Enable to output G92 simple threading cycle, disable to output G76 standard threading cycle.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : true, scope : "post" }, useYAxisForDrilling: { title : "Position in Y for axial drilling", description: "Positions in Y for axial drilling options when it can instead of using the C-axis.", group : "preferences", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, useG400: { title : "Use G400 for milling tools", description: "Enable to output the G400 compensation block with milling/drilling operations. This option is only valid for the Puma MX and Puma SMX models.", group : "multiAxis", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, looping: { title : "Use M98 looping", description: "Output program for M98 looping.", group : "looping", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, numberOfRepeats: { title : "Number of repeats", description: "How many times to loop the program.", group : "looping", type : "integer", range : [0, 99999999], value : 1, scope : "post" }, writeVersion: { title : "Write version", description: "Write the version number in the header of the code.", group : "formats", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, separateWordsWithSpace: { title : "Separate words with space", description: "Adds spaces between words if 'yes' is selected.", group : "formats", type : "boolean", value : true, scope : "post" }, showNotes: { title : "Show notes", description: "Writes operation notes as comments in the outputted code.", group : "formats", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, writeMachine: { title : "Write machine", description: "Output the machine settings in the header of the code.", group : "formats", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, writeTools: { title : "Write tool list", description: "Output a tool list in the header of the code.", group : "formats", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" }, useExtendedOffsets: { title : "Use extended tool offsets", description: "Select whether extended offsets are supported on the main tool holder, the lower turret, or both. 'Machine default' will enable extended offsets on the Puma main spindle and on both spindles for the Puma SMX.", group : "preferences", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"Machine default", id:"default"}, {title:"Disabled", id:"false"}, {title:"Main", id:"main"}, {title:"Lower turret", id:"lower"}, {title:"Both", id:"both"} ], value: "default", scope: "post" }, useTCP: { title : "Use TCP (G700) mode", description: "Enable to use G700 Tool Center Point programming in multi-axis operations. This option is only valid for the Puma MX and Puma SMX models.", group : "multiAxis", type : "boolean", value : false, scope : "post" } }; groupDefinitions = { looping: {title:"Looping", collapsed:true, order:25} }; // wcs definiton wcsDefinitions = { useZeroOffset: false, wcs : [ {name:"Standard", format:"G", range:[54, 59]} ] }; var singleLineCoolant = false; // specifies to output multiple coolant codes in one line rather than in separate lines // samples: // {id: COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL, on: 88, off: 89} // {id: COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL, on: [8, 88], off: [9, 89]} // {id: COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL, turret1:{on: [8, 88], off:[9, 89]}, turret2:{on:88, off:89}} // {id: COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL, spindle1:{on: [8, 88], off:[9, 89]}, spindle2:{on:88, off:89}} // {id: COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL, spindle1t1:{on: [8, 88], off:[9, 89]}, spindle1t2:{on:88, off:89}} // {id: COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL, on: "M88 P3 (myComment)", off: "M89"} var coolants = [ {id:COOLANT_FLOOD, on:8, off:9}, {id:COOLANT_MIST, on:138, off:139}, {id:COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL, spindle1:{on:108, off:109}, spindle2:{on:126, off:127}, spindleLive:{on:308, off:309}}, {id:COOLANT_AIR, spindle1:{on:14, off:15}, spindle2:{on:114, off:115}}, {id:COOLANT_AIR_THROUGH_TOOL}, {id:COOLANT_SUCTION, on:7, off:9}, {id:COOLANT_FLOOD_MIST}, {id:COOLANT_FLOOD_THROUGH_TOOL}, {id:COOLANT_OFF, off:9} ]; var permittedCommentChars = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.,=_-/"; var gFormat = createFormat({prefix:"G", decimals:1}); var mFormat = createFormat({prefix:"M", decimals:0}); var spatialFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), type:FORMAT_REAL}); var xFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), type:FORMAT_REAL, scale:2}); // diameter mode & IS SCALING POLAR COORDINATES var yFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), type:FORMAT_REAL}); var zFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), type:FORMAT_REAL}); var rFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), type:FORMAT_REAL}); // radius var abcFormat = createFormat({decimals:3, type:FORMAT_REAL, scale:DEG}); var bFormat = createFormat({prefix:"(B=", suffix:")", decimals:3, type:FORMAT_REAL, scale:DEG}); var cFormat = createFormat({decimals:3, type:FORMAT_REAL, scale:DEG}); var fpmFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 2 : 3), type:FORMAT_REAL}); var fprFormat = createFormat({type:FORMAT_REAL, decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), minimum:(unit == MM ? 0.001 : 0.0001)}); var feedFormat = fpmFormat; var pitchFormat = createFormat({decimals:6, type:FORMAT_REAL}); var toolFormat = createFormat({decimals:0, minDigitsLeft:4}); var rpmFormat = createFormat({decimals:0}); var secFormat = createFormat({decimals:3, type:FORMAT_REAL}); // seconds - range 0.001-99999.999 var milliFormat = createFormat({decimals:0}); // milliseconds // range 1-9999 var taperFormat = createFormat({decimals:1, scale:DEG}); var threadP1Format = createFormat({decimals:0, minDigitsLeft:6}); var threadPQFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), type:FORMAT_LZS, minDigitsLeft:0, minDigitsRight:1}); var dwellFormat = createFormat({prefix:"U", decimals:3}); // var peckFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), type:FORMAT_REAL}); var peckFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), type:FORMAT_LZS, minDigitsLeft:0, minDigitsRight:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4)}); var dFormat = createFormat({prefix:"D", width:3, zeropad:true}); // used with TCP code (G700) var oFormat = createFormat({decimals:0, minDigitsLeft:4}); var xOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"X"}, xFormat); var yOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"Y"}, yFormat); var zOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"Z"}, zFormat); var aOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"A"}, abcFormat); var bOutput = createOutputVariable({}, bFormat); var cOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"C", cyclicLimit:360}, cFormat); var subOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"B", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, spatialFormat); var feedOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"F"}, feedFormat); var pitchOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"F", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, pitchFormat); var sOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"S", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, rpmFormat); var pOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"P", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, rpmFormat); var spOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"P", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, rpmFormat); var rOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"R", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, rFormat); var peckOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"Q", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, peckFormat); // cycle thread output var threadP1Output = createOutputVariable({prefix:"P", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, threadP1Format); var threadP2Output = createOutputVariable({prefix:"P", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, threadPQFormat); var threadQOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"Q", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, threadPQFormat); var threadROutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"R", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, threadPQFormat); var g92ROutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"R", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, zFormat); // no scaling // circular output var iOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"I", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, spatialFormat); var jOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"J", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, spatialFormat); var kOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"K", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, spatialFormat); var gMotionModal = createOutputVariable({}, gFormat); // modal group 1 // G0-G3, ... var gPlaneModal = createOutputVariable({onchange:function () {gMotionModal.reset();}}, gFormat); // modal group 2 // G17-19 var gFeedModeModal = createOutputVariable({}, gFormat); // modal group 5 // G98-99 var gSpindleModeModal = createOutputVariable({}, gFormat); // modal group 5 // G96-97 var gUnitModal = createOutputVariable({}, gFormat); // modal group 6 // G20-21 var gCycleModal = createOutputVariable({}, gFormat); // modal group 9 // G81, ... var gPolarModal = createOutputVariable({}, gFormat); // G12.1, G13.1 var cAxisBrakeModal = createOutputVariable({}, mFormat); var mInterferModal = createOutputVariable({}, mFormat); var cAxisEngageModal = createOutputVariable({}, mFormat); var gWCSModal = createOutputVariable({}, gFormat); var tailStockModal = createOutputVariable({}, mFormat); var mTappingModal = createOutputVariable({}, mFormat); // fixed settings var firstFeedParameter = 100; var airCleanChuck = true; // use air to clean off chuck at part transfer and part eject // defined in defineMachine var turret1GotYAxis; var turret2GotYAxis; var gotYAxis; var yAxisMinimum; var yAxisMaximum; var xAxisMinimum; var gotBAxis; var bAxisIsManual; var gotMultiTurret; var gotPolarInterpolation; var gotSecondarySpindle; var gotDoorControl; var useMultiAxisFeatures; var useCAxisSelectWithTurning; var WARNING_TURRET_UNSPECIFIED = 0; var SPINDLE_MAIN = 0; var SPINDLE_SUB = 1; var SPINDLE_LIVE = 2; var TRANSFER_PHASE = 0; var TRANSFER_SPEED = 1; var TRANSFER_STOP = 2; // getSpindle parameters var TOOL = false; var PART = true; // moveSubSpindle parameters var HOME = 0; var RAPID = 1; var FEED = 2; var TORQUE = 3; // synchronized spindle start parameters var SYNC_ERROR = 0; var SYNC_UNCLAMP = 1; var SYNC_SPEED = 2; // clampChuck parameters var CLAMP = true; var UNCLAMP = false; // collected state var sequenceNumber; var currentWorkOffset; var optionalSection = false; var forceSpindleSpeed = false; var activeMovements; // do not use by default var currentFeedId; var previousSpindle = SPINDLE_MAIN; var activeSpindle = SPINDLE_MAIN; var partCutoff = false; var transferType; var transferUseTorque; var showSequenceNumbers; var forcePolarCoordinates = false; // forces Polar coordinate output, activated by Action:usePolarCoordinates var forcePolarInterpolation = false; // force Polar interpolation output, activated by Action:usePolarInterpolation var forceTailStock = false; // enable/disable TailStock var tapping = false; var ejectRoutine = false; var bestABC = undefined; var headOffset = 0; var lastSpindleMode = undefined; var lastSpindleSpeed = 0; var lastSpindleDirection = undefined; var syncStartMethod = SYNC_ERROR; // method used to output spindle block when they are already synched/connected var activeTurret = 1; var transferOrientation; // spindle orientation during part transfers var forceTurningMode = false; // used to force turning mode in onSection after part transfer var offsetFactor; // 100 if not using extended offset, 1000 otherwise var useExtendedOffsets; var turret1GotBAxis; // for storing the initial state of the gotBAxis variable, when switching turret. var reverseAxes; var currentToolCode; // active tool number + offset var modelType; // model type of machine var operationSupportsTCP; // multi-axis operation supports TCP var previousMaximumSpeed = 0; var machineState = { isTurningOperation : undefined, liveToolIsActive : undefined, cAxisIsEngaged : undefined, machiningDirection : undefined, mainSpindleIsActive : undefined, subSpindleIsActive : undefined, mainSpindleBrakeIsActive : undefined, subSpindleBrakeIsActive : undefined, tailstockIsActive : false, usePolarInterpolation : false, usePolarCoordinates : false, axialCenterDrilling : false, currentBAxisOrientationTurning: new Vector(0, 0, 0), mainChuckIsClamped : undefined, subChuckIsClamped : undefined, spindlesAreAttached : false, spindlesAreSynchronized : false, stockTransferIsActive : false, cAxesAreSynchronized : false, feedPerRevolution : undefined }; /** G/M codes setup */ function getCode(code, spindle) { switch (code) { case "PART_CATCHER_ON": return 10; case "PART_CATCHER_OFF": return 11; case "TAILSTOCK_ON": machineState.tailstockIsActive = true; return 78; case "TAILSTOCK_OFF": machineState.tailstockIsActive = false; return 79; case "TAILSTOCK_CONTROL_ON": return 300; case "TAILSTOCK_CONTROL_OFF": return 301; /* case "SET_SPINDLE_FRAME": return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 80 : 83; // M80 is related to the tool setter arm moves */ case "ENABLE_C_AXIS": machineState.cAxisIsEngaged = true; return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 35 : 135; case "DISABLE_C_AXIS": machineState.cAxisIsEngaged = false; return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 34 : 134; case "POLAR_INTERPOLATION_ON": return 12.1; case "POLAR_INTERPOLATION_OFF": return 13.1; case "STOP_SPINDLE": if (getProperty("useSpindlePcodes")) { return 5; } else { switch (spindle) { case SPINDLE_MAIN: return 5; case SPINDLE_LIVE: return 35; case SPINDLE_SUB: return 105; } } break; case "ORIENT_SPINDLE": return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 19 : 119; case "START_SPINDLE_CW": if (getProperty("useSpindlePcodes")) { return (getProperty("reverseSpindle") && spindle == SPINDLE_SUB) ? 4 : 3; } else { switch (spindle) { case SPINDLE_MAIN: return 3; case SPINDLE_LIVE: return 33; case SPINDLE_SUB: return getProperty("reverseSpindle") ? 104 : 103; } } break; case "START_SPINDLE_CCW": if (getProperty("useSpindlePcodes")) { return (getProperty("reverseSpindle") && spindle == SPINDLE_SUB) ? 3 : 4; } else { switch (spindle) { case SPINDLE_MAIN: return 4; case SPINDLE_LIVE: return 34; case SPINDLE_SUB: return getProperty("reverseSpindle") ? 103 : 104; } } break; case "FEED_MODE_UNIT_REV": machineState.feedPerRevolution = true; return 99; case "FEED_MODE_UNIT_MIN": machineState.feedPerRevolution = false; return 98; case "CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED_ON": return 96; case "CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED_OFF": return 97; case "AUTO_AIR_ON": return 14; case "AUTO_AIR_OFF": return 15; case "LOCK_MULTI_AXIS": return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 89 : 189; case "UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS": return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 90 : 190; case "CLAMP_CHUCK": return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 68 : 168; case "UNCLAMP_CHUCK": return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 69 : 169; case "SPINDLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_PHASE": machineState.spindlesAreSynchronized = true; return 213; case "SPINDLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_SPEED": machineState.spindlesAreSynchronized = true; return 203; case "SPINDLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_OFF": machineState.spindlesAreSynchronized = false; return 205; case "CONNECT_C_AXES": machineState.cAxesAreSynchronized = true; return 136; case "DISCONNECT_C_AXES": machineState.cAxesAreSynchronized = false; return 137; case "TORQUE_SKIP_ON": return 86; case "TORQUE_SKIP_OFF": return 87; case "SELECT_SPINDLE": switch (spindle) { case SPINDLE_MAIN: machineState.mainSpindleIsActive = true; machineState.subSpindleIsActive = false; machineState.liveToolIsActive = false; return 11; case SPINDLE_LIVE: machineState.mainSpindleIsActive = false; machineState.subSpindleIsActive = false; machineState.liveToolIsActive = true; if (currentSection.getTool().getTurret() > 1) { return 22; } else { return 12; } case SPINDLE_SUB: machineState.mainSpindleIsActive = false; machineState.subSpindleIsActive = true; machineState.liveToolIsActive = false; if (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_MX" || getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_SMX") { return 21; // Puma MX } else { return 13; // Puma SY,... } } break; case "RIGID_TAPPING": return 29; case "INTERLOCK_BYPASS": return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 31 : 131; case "INTERFERENCE_CHECK_OFF": return 110; case "INTERFERENCE_CHECK_ON": return 111; case "YAXIS_INTERLOCK_RELEASE_ON": return 272; case "YAXIS_INTERLOCK_RELEASE_OFF": return 273; case "CYCLE_PART_EJECTOR": return 116; case "AIR_BLAST_ON": return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 14 : 114; case "AIR_BLAST_OFF": return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? 15 : 115; default: error(localize("Command " + code + " is not defined.")); return 0; } return 0; } /** Returns the desired tolerance for the given section in MM.*/ function getTolerance() { var t1 = toPreciseUnit(tolerance, MM); var t2 = getParameter("operation:tolerance", t1); t1 = t1 > 0 ? Math.min(t1, t2) : t2; return unit == IN ? t1 * 25.4 : t1; } function formatSequenceNumber() { if (sequenceNumber > 99999) { sequenceNumber = getProperty("sequenceNumberStart"); } var seqno = "N" + sequenceNumber; sequenceNumber += getProperty("sequenceNumberIncrement"); return seqno; } /** Writes the specified block. */ function writeBlock() { var text = formatWords(arguments); if (!text) { return; } var seqno = ""; var opskip = ""; if (showSequenceNumbers == "true") { seqno = formatSequenceNumber(); } if (optionalSection) { opskip = "/"; } if (text) { writeWords(opskip, seqno, text); } } function formatComment(text) { return "(" + String(filterText(String(text).toUpperCase(), permittedCommentChars)).replace(/[()]/g, "") + ")"; } /** Output a comment. */ function writeComment(text) { writeln(formatComment(text)); } function getB(abc, section) { if (section.spindle == SPINDLE_PRIMARY) { return abc.y; } else { return Math.PI - abc.y; } } function writeCommentSeqno(text) { writeln(formatSequenceNumber() + formatComment(text)); } function defineMachine() { gotSecondarySpindle = getProperty("gotSecondarySpindle"); gotMultiTurret = getProperty("gotMultiTurret"); turret1GotYAxis = false; turret2GotYAxis = false; if (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA") { modelType = "Puma"; turret1GotYAxis = true; yAxisMinimum = toPreciseUnit(-50, MM); // specifies the minimum range for the Y-axis yAxisMaximum = toPreciseUnit(50, MM); // specifies the maximum range for the Y-axis xAxisMinimum = getProperty("xAxisMinimum"); // specifies the maximum range for the X-axis (RADIUS MODE VALUE) gotBAxis = false; // B-axis always requires customization to match the machine specific functions for doing rotations bAxisIsManual = true; // B-axis is manually set and not programmable gotPolarInterpolation = true; // specifies if the machine has XY polar interpolation capabilities gotDoorControl = false; useCAxisSelectWithTurning = false; setProperty("useG400", false); useMultiAxisFeatures = true; useExtendedOffsets = getProperty("useExtendedOffsets") == "default" ? "false" : getProperty("useExtendedOffsets"); } else if ((getProperty("machineModel") == "LYNX") || (getProperty("machineModel") == "LYNX_YAXIS")) { modelType = "Lynx"; if (getProperty("machineModel") == "LYNX_YAXIS") { turret1GotYAxis = true; yAxisMinimum = toPreciseUnit(-52.5, MM); // specifies the minimum range for the Y-axis yAxisMaximum = toPreciseUnit(52.5, MM); // specifies the maximum range for the Y-axis } else { turret1GotYAxis = false; yAxisMinimum = toPreciseUnit(0, MM); // specifies the minimum range for the Y-axis yAxisMaximum = toPreciseUnit(0, MM); // specifies the maximum range for the Y-axis } xAxisMinimum = getProperty("xAxisMinimum"); // specifies the maximum range for the X-axis (RADIUS MODE VALUE) gotBAxis = false; // B-axis always requires customization to match the machine specific functions for doing rotations bAxisIsManual = true; // B-axis is manually set and not programmable gotPolarInterpolation = true; // specifies if the machine has XY polar interpolation capabilities gotDoorControl = false; useCAxisSelectWithTurning = false; setProperty("useG400", false); useMultiAxisFeatures = false; useExtendedOffsets = getProperty("useExtendedOffsets") == "default" ? "false" : getProperty("useExtendedOffsets"); } else if (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_MX") { modelType = "Puma MX"; turret1GotYAxis = true; yAxisMinimum = toPreciseUnit(-115, MM); // specifies the minimum range for the Y-axis yAxisMaximum = toPreciseUnit(115, MM); // specifies the maximum range for the Y-axis xAxisMinimum = getProperty("xAxisMinimum") == 0 ? toPreciseUnit(-125, MM) : getProperty("xAxisMinimum"); // specifies the maximum range for the X-axis (RADIUS MODE VALUE) gotBAxis = true; // B-axis always requires customization to match the machine specific functions for doing rotations bAxisIsManual = false; // B-axis is manually set and not programmable gotPolarInterpolation = true; // specifies if the machine has XY polar interpolation capabilities gotDoorControl = false; useCAxisSelectWithTurning = false; useMultiAxisFeatures = true; useExtendedOffsets = getProperty("useExtendedOffsets") == "default" ? "main" : getProperty("useExtendedOffsets"); } else if (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_SMX") { modelType = "Puma SMX"; turret1GotYAxis = true; yAxisMinimum = toPreciseUnit(-115, MM); // specifies the minimum range for the Y-axis yAxisMaximum = toPreciseUnit(115, MM); // specifies the maximum range for the Y-axis xAxisMinimum = getProperty("xAxisMinimum") == 0 ? toPreciseUnit(-125, MM) : getProperty("xAxisMinimum"); // specifies the maximum range for the X-axis (RADIUS MODE VALUE) gotBAxis = true; // B-axis always requires customization to match the machine specific functions for doing rotations bAxisIsManual = false; // B-axis is manually set and not programmable gotPolarInterpolation = true; // specifies if the machine has XY polar interpolation capabilities gotDoorControl = false; useMultiAxisFeatures = true; useCAxisSelectWithTurning = false; useExtendedOffsets = getProperty("useExtendedOffsets") == "default" ? "both" : getProperty("useExtendedOffsets"); } else { error(localize("Machine type must be 'Puma', 'Lynx', 'Lynx with Y-Axis', 'Puma MX', or 'Puma SMX'")); } // define B-axis if (gotBAxis) { if (bAxisIsManual) { bFormat.setPrefix("(B="); bFormat.setSuffix(")"); bOutput.setFormat(bFormat); gWCSModal.format(69.1); } else { bFormat.setPrefix("B"); bFormat.setSuffix(""); bOutput.setFormat(bFormat); subOutput.setPrefix("A"); gWCSModal.format(369); } } } function activateMachine(section) { // TCP setting operationSupportsTCP = section.isMultiAxis() && getProperty("useTCP") && (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_MX" || getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_SMX"); // handle multiple turrets var turret = 1; if (gotMultiTurret) { turret = section.getTool().turret; if (turret == 0) { warningOnce(localize("Turret has not been specified. Using Turret 1 as default."), WARNING_TURRET_UNSPECIFIED); turret = 1; // upper turret as default } turret = turret == undefined ? 1 : turret; switch (turret) { case 1: gotYAxis = turret1GotYAxis; gotBAxis = turret1GotBAxis; break; case 2: gotYAxis = turret2GotYAxis; gotBAxis = false; break; default: error(subst(localize("Turret %1 is not supported"), turret)); return turret; } } else { gotYAxis = turret1GotYAxis; } // disable unsupported rotary axes output if (!gotYAxis) { yOutput.disable(); } aOutput.disable(); // define machine configuration var bAxis; var cAxis; if (section.getSpindle() == SPINDLE_PRIMARY) { bAxis = createAxis({coordinate:1, table:false, axis:[0, -1, 0], range:[-90, 45], preference:0, tcp:true}); cAxis = createAxis({coordinate:2, table:true, axis:[0, 0, 1], cyclic:true, preference:0, tcp:operationSupportsTCP}); } else { bAxis = createAxis({coordinate:1, table:false, axis:[0, 1, 0], range:[-45, 90], preference:0, tcp:true}); cAxis = createAxis({coordinate:2, table:true, axis:[0, 0, -1], cyclic:true, preference:0, tcp:operationSupportsTCP}); } if (gotBAxis) { machineConfiguration = new MachineConfiguration(bAxis, cAxis); bOutput.enable(); } else { machineConfiguration = new MachineConfiguration(cAxis); bOutput.disable(); } // define spindle axis if (!gotBAxis || bAxisIsManual || (turret == 2)) { if ((getMachiningDirection(section) == MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL) && !section.isMultiAxis()) { machineConfiguration.setSpindleAxis(new Vector(0, 0, 1)); } else { machineConfiguration.setSpindleAxis(new Vector(1, 0, 0)); } } else { machineConfiguration.setSpindleAxis(new Vector(1, 0, 0)); // set the spindle axis depending on B0 orientation } // define linear axes limits var xAxisMaximum = 10000; // don't check X-axis maximum limit yAxisMinimum = gotYAxis ? yAxisMinimum : 0; yAxisMaximum = gotYAxis ? yAxisMaximum : 0; var xAxis = createAxis({actuator:"linear", coordinate:0, table:true, axis:[1, 0, 0], range:[xAxisMinimum, xAxisMaximum]}); var yAxis = createAxis({actuator:"linear", coordinate:1, table:true, axis:[0, 1, 0], range:[yAxisMinimum, yAxisMaximum]}); var zAxis = createAxis({actuator:"linear", coordinate:2, table:true, axis:[0, 0, 1], range:[-100000, 100000]}); machineConfiguration.setAxisX(xAxis); machineConfiguration.setAxisY(yAxis); machineConfiguration.setAxisZ(zAxis); // enable retract/reconfigure safeRetractDistance = (unit == IN) ? 1 : 25; // additional distance to retract out of stock, can be overridden with a property safeRetractFeed = (unit == IN) ? 20 : 500; // retract feed rate safePlungeFeed = (unit == IN) ? 10 : 250; // plunge feed rate var stockExpansion = new Vector(toPreciseUnit(0.1, IN), toPreciseUnit(0.1, IN), toPreciseUnit(0.1, IN)); // expand stock XYZ values machineConfiguration.enableMachineRewinds(); machineConfiguration.setSafeRetractDistance(safeRetractDistance); machineConfiguration.setSafeRetractFeedrate(safeRetractFeed); machineConfiguration.setSafePlungeFeedrate(safePlungeFeed); machineConfiguration.setRewindStockExpansion(stockExpansion); // multi-axis feedrates machineConfiguration.setMultiAxisFeedrate( operationSupportsTCP ? FEED_FPM : FEED_DPM, // FEED_INVERSE_TIME, 99999, // maximum output value for dpm feed rates DPM_COMBINATION, // INVERSE_MINUTES/INVERSE_SECONDS or DPM_COMBINATION/DPM_STANDARD 0.5, // tolerance to determine when the DPM feed has changed unit == MM ? 1.0 : 1.0 // ratio of rotary accuracy to linear accuracy for DPM calculations ); machineConfiguration.setVendor("DN Solutions / Doosan"); machineConfiguration.setModel(modelType); setMachineConfiguration(machineConfiguration); if (section.isMultiAxis()) { section.optimizeMachineAnglesByMachine(machineConfiguration, OPTIMIZE_AXIS); } return turret; } function onOpen() { if (getProperty("useRadius")) { maximumCircularSweep = toRad(90); // avoid potential center calculation errors for CNC } if (!getProperty("useSpindlePcodes")) { spOutput.disable(); } if (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_SMX") { peckOutput.setNumberOfDecimals(unit == MM ? 4 : 5); peckOutput.setMinDigitsRight(unit == MM ? 4 : 5); } // Copy certain properties into global variables showSequenceNumbers = getProperty("showSequenceNumbers"); transferType = parseToggle(getProperty("transferType"), "PHASE", "SPEED"); if (transferType == undefined) { error(localize("TransferType must be Phase or Speed")); return; } transferUseTorque = getProperty("transferUseTorque"); setProperty("useTailStockPosition", (getProperty("useTailStockPositioning") == "offset" && getProperty("useTailStockPosition") == 0) ? toPreciseUnit(0.25, IN) : getProperty("useTailStockPosition")); // Setup default M-codes mInterferModal.format(getCode("INTERFERENCE_CHECK_ON", SPINDLE_MAIN)); mTappingModal.format(177); // reverse tapping off // define machine defineMachine(); turret1GotBAxis = gotBAxis; activeTurret = activateMachine(getSection(0)); if (highFeedrate <= 0) { error(localize("You must set 'highFeedrate' because axes are not synchronized for rapid traversal.")); return; } reverseAxes = getProperty("reverseAxes", false); if (!getProperty("separateWordsWithSpace")) { setWordSeparator(""); } sequenceNumber = getProperty("sequenceNumberStart"); writeln("%"); if (programName) { var programId; try { programId = getAsInt(programName); } catch (e) { error(localize("Program name must be a number.")); return; } if (!((programId >= 1) && (programId <= 9999))) { error(localize("Program number is out of range.")); return; } if (programComment) { writeln("O" + oFormat.format(programId) + " (" + filterText(String(programComment).toUpperCase(), permittedCommentChars) + ")"); } else { writeln("O" + oFormat.format(programId)); } } else { error(localize("Program name has not been specified.")); return; } if (getProperty("writeVersion")) { if ((typeof getHeaderVersion == "function") && getHeaderVersion()) { writeComment(localize("post version") + ": " + getHeaderVersion()); } if ((typeof getHeaderDate == "function") && getHeaderDate()) { writeComment(localize("post modified") + ": " + getHeaderDate()); } } // dump machine configuration var vendor = machineConfiguration.getVendor(); var model = machineConfiguration.getModel(); var mDescription = machineConfiguration.getDescription(); if (getProperty("writeMachine") && (vendor || model || mDescription)) { writeComment(localize("Machine")); if (vendor) { writeComment(" " + localize("vendor") + ": " + vendor); } if (model) { writeComment(" " + localize("model") + ": " + model); } if (mDescription) { writeComment(" " + localize("description") + ": " + mDescription); } } // dump tool information if (getProperty("writeTools")) { var zRanges = {}; if (is3D()) { var numberOfSections = getNumberOfSections(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfSections; ++i) { var section = getSection(i); var zRange = section.getGlobalZRange(); var tool = section.getTool(); if (zRanges[tool.number]) { zRanges[tool.number].expandToRange(zRange); } else { zRanges[tool.number] = zRange; } } } var tools = getToolTable(); if (tools.getNumberOfTools() > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < tools.getNumberOfTools(); ++i) { var tool = tools.getTool(i); var toolOffsetFactor = getToolOffsetFactor(tool); toolFormat.setMinDigitsLeft(toolOffsetFactor == 1000 ? 5 : 4); var compensationOffset = tool.isTurningTool() ? tool.compensationOffset : tool.lengthOffset; var comment = "T" + toolFormat.format(tool.number * toolOffsetFactor + compensationOffset % toolOffsetFactor) + " " + "D=" + spatialFormat.format(tool.diameter) + " " + (tool.diameter != 0 ? "D=" + spatialFormat.format(tool.diameter) + " " : "") + (tool.isTurningTool() ? localize("NR") + "=" + spatialFormat.format(tool.noseRadius) : localize("CR") + "=" + spatialFormat.format(tool.cornerRadius)) + (tool.taperAngle > 0 && (tool.taperAngle < Math.PI) ? " " + localize("TAPER") + "=" + taperFormat.format(tool.taperAngle) + localize("deg") : "") + (zRanges[tool.number] ? " - " + localize("ZMIN") + "=" + spatialFormat.format(zRanges[tool.number].getMinimum()) : "") + " - " + localize(getToolTypeName(tool.type)); writeComment(comment); } } } if (false) { // check for duplicate tool number for (var i = 0; i < getNumberOfSections(); ++i) { var sectioni = getSection(i); var tooli = sectioni.getTool(); for (var j = i + 1; j < getNumberOfSections(); ++j) { var sectionj = getSection(j); var toolj = sectionj.getTool(); if (tooli.number == toolj.number) { if (spatialFormat.areDifferent(tooli.diameter, toolj.diameter) || spatialFormat.areDifferent(tooli.cornerRadius, toolj.cornerRadius) || abcFormat.areDifferent(tooli.taperAngle, toolj.taperAngle) || (tooli.numberOfFlutes != toolj.numberOfFlutes)) { error( subst( localize("Using the same tool number for different cutter geometry for operation '%1' and '%2'."), sectioni.hasParameter("operation-comment") ? sectioni.getParameter("operation-comment") : ("#" + (i + 1)), sectionj.hasParameter("operation-comment") ? sectionj.getParameter("operation-comment") : ("#" + (j + 1)) ) ); return; } } } } } // support program looping for bar work if (getProperty("looping")) { if (getProperty("numberOfRepeats") < 1) { error(localize("numberOfRepeats must be greater than 0.")); return; } if (sequenceNumber == 1) { sequenceNumber++; } writeln(""); writeln(""); writeComment(localize("Local Looping")); writeln(""); writeBlock(mFormat.format(98), "Q1", "L" + getProperty("numberOfRepeats")); onCommand(COMMAND_OPEN_DOOR); writeBlock(mFormat.format(30)); writeln(""); writeln(""); writeln("N1 (START MAIN PROGRAM)"); } writeBlock( gFormat.format(0), gFormat.format(18), gUnitModal.format((unit == IN) ? 20 : 21), gFormat.format(40), gFormat.format(54), gFormat.format(80), gFormat.format(99), (conditional(gotSecondarySpindle, mFormat.format(getCode("INTERFERENCE_CHECK_OFF", SPINDLE_MAIN)))) ); onCommand(COMMAND_CLOSE_DOOR); if (getProperty("gotChipConveyor")) { onCommand(COMMAND_START_CHIP_TRANSPORT); } // SMX requires the C-axes to be disabled at start of program if (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_SMX") { cAxisEngageModal.reset(); writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSecondarySpindle()))); } // automatically eject part at end of program if (getProperty("autoEject") != "false") { ejectRoutine = true; } // determine starting spindle switch (getSection(0).spindle) { case SPINDLE_PRIMARY: // main spindle activeSpindle = SPINDLE_MAIN; machineState.mainChuckIsClamped = true; break; case SPINDLE_SECONDARY: // sub spindle activeSpindle = SPINDLE_SUB; machineState.subChuckIsClamped = true; break; } } function onComment(message) { writeComment(message); } /** Force output of X, Y, and Z. */ function forceXYZ() { xOutput.reset(); yOutput.reset(); zOutput.reset(); } /** Force output of A, B, and C. */ function forceABC() { aOutput.reset(); bOutput.reset(); cOutput.reset(); } function forceFeed() { currentFeedId = undefined; feedOutput.reset(); } /** Force output of X, Y, Z, A, B, C, and F on next output. */ function forceAny() { forceXYZ(); forceABC(); forceFeed(); } function forceUnlockMultiAxis() { cAxisBrakeModal.reset(); } function forceModals() { if (arguments.length == 0) { // reset all modal variables listed below if (typeof gMotionModal != "undefined") { gMotionModal.reset(); } if (typeof gPlaneModal != "undefined") { gPlaneModal.reset(); } if (typeof gAbsIncModal != "undefined") { gAbsIncModal.reset(); } if (typeof gFeedModeModal != "undefined") { gFeedModeModal.reset(); } } else { for (var i in arguments) { arguments[i].reset(); // only reset the modal variable passed to this function } } } function FeedContext(id, description, feed) { this.id = id; this.description = description; this.feed = feed; } function formatFeedMode(mode) { var fMode = (mode == FEED_PER_REVOLUTION || tapping) ? getCode("FEED_MODE_UNIT_REV") : getCode("FEED_MODE_UNIT_MIN"); if (fMode) { feedFormat = mode == FEED_PER_REVOLUTION ? fprFormat : fpmFormat; feedOutput.setFormat(feedFormat); } return gFeedModeModal.format(fMode); } function getFeed(f) { if (currentSection.feedMode != FEED_PER_REVOLUTION && machineState.feedPerRevolution) { f /= spindleSpeed; } if (activeMovements) { var feedContext = activeMovements[movement]; if (feedContext != undefined) { if (!feedFormat.areDifferent(feedContext.feed, f)) { if (feedContext.id == currentFeedId) { return ""; // nothing has changed } forceFeed(); currentFeedId = feedContext.id; return "F#" + (firstFeedParameter + feedContext.id); } } currentFeedId = undefined; // force Q feed next time } return feedOutput.format(f); // use feed value } function initializeActiveFeeds() { activeMovements = new Array(); var movements = currentSection.getMovements(); var feedPerRev = currentSection.feedMode == FEED_PER_REVOLUTION; var id = 0; var activeFeeds = new Array(); if (hasParameter("operation:tool_feedCutting")) { if (movements & ((1 << MOVEMENT_CUTTING) | (1 << MOVEMENT_LINK_TRANSITION) | (1 << MOVEMENT_EXTENDED))) { var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Cutting"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedCuttingRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedCutting")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_CUTTING] = feedContext; if (!hasParameter("operation:tool_feedTransition")) { activeMovements[MOVEMENT_LINK_TRANSITION] = feedContext; } activeMovements[MOVEMENT_EXTENDED] = feedContext; } ++id; if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_PREDRILL)) { feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Predrilling"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedCuttingRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedCutting")); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_PREDRILL] = feedContext; activeFeeds.push(feedContext); } ++id; } if (hasParameter("operation:finishFeedrate")) { if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_FINISH_CUTTING)) { var finishFeedrateRel; if (hasParameter("operation:finishFeedrateRel")) { finishFeedrateRel = getParameter("operation:finishFeedrateRel"); } else if (hasParameter("operation:finishFeedratePerRevolution")) { finishFeedrateRel = getParameter("operation:finishFeedratePerRevolution"); } var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Finish"), feedPerRev ? finishFeedrateRel : getParameter("operation:finishFeedrate")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_FINISH_CUTTING] = feedContext; } ++id; } else if (hasParameter("operation:tool_feedCutting")) { if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_FINISH_CUTTING)) { var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Finish"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedCuttingRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedCutting")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_FINISH_CUTTING] = feedContext; } ++id; } if (hasParameter("operation:tool_feedEntry")) { if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_LEAD_IN)) { var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Entry"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedEntryRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedEntry")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_LEAD_IN] = feedContext; } ++id; } if (hasParameter("operation:tool_feedExit")) { if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_LEAD_OUT)) { var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Exit"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedExitRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedExit")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_LEAD_OUT] = feedContext; } ++id; } if (hasParameter("operation:noEngagementFeedrate")) { if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_LINK_DIRECT)) { var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Direct"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:noEngagementFeedrateRel") : getParameter("operation:noEngagementFeedrate")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_LINK_DIRECT] = feedContext; } ++id; } else if (hasParameter("operation:tool_feedCutting") && hasParameter("operation:tool_feedEntry") && hasParameter("operation:tool_feedExit")) { if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_LINK_DIRECT)) { var feedContext = new FeedContext( id, localize("Direct"), Math.max( feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedCuttingRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedCutting"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedEntryRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedEntry"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedExitRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedExit") ) ); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_LINK_DIRECT] = feedContext; } ++id; } if (hasParameter("operation:reducedFeedrate")) { if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_REDUCED)) { var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Reduced"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:reducedFeedrateRel") : getParameter("operation:reducedFeedrate")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_REDUCED] = feedContext; } ++id; } if (hasParameter("operation:tool_feedRamp")) { if (movements & ((1 << MOVEMENT_RAMP) | (1 << MOVEMENT_RAMP_HELIX) | (1 << MOVEMENT_RAMP_PROFILE) | (1 << MOVEMENT_RAMP_ZIG_ZAG))) { var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Ramping"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedRampRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedRamp")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_RAMP] = feedContext; activeMovements[MOVEMENT_RAMP_HELIX] = feedContext; activeMovements[MOVEMENT_RAMP_PROFILE] = feedContext; activeMovements[MOVEMENT_RAMP_ZIG_ZAG] = feedContext; } ++id; } if (hasParameter("operation:tool_feedPlunge")) { if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_PLUNGE)) { var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Plunge"), feedPerRev ? getParameter("operation:tool_feedPlungeRel") : getParameter("operation:tool_feedPlunge")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_PLUNGE] = feedContext; } ++id; } if (true) { // high feed if ((movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_HIGH_FEED)) || (highFeedMapping != HIGH_FEED_NO_MAPPING)) { var feed; if (hasParameter("operation:highFeedrateMode") && getParameter("operation:highFeedrateMode") != "disabled") { feed = getParameter("operation:highFeedrate"); } else { feed = this.highFeedrate; } var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("High Feed"), feed); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_HIGH_FEED] = feedContext; activeMovements[MOVEMENT_RAPID] = feedContext; } ++id; } if (hasParameter("operation:tool_feedTransition")) { if (movements & (1 << MOVEMENT_LINK_TRANSITION)) { var feedContext = new FeedContext(id, localize("Transition"), getParameter("operation:tool_feedTransition")); activeFeeds.push(feedContext); activeMovements[MOVEMENT_LINK_TRANSITION] = feedContext; } ++id; } for (var i = 0; i < activeFeeds.length; ++i) { var feedContext = activeFeeds[i]; writeBlock("#" + (firstFeedParameter + feedContext.id) + "=" + feedFormat.format(feedContext.feed), formatComment(feedContext.description)); } } var currentWorkPlaneABC = undefined; function forceWorkPlane() { currentWorkPlaneABC = undefined; } function cancelWorkPlane() { cancelTransformation(); if (gotBAxis && (activeTurret != 2)) { if (bAxisIsManual) { writeBlock(gWCSModal.format(69.1)); } else { writeBlock(gWCSModal.format(369)); } forceWorkPlane(); } } function getTCP(abc) { tcp = (gotBAxis && activeTurret != 2) && (machineState.axialCenterDrilling || // (getProperty("useG400") && (Math.abs(bFormat.getResultingValue(abc.y)) == 90)) || (machineState.usePolarInterpolation || machineState.usePolarCoordinates)); return tcp; } // determines if G368 is used function useG368(abc) { if ((gotBAxis && (activeTurret != 2)) && (abc.y != 0) && !bAxisIsManual) { if (!(getProperty("useG400") && ((bFormat.getResultingValue(abc.y) == 0) || (Math.abs(bFormat.getResultingValue(abc.y)) == 90)))) { return true; } } return false; } function setWorkPlane(abc) { if (!machineConfiguration.isMultiAxisConfiguration()) { return; // ignore } if (!((currentWorkPlaneABC == undefined) || abcFormat.areDifferent(abc.x, currentWorkPlaneABC.x) || abcFormat.areDifferent(abc.y, currentWorkPlaneABC.y) || abcFormat.areDifferent(abc.z, currentWorkPlaneABC.z))) { return; // no change } onCommand(COMMAND_UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS); if ((gotBAxis && (activeTurret != 2)) && (abc.y != 0)) { if (bAxisIsManual) { writeBlock( gMotionModal.format(0), conditional(machineConfiguration.isMachineCoordinate(0), aOutput.format(abc.x)), conditional(machineConfiguration.isMachineCoordinate(1), bFormat.format(abc.y)), conditional(machineConfiguration.isMachineCoordinate(2), cOutput.format(abc.z)) ); if (useMultiAxisFeatures) { writeBlock(gWCSModal.format(68.1), "X" + spatialFormat.format(0), conditional(gotYAxis, "Y" + spatialFormat.format(0)), "Z" + spatialFormat.format(0), "I" + spatialFormat.format(0), "J" + spatialFormat.format(1), "K" + spatialFormat.format(0), "R" + abcFormat.format((getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? abc.y : -abc.y) ); } } else { if (getProperty("useG400") && ((bFormat.getResultingValue(abc.y) == 0) || (Math.abs(bFormat.getResultingValue(abc.y)) == 90))) { if (currentWorkPlaneABC == undefined || abcFormat.areDifferent(abc.y, currentWorkPlaneABC.y)) { setSpindleOrientationMilling(abc); } } else if (currentWorkPlaneABC == undefined || abcFormat.areDifferent(abc.y, currentWorkPlaneABC.y) || gWCSModal.getCurrent() == 369) { var compensationOffset = tool.isTurningTool() ? tool.compensationOffset : tool.lengthOffset; var toolAxisMode = (machineState.usePolarInterpolation || machineState.usePolarCoordinates || machineState.axialCenterDrilling) ? 0 : 1; // D0 = tool axis is Z-axis, D1 = tool axis is X-axis gWCSModal.reset(); writeBlock( gWCSModal.format(368), "X" + spatialFormat.format(0), "Z" + spatialFormat.format(0), "D" + spatialFormat.format(toolAxisMode), bFormat.format((getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? abc.y : -abc.y), // only B-axis is supported for G368 "W" + compensationOffset ); } if ((getSpindle(TOOL) == SPINDLE_LIVE) && machineConfiguration.isMachineCoordinate(2)) { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), cOutput.format(abc.z)); } } } else { if (getProperty("useG400") && (activeTurret != 2)) { setSpindleOrientationMilling(abc); if ((getSpindle(TOOL) == SPINDLE_LIVE) && machineConfiguration.isMachineCoordinate(2)) { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), cOutput.format(abc.z)); } } else { writeBlock( gMotionModal.format(0), conditional(machineConfiguration.isMachineCoordinate(0), aOutput.format(abc.x)), conditional(machineConfiguration.isMachineCoordinate(1), bFormat.format(abc.y)), conditional(machineConfiguration.isMachineCoordinate(2), cOutput.format(abc.z)) ); } } if (!machineState.usePolarInterpolation && !machineState.usePolarCoordinates && !currentSection.isMultiAxis() && (getSpindle(TOOL) == SPINDLE_LIVE)) { onCommand(COMMAND_LOCK_MULTI_AXIS); } currentWorkPlaneABC = new Vector(abc); setCurrentDirection(abc); } function getBestABC(section) { // try workplane orientation var abc = section.getABCByPreference(machineConfiguration, section.workPlane, getCurrentDirection(), C, PREFER_CLOSEST, ENABLE_ALL); if (section.doesToolpathFitWithinLimits(machineConfiguration, abc)) { return abc; } var currentABC = new Vector(abc); // quadrant boundaries are the preferred solution var quadrants = [0, 90, 180, 270]; for (var i = 0; i < quadrants.length; ++i) { abc.setZ(toRad(quadrants[i])); if (section.doesToolpathFitWithinLimits(machineConfiguration, abc)) { abc = machineConfiguration.remapToABC(abc, currentABC); abc = machineConfiguration.remapABC(abc); return abc; } } // attempt to find soultion at fixed angle rotations var maxTries = 60; // every 6 degrees var delta = (Math.PI * 2) / maxTries; var angle = delta; for (var i = 0; i < (maxTries - 1); i++) { abc.setZ(angle); if (section.doesToolpathFitWithinLimits(machineConfiguration, abc)) { abc = machineConfiguration.remapToABC(abc, currentABC); abc = machineConfiguration.remapABC(abc); return abc; } angle += delta; } return abc; } function getWorkPlaneMachineABC(section, workPlane) { var W = workPlane; // map to global frame var abc; if (machineState.isTurningOperation && gotBAxis) { var both = machineConfiguration.getABCByDirectionBoth(workPlane.forward); abc = both[0]; if (both[0].z != 0) { abc = both[1]; } } else { abc = bestABC ? bestABC : section.getABCByPreference(machineConfiguration, W, getCurrentDirection(), C, PREFER_CLOSEST, ENABLE_RESET); } var direction = machineConfiguration.getDirection(abc); if (!isSameDirection(direction, W.forward)) { error(localize("Orientation not supported.")); } if (machineState.isTurningOperation && gotBAxis && !bAxisIsManual) { // remapABC can change the B-axis orientation if (abc.z != 0) { error(localize("Could not calculate a B-axis turning angle within the range of the machine.")); } } var tcp = getTCP(abc); if (tcp) { setRotation(W); // TCP mode } else { if (true) { var tempABC = (getProperty("useG400") && (Math.abs(bFormat.getResultingValue(abc.y)) == 90)) ? new Vector(abc.x, 0, abc.z) : new Vector(abc.x, (useMultiAxisFeatures ? abc.y : 0), abc.z); // Use for a Z-axis orientation rather than an X-axis orientation with a B-axis // Other changes are required when not using G368 for this operation // Need to support sub-spindle /*if (gotBAxis && isSameDirection(machineConfiguration.getSpindleAxis().abs, new Vector(1, 0, 0))) { tempABC = new Vector(abc.x, toRad(90) + abc.y, abc.z); }*/ var O = machineConfiguration.getOrientation(tempABC); var R = machineConfiguration.getRemainingOrientation(tempABC, W); setRotation(R); } } if (machineState.usePolarCoordinates) { // set C-axis to initial polar coordinate position var initialPosition = getFramePosition(section.getInitialPosition()); var polarPosition = getPolarCoordinates(initialPosition, abc); abc.setZ(polarPosition.second.z); } return abc; } var bAxisOrientationTurning = new Vector(0, 0, 0); function setSpindleOrientationTurning(insertToolCall) { cancelTransformation(); var leftHandtool; if (hasParameter("operation:tool_hand")) { if (getParameter("operation:tool_hand") == "L") { // TAG: add neutral tool to Left hand case if (getParameter("operation:tool_holderType") == 0) { leftHandtool = false; } else { leftHandtool = true; } } else { leftHandtool = false; } } var J; var R; var spindleMain = getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_MAIN; if (hasParameter("operation:turningMode") && (getParameter("operation:turningMode") == "front")) { if ((getParameter("operation:direction") == "front to back")) { R = spindleMain ? 2 : 1; } else { R = spindleMain ? 3 : 4; } } else if (hasParameter("operation:machineInside")) { if (getParameter("operation:machineInside") == 0) { R = spindleMain ? 3 : 4; } else { R = spindleMain ? 2 : 1; } } else { if ((hasParameter("operation-strategy") && (getParameter("operation-strategy") == "turningFace") || (hasParameter("operation-strategy") && (getParameter("operation-strategy") == "turningPart")))) { R = spindleMain ? 3 : 4; } else { error(localize("Failed to identify R-value for G400 for Operation " + "\"" + (getParameter("operation-comment").toUpperCase()) + "\"")); return; } } if (leftHandtool) { J = spindleMain ? 2 : 1; } else { J = spindleMain ? 1 : 2; } if ((bAxisOrientationTurning.y < machineConfiguration.getAxisU().getRange().getMinimum()) || (bAxisOrientationTurning.y > machineConfiguration.getAxisU().getRange().getMaximum())) { error(localize("B-Axis Orientation is out of range in operation " + "\"" + (getParameter("operation-comment").toUpperCase()) + "\"")); } if (insertToolCall || abcFormat.areDifferent(machineState.currentBAxisOrientationTurning.y, bAxisOrientationTurning.y) || (previousSpindle != getSpindle(PART))) { if (!spindleMain) { bAxisOrientationTurning.y *= -1; } if (!insertToolCall) { goHome(); writeBlock("T" + toolFormat.format(currentToolCode)); } writeBlock(gFormat.format(400), "B" + spatialFormat.format(toDeg(bAxisOrientationTurning.y)), "J" + spatialFormat.format(J), "R" + spatialFormat.format(R)); } machineState.currentBAxisOrientationTurning.y = bAxisOrientationTurning.y; } function getBAxisOrientationTurning(section) { var toolAngle = hasParameter("operation:tool_angle") ? getParameter("operation:tool_angle") : 0; var toolOrientation = section.toolOrientation; if (toolAngle && toolOrientation != 0) { // error(localize("You cannot use tool angle and tool orientation together in operation " + "\"" + (getParameter("operation-comment")) + "\"")); } var angle = toRad(toolAngle) + toolOrientation; var axis = new Vector(0, 1, 0); var mappedAngle; if (bAxisIsManual) { mappedAngle = 0; // manual b-axis used for milling only } else { mappedAngle = (currentSection.spindle == SPINDLE_PRIMARY ? (Math.PI / 2 - angle) : (Math.PI / 2 - angle)); } var mappedWorkplane = new Matrix(axis, mappedAngle); var abc = getWorkPlaneMachineABC(section, mappedWorkplane); return abc; } function setSpindleOrientationMilling(abc) { if (getProperty("useG400")) { var J; switch (getSpindle(TOOL)) { case SPINDLE_MAIN: J = 1; break; case SPINDLE_SUB: J = 2; break; case SPINDLE_LIVE: J = 0; break; } bOutput.reset(); writeBlock(gFormat.format(400), bOutput.format(getB(abc, currentSection)), "J" + spatialFormat.format(J)); writeBlock(mFormat.format(101)); // unclamp B-axis after G400 - per manual } else { if (gWCSModal.getCurrent() != 369 && !bAxisIsManual) { writeBlock(gFormat.format(369)); } bOutput.reset(); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), bOutput.format(getB(abc, currentSection))); } } function getSpindle(whichSpindle) { // safety conditions if (getNumberOfSections() == 0) { return SPINDLE_MAIN; } if (getCurrentSectionId() < 0) { if (machineState.liveToolIsActive && (whichSpindle == TOOL)) { return SPINDLE_LIVE; } else { return getSection(getNumberOfSections() - 1).spindle; } } // Turning is active or calling routine requested which spindle part is loaded into if (machineState.isTurningOperation || machineState.axialCenterDrilling || (whichSpindle == PART)) { return currentSection.spindle; //Milling is active } else { return SPINDLE_LIVE; } } function getSecondarySpindle() { var spindle = getSpindle(PART); return (spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) ? SPINDLE_SUB : SPINDLE_MAIN; } /** Calculate the C-axis scale value */ // TAG Polar interpolation does not support a 0,0,-1 axis vector function getCScale(scale) { if (machineState.usePolarCoordinates) { if (Vector.dot(machineConfiguration.getAxisU().getAxis(), new Vector(0, 0, 1)) != 0) { direction = (machineConfiguration.getAxisU().getAxis().getCoordinate(2) >= 0) ? 1 : -1; // C-axis is the U-axis } else { direction = (machineConfiguration.getAxisV().getAxis().getCoordinate(2) >= 0) ? 1 : -1; // C-axis is the V-axis } return scale * direction; } else { return scale; } } /** Invert YZC axes for the sub-spindle. */ function invertAxes(activate, polarMode) { var scaleValue = reverseAxes ? (polarMode ? 1 : -1) : 1; var yAxisPrefix = polarMode ? "C" : "Y"; var yIsEnabled = yOutput.isEnabled(); yFormat.setScale(activate ? scaleValue : 1); zFormat.setScale(activate ? -1 : 1); cFormat.setScale(DEG * (activate ? getCScale(scaleValue) : getCScale(1))); yOutput.setFormat(yFormat); yOutput.setPrefix(yAxisPrefix); zOutput.setFormat(zFormat); cOutput.setFormat(cFormat); if (polarMode) { cOutput.disable(); } else { if (!yIsEnabled) { yOutput.disable(); } } jOutput.setFormat(yFormat); kOutput.setFormat(zFormat); } /** determines if the axes in the given plane are mirrored */ function isMirrored(plane) { plane = plane == -1 ? getCompensationPlane(getCurrentDirection(), false, false) : plane; switch (plane) { case PLANE_XY: if ((xFormat.getScale() * yFormat.getScale()) < 0) { return true; } break; case PLANE_YZ: if ((yFormat.getScale() * zFormat.getScale()) < 0) { return true; } break; case PLANE_ZX: if ((zFormat.getScale() * xFormat.getScale()) < 0) { return true; } break; } return false; } function isPerpto(a, b) { return Math.abs(Vector.dot(a, b)) < (1e-7); } function onSectionSpecialCycle() { if (!isFirstSection()) { activateMachine(currentSection); } } function onSection() { offsetFactor = getToolOffsetFactor(tool); toolFormat.setMinDigitsLeft(offsetFactor == 1000 ? 5 : 4); // Detect machine configuration var currentTurret = isFirstSection() ? activeTurret : activateMachine(currentSection); // Define Machining modes tapping = isTappingCycle(); var forceSectionRestart = optionalSection && !currentSection.isOptional(); optionalSection = currentSection.isOptional(); bestABC = undefined; setCurrentDirection(isFirstSection() ? new Vector(0, 0, 0) : getCurrentDirection()); machineState.isTurningOperation = (currentSection.getType() == TYPE_TURNING); if (machineState.isTurningOperation && gotBAxis) { bAxisOrientationTurning = getBAxisOrientationTurning(currentSection); } var insertToolCall = isToolChangeNeeded("number", "compensationOffset", "diameterOffset", "lengthOffset") || forceSectionRestart; var newWorkOffset = isNewWorkOffset() || forceSectionRestart; var newWorkPlane = isNewWorkPlane() || forceSectionRestart || (machineState.isTurningOperation && abcFormat.areDifferent(bAxisOrientationTurning.x, machineState.currentBAxisOrientationTurning.x) || abcFormat.areDifferent(bAxisOrientationTurning.y, machineState.currentBAxisOrientationTurning.y) || abcFormat.areDifferent(bAxisOrientationTurning.z, machineState.currentBAxisOrientationTurning.z)); var retracted = false; // specifies that the tool has been retracted to the safe plane partCutoff = getParameter("operation-strategy", "") == "turningPart"; var yAxisWasEnabled = !machineState.usePolarCoordinates && !machineState.usePolarInterpolation && machineState.liveToolIsActive; updateMachiningMode(currentSection); // sets the needed machining mode to machineState (usePolarInterpolation, usePolarCoordinates, axialCenterDrilling) // force tool change on G368 change if (!insertToolCall && !machineState.isTurningOperation && gotBAxis && (currentTurret != 2) && !bAxisIsManual && !currentSection.isMultiAxis()) { var previous = getCurrentDirection(); var abc = getWorkPlaneMachineABC(currentSection, currentSection.workPlane); insertToolCall = useG368(abc) && ((currentWorkPlaneABC == undefined) || abcFormat.areDifferent(abc.y, currentWorkPlaneABC.y)); setCurrentDirection(previous); } // Get the active spindle var newSpindle = true; var tempSpindle = getSpindle(TOOL); var forceSpindle = false; if (isFirstSection()) { previousSpindle = tempSpindle; } newSpindle = tempSpindle != previousSpindle; headOffset = tool.getBodyLength(); // End the previous section if a new tool is selected if (!isFirstSection() && insertToolCall) { if (machineState.spindlesAreSynchronized || machineState.cAxesAreSynchronized) { if (!machineState.spindlesAreAttached) { onCommand(COMMAND_STOP_SPINDLE); } } else { if (previousSpindle == SPINDLE_LIVE) { onCommand(COMMAND_STOP_SPINDLE); forceUnlockMultiAxis(); onCommand(COMMAND_UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS); if ((tempSpindle != SPINDLE_LIVE) && !getProperty("optimizeCAxisSelect") && (getProperty("machineModel") != "PUMA_SMX")) { cAxisEngageModal.reset(); writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); if (machineState.spindlesAreAttached || (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_SMX")) { writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSecondarySpindle()))); } } } else { if (tool.clockwise != getPreviousSection().getTool().clockwise) { forceSpindle = (getProperty("machineModel") != "PUMA_SMX"); if (forceTurningMode) { cAxisEngageModal.reset(); writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); if (machineState.spindlesAreAttached) { writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSecondarySpindle()))); } } onCommand(COMMAND_STOP_SPINDLE); } } } forceTurningMode = false; onCommand(COMMAND_COOLANT_OFF); goHome(); mInterferModal.reset(); if (gotSecondarySpindle) { writeBlock(mInterferModal.format(getCode("INTERFERENCE_CHECK_OFF", getSpindle(PART)))); } if (getProperty("optionalStop")) { onCommand(COMMAND_OPTIONAL_STOP); gMotionModal.reset(); forceSpindle = true; } } // Consider part cutoff as stockTransfer operation if (!(machineState.stockTransferIsActive && partCutoff)) { machineState.stockTransferIsActive = false; } // cancel previous work plane if (insertToolCall) { // insertToolCall is enabled when a B-axis change results in a G368 block cancelWorkPlane(); } // Process Pass Through commands executeManualNC(); // Output the operation description writeln(""); if (hasParameter("operation-comment")) { var comment = getParameter("operation-comment"); if (comment) { if (insertToolCall && getProperty("showSequenceNumbers") == "toolChange") { writeCommentSeqno(comment); } else { writeComment(comment); } } } // invert axes for secondary spindle invertAxes(getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_SUB, false); // polar mode has not been enabled yet // Position all axes at home if (insertToolCall && !machineState.stockTransferIsActive) { if (getProperty("machineModel") != "PUMA_SMX" || currentTurret == 2) { moveSubSpindle(HOME, 0, 0, true, "SUB SPINDLE RETURN", false); } goHome(); // Stop the spindle if (newSpindle) { onCommand(COMMAND_STOP_SPINDLE); } } // wcs if (insertToolCall) { // force work offset when changing tool currentWorkOffset = undefined; } var wcsOut = ""; if (currentSection.workOffset != currentWorkOffset) { forceWorkPlane(); wcsOut = currentSection.wcs; currentWorkOffset = currentSection.workOffset; } // Get active feedrate mode if (insertToolCall) { forceModals(); } var feedMode = formatFeedMode(currentSection.feedMode); // calculate rotary angles var abc = new Vector(0, 0, 0); if (machineConfiguration.isMultiAxisConfiguration()) { if (machineState.isTurningOperation) { if (gotBAxis && (currentTurret != 2)) { cancelTransformation(); // handle B-axis support for turning operations here abc = bAxisOrientationTurning; } else { abc = getWorkPlaneMachineABC(currentSection, currentSection.workPlane); } } else { if (currentSection.isMultiAxis() || isPolarModeActive()) { forceWorkPlane(); cancelTransformation(); abc = currentSection.isMultiAxis() ? currentSection.getInitialToolAxisABC() : getCurrentDirection(); } else { abc = getWorkPlaneMachineABC(currentSection, currentSection.workPlane); } } } else { // pure 3D var remaining = currentSection.workPlane; if (!isSameDirection(remaining.forward, new Vector(0, 0, 1))) { error(localize("Tool orientation is not supported by the CNC machine.")); return; } setRotation(remaining); } // Live Spindle is active if (tempSpindle == SPINDLE_LIVE) { if (insertToolCall || wcsOut || feedMode) { // get machining plane var plane; var found = false; if ((gotBAxis && (currentTurret != 2)) && !bAxisIsManual) { if (useG368(abc) && !machineState.usePolarInterpolation && !machineState.usePolarCoordinates) { plane = 19; // use G19 for B-axis with 368 mode localZoutput = xOutput; found = true; } } if (!found) { plane = machineState.machiningDirection == MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL ? getG17Code() : 18; } gPlaneModal.reset(); if (!getProperty("optimizeCAxisSelect")) { cAxisEngageModal.reset(); forceUnlockMultiAxis(); } writeBlock(wcsOut); if (!machineState.spindlesAreAttached) { if (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_SMX") { writeBlock(feedMode, gPlaneModal.format(plane)); writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); } else { writeBlock(feedMode, gPlaneModal.format(plane), cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); } onCommand(COMMAND_UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS); unwindCAxis(); if (!machineState.usePolarInterpolation && !machineState.usePolarCoordinates && !currentSection.isMultiAxis()) { onCommand(COMMAND_LOCK_MULTI_AXIS); } } else { writeBlock(feedMode, gPlaneModal.format(plane)); } } else { if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation || machineState.usePolarCoordinates || currentSection.isMultiAxis()) { onCommand(COMMAND_UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS); } } // Turning is active } else { if ((insertToolCall || wcsOut || feedMode) && !machineState.stockTransferIsActive) { if (!useCAxisSelectWithTurning) { cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART))); } else if (!getProperty("optimizeCAxisSelect")) { cAxisEngageModal.reset(); } if (insertToolCall) { forceUnlockMultiAxis(); gPlaneModal.reset(); } onCommand(COMMAND_UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS); writeBlock(wcsOut); writeBlock(feedMode, gPlaneModal.format(18), conditional((getProperty("machineModel") != "PUMA_SMX" || useCAxisSelectWithTurning), cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART))))); } else { if (wcsOut) { writeBlock(wcsOut); } writeBlock(feedMode); } } // Write out maximum spindle speed var maximumSpindleSpeed = (tool.maximumSpindleSpeed > 0) ? Math.min(tool.maximumSpindleSpeed, getProperty("maximumSpindleSpeed")) : getProperty("maximumSpindleSpeed"); if ((maximumSpindleSpeed > 0) && (currentSection.getTool().getSpindleMode() == SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED)) { if ((insertToolCall || rpmFormat.areDifferent(maximumSpindleSpeed, previousMaximumSpeed)) && !machineState.stockTransferIsActive) { writeBlock(gFormat.format(50), sOutput.format(maximumSpindleSpeed)); sOutput.reset(); previousMaximumSpeed = maximumSpindleSpeed; } } else { previousMaximumSpeed = 0; // reset for RPM spindle speeds } // Write out notes if (getProperty("showNotes") && hasParameter("notes")) { var notes = getParameter("notes"); if (notes) { var lines = String(notes).split("\n"); var r1 = new RegExp("^[\\s]+", "g"); var r2 = new RegExp("[\\s]+$", "g"); for (line in lines) { var comment = lines[line].replace(r1, "").replace(r2, ""); if (comment) { writeComment(comment); } } } } switch (machineState.machiningDirection) { case MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL: // writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(getG17Code())); break; case MACHINING_DIRECTION_RADIAL: if (gotBAxis && (currentTurret != 2)) { // writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(getG17Code())); } else { // writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(getG17Code())); // RADIAL } break; case MACHINING_DIRECTION_INDEXING: // writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(getG17Code())); // INDEXING break; default: error(subst(localize("Unsupported machining direction for operation " + "\"" + "%1" + "\"" + "."), getOperationComment())); return; } if (currentSection.isMultiAxis()) { onCommand(COMMAND_UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS); } if (insertToolCall) { forceWorkPlane(); retracted = true; onCommand(COMMAND_COOLANT_OFF); var compensationOffset = tool.isTurningTool() ? tool.compensationOffset : tool.lengthOffset; if (compensationOffset > (useExtendedOffsets ? 999 : 99)) { error(localize("Compensation offset is out of range.")); return; } if (tool.number > getProperty("maxTool")) { warning(localize("Tool number exceeds maximum value.")); } if (tool.number == 0) { error(localize("Tool number cannot be 0")); return; } gMotionModal.reset(); if (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_MX" || getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_SMX") { // preselect first tool or when turret changes back to 1 if ((isFirstSection() || (currentTurret == 1 && activeTurret == 2)) && (currentTurret != 2)) { writeBlock("T" + toolFormat.format(tool.number * offsetFactor)); } if (currentTurret != 2) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(6), "T" + toolFormat.format(tool.number * offsetFactor)); var nextTool = getNextTool(tool.number); if (nextTool) { if (nextTool.turret != 2) { writeBlock("T" + toolFormat.format(nextTool.number * offsetFactor), formatComment("NEXT TOOL")); } } else { // preload first tool var section = getSection(0); var firstToolNumber = section.getTool().number; if ((tool.number != firstToolNumber) && (section.getTool().turret != 2)) { writeBlock("T" + toolFormat.format(firstToolNumber * offsetFactor), formatComment("NEXT TOOL")); } } } } currentToolCode = tool.number * offsetFactor + compensationOffset; writeBlock("T" + toolFormat.format(currentToolCode)); if (tool.comment) { writeComment(tool.comment); } activeTurret = currentTurret; } // Turn on coolant setCoolant(tool.coolant); // Activate part catcher for part cutoff section if (getProperty("usePartCatcher") && partCutoff && currentSection.partCatcher) { engagePartCatcher(true); } // command stop for manual tool change, useful for quick change live tools if (insertToolCall && tool.manualToolChange) { onCommand(COMMAND_STOP); writeBlock("(" + "MANUAL TOOL CHANGE TO T" + toolFormat.format(currentToolCode) + ")"); } // Engage tailstock if (getProperty("useTailStock") != "false") { if (!retracted && ((currentSection.tailstock || forceTailStock) != machineState.tailstockIsActive)) { goHome(); retracted = true; } engageTailStock(true); } // Check operation type with connected spindles if (machineState.spindlesAreAttached) { if (machineState.axialCenterDrilling || (getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_SUB) || (getParameter("operation-strategy") == "turningFace") || ((getSpindle(TOOL) == SPINDLE_LIVE) && (machineState.machiningDirection == MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL))) { error(localize("Illegal cutting operation programmed when spindles are synchronized.")); return; } } // Output spindle codes if (newSpindle) { // select spindle if required } var forceRPMMode = false; var spindleChanged = tool.type != TOOL_PROBE && (!machineState.stockTransferIsActive || forceSpindle) && (insertToolCall || forceSpindleSpeed || isSpindleSpeedDifferent() || newSpindle); if (spindleChanged) { forceSpindleSpeed = false; if (machineState.isTurningOperation) { if (spindleSpeed > getProperty("maximumSpindleSpeed")) { warning(subst(localize("Spindle speed exceeds maximum value for operation \"%1\"."), getOperationComment())); } } else { if (spindleSpeed > 6000) { warning(subst(localize("Spindle speed exceeds maximum value for operation \"%1\"."), getOperationComment())); } } // Turn spindle on if (!tapping) { forceRPMMode = (tool.getSpindleMode() == SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED) && !machineState.spindlesAreAttached && !machineState.spindlesAreSynchronized; startSpindle(false, forceRPMMode, getFramePosition(currentSection.getInitialPosition())); } } // Turn off interference checking with secondary spindle if (getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_SUB) { writeBlock(mInterferModal.format(getCode("INTERFERENCE_CHECK_OFF", getSpindle(PART)))); } // Live Spindle is active with synchronized C-axes // need to wait until after spindle speed is output to synchronize the C-axes if ((tempSpindle == SPINDLE_LIVE) && machineState.spindlesAreAttached) { if (!machineState.cAxesAreSynchronized) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("INTERLOCK_BYPASS", SPINDLE_SUB)), formatComment("INTERLOCK BYPASS")); clampChuck(getSecondarySpindle(), UNCLAMP); onDwell(1.0); writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", SPINDLE_MAIN))); writeBlock(cAxisBrakeModal.format(getCode("UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS", SPINDLE_MAIN))); writeBlock(cAxisBrakeModal.format(getCode("UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS", SPINDLE_SUB))); if (transferOrientation == 0) { unwindCAxis(); writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", SPINDLE_SUB))); unwindCAxis(); } else { writeBlock(gFormat.format(53), "C" + abcFormat.format(0)); // orientate c-axis writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", SPINDLE_SUB))); writeBlock(gFormat.format(53), "C" + abcFormat.format(transferOrientation)); // orientate c-axis } writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", SPINDLE_MAIN))); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("CONNECT_C_AXES", SPINDLE_MAIN)), formatComment("SYNCHRONIZE C1 C2")); clampChuck(SPINDLE_SUB, CLAMP); onDwell(1.0); } } forceAny(); gMotionModal.reset(); if (currentSection.isMultiAxis()) { if (operationSupportsTCP) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("YAXIS_INTERLOCK_RELEASE_ON")), formatComment("Y-AXIS INTERLOCK RELEASE")); } else { // ABC output with prepositioning move writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), aOutput.format(abc.x), bOutput.format(abc.y), cOutput.format(abc.z)); } forceWorkPlane(); cancelTransformation(); } else { if (machineState.isTurningOperation && gotBAxis && (activeTurret != 2) && !bAxisIsManual) { setSpindleOrientationTurning(insertToolCall); } else if (machineState.isTurningOperation) { if (gotBAxis && (activeTurret != 2)) { setSpindleOrientationMilling(abc); } } else if ((gotBAxis && (activeTurret != 2)) && !bAxisIsManual) { setWorkPlane(abc); } else if (!machineState.isTurningOperation && !machineState.axialCenterDrilling && !machineState.usePolarCoordinates && !machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { setWorkPlane(abc); } } // enable Polar coordinates mode if (machineState.usePolarCoordinates && (tool.type != TOOL_PROBE)) { if (polarCoordinatesDirection == undefined) { error(localize("Polar coordinates axis direction to maintain must be defined as a vector - x,y,z.")); return; } setPolarCoordinates(true); } forceXYZ(); gMotionModal.reset(); var initialPosition = getFramePosition(currentSection.getInitialPosition()); if (operationSupportsTCP) { prepositionXYZ(initialPosition, abc); writeBlock("T" + toolFormat.format(tool.number * offsetFactor)); // cancel tool offset compensation writeBlock(gFormat.format(700), dFormat.format(tool.lengthOffset), formatComment("ENABLE TCP")); writeBlock(mFormat.format(101)); // unclamp B-axis forceAny(); } else if (insertToolCall || retracted || (tool.getSpindleMode() == SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED)) { // gPlaneModal.reset(); gMotionModal.reset(); if (machineState.usePolarCoordinates) { var polarPosition = getPolarCoordinates(initialPosition, abc); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), zOutput.format(initialPosition.z)); writeBlock( gMotionModal.format(0), xOutput.format(polarPosition.first.x), conditional(gotYAxis, yOutput.format(polarPosition.first.y)), cOutput.format(polarPosition.second.z) ); } else if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { var polarPosition = getPolarCoordinates(initialPosition, abc); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), zOutput.format(initialPosition.z)); writeBlock( gMotionModal.format(0), xOutput.format(polarPosition.first.x), conditional(gotYAxis, yOutput.format(polarPosition.first.y)) ); } else if ((gotBAxis && activeTurret != 2) && (abc.y != 0)) { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), xOutput.format(initialPosition.x), yOutput.format(initialPosition.y), zOutput.format(initialPosition.z)); } else { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), zOutput.format(initialPosition.z)); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), xOutput.format(initialPosition.x), yOutput.format(initialPosition.y)); } } else if ((machineState.usePolarCoordinates || machineState.usePolarInterpolation) && yAxisWasEnabled) { if (gotYAxis && yOutput.isEnabled()) { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), yOutput.format(0)); } } // enable SFM spindle speed if (forceRPMMode) { startSpindle(false, false); } if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { setPolarInterpolation(true); // enable polar interpolation mode } if (getProperty("useParametricFeed") && !isDrillingCycle(true)) { if (!insertToolCall && activeMovements && (getCurrentSectionId() > 0) && ((getPreviousSection().getPatternId() == currentSection.getPatternId()) && (currentSection.getPatternId() != 0))) { // use the current feeds } else { initializeActiveFeeds(); } } else { activeMovements = undefined; } previousSpindle = tempSpindle; activeSpindle = tempSpindle; if (false) { // DEBUG for (var key in machineState) { writeComment(key + " : " + machineState[key]); } writeComment("Machining direction = " + machineState.machiningDirection); writeComment("Tapping = " + tapping); // writeln("(" + (getMachineConfigurationAsText(machineConfiguration)) + ")"); } } function prepositionXYZ(position, abc) { var tempABC = new Vector(0, 0, abc.z); var W = machineConfiguration.getOrientation(tempABC); forceAny(); writeBlock(gFormat.format(400), bOutput.format(getB(abc, currentSection)), "J" + spatialFormat.format(0)); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), cOutput.format(abc.z)); var prePosition = W.getTransposed().multiply(position); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), zOutput.format(prePosition.z)); forceXYZ(); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), xOutput.format(prePosition.x), yOutput.format(prePosition.y), zOutput.format(prePosition.z)); return true; } var MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL = 0; var MACHINING_DIRECTION_RADIAL = 1; var MACHINING_DIRECTION_INDEXING = 2; function getMachiningDirection(section) { var forward = section.workPlane.forward; if (section.isMultiAxis()) { forward = section.getGlobalInitialToolAxis(); forward = Math.abs(forward.z) < 1e-7 ? new Vector(1, 0, 0) : forward; // radial multi-axis operation } if (isSameDirection(forward, new Vector(0, 0, 1))) { return MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL; } else if (Vector.dot(forward, new Vector(0, 0, 1)) < 1e-7) { return MACHINING_DIRECTION_RADIAL; } else { return MACHINING_DIRECTION_INDEXING; } } function updateMachiningMode(section) { machineState.axialCenterDrilling = false; // reset machineState.usePolarInterpolation = false; // reset machineState.usePolarCoordinates = false; // reset machineState.machiningDirection = getMachiningDirection(section); if ((section.getType() == TYPE_MILLING) && !section.isMultiAxis()) { if (machineState.machiningDirection == MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL) { if (isDrillingCycle(section, false)) { // drilling axial machineState.axialCenterDrilling = isAxialCenterDrilling(section, true); if (!machineState.axialCenterDrilling && !isAxialCenterDrilling(section, false)) { // several holes not on XY center // bestABC = section.getABCByPreference(machineConfiguration, section.workPlane, getCurrentDirection(), C, PREFER_CLOSEST, ENABLE_RESET | ENABLE_LIMITS); bestABC = getBestABC(section); bestABC = section.doesToolpathFitWithinLimits(machineConfiguration, bestABC) ? bestABC : undefined; if (!getProperty("useYAxisForDrilling") || bestABC == undefined) { machineState.usePolarCoordinates = true; } } } else { // milling // Use new operation property for polar milling if (currentSection.machiningType && (currentSection.machiningType == MACHINING_TYPE_POLAR)) { // Choose correct polar mode depending on machine capabilities if (gotPolarInterpolation && !forcePolarCoordinates) { forcePolarInterpolation = true; } else { forcePolarCoordinates = true; } // Update polar coordinates direction according to operation property polarCoordinatesDirection = currentSection.polarDirection; } if (gotPolarInterpolation && forcePolarInterpolation) { // polar mode is requested by user machineState.usePolarInterpolation = true; bestABC = undefined; } else if (forcePolarCoordinates) { // Polar coordinate mode is requested by user machineState.usePolarCoordinates = true; bestABC = undefined; } else { //bestABC = section.getABCByPreference(machineConfiguration, section.workPlane, getCurrentDirection(), C, PREFER_CLOSEST, ENABLE_RESET | ENABLE_LIMITS); bestABC = getBestABC(section); bestABC = section.doesToolpathFitWithinLimits(machineConfiguration, bestABC) ? bestABC : undefined; if (bestABC == undefined) { // toolpath does not match XY ranges, enable interpolation mode if (gotPolarInterpolation) { machineState.usePolarInterpolation = true; } else { machineState.usePolarCoordinates = true; } } } } } else if (machineState.machiningDirection == MACHINING_DIRECTION_RADIAL) { // G19 plane var range = section.getOptimizedBoundingBox(machineConfiguration, machineConfiguration.getABC(section.workPlane)); var yAxisWithinLimits = machineConfiguration.getAxisY().getRange().isWithin(yFormat.getResultingValue(range.lower.y)) && machineConfiguration.getAxisY().getRange().isWithin(yFormat.getResultingValue(range.upper.y)); if (!gotYAxis) { if (!section.isMultiAxis() && !yAxisWithinLimits) { error(subst(localize("Y-axis motion is not possible without a Y-axis for operation \"%1\"."), getOperationComment())); return; } } else { if (!yAxisWithinLimits) { error(subst(localize("Toolpath exceeds the maximum ranges for operation \"%1\"."), getOperationComment())); return; } } // C-coordinates come from setWorkPlane or is within a multi axis operation, we cannot use the C-axis for non wrapped toolpathes (only multiaxis works, all others have to be into XY range) } else { // usePolarCoordinates & usePolarInterpolation is only supported for axial machining, keep false } } else { // turning or multi axis, keep false } if (machineState.axialCenterDrilling) { cOutput.disable(); } else { cOutput.enable(); } var checksum = 0; checksum += machineState.usePolarInterpolation ? 1 : 0; checksum += machineState.usePolarCoordinates ? 1 : 0; checksum += machineState.axialCenterDrilling ? 1 : 0; validate(checksum <= 1, localize("Internal post processor error.")); } function getOperationComment() { var operationComment = hasParameter("operation-comment") && getParameter("operation-comment"); return operationComment; } function setPolarInterpolation(activate) { if (activate) { cOutput.enable(); var c = cOutput.format(0); if (c) { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), c); // set C-axis to 0 } writeBlock(gPolarModal.format(getCode("POLAR_INTERPOLATION_ON", getSpindle(PART)))); // command for polar interpolation writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(18)); if (getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_SUB) { invertAxes(true, true); } else { yOutput.setPrefix("C"); yOutput.enable(); // required for G12.1 cOutput.disable(); } } else { writeBlock(gPolarModal.format(getCode("POLAR_INTERPOLATION_OFF", getSpindle(PART)))); yOutput.setPrefix("Y"); if (!gotYAxis) { yOutput.disable(); } cOutput.enable(); if (currentWorkPlaneABC != undefined) { currentWorkPlaneABC.z = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } } function goHome() { var yAxis = ""; if (gotYAxis) { yAxis = "V" + yFormat.format(0); } writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), gFormat.format(28), "U" + xFormat.format(0), yAxis); switch (getProperty("homeMethodZ")) { case "G28": writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), gFormat.format(28), "W" + zFormat.format(0)); zOutput.reset(); break; case "G30": writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), gFormat.format(30), "W" + zFormat.format(0)); zOutput.reset(); break; case "G53": writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), gFormat.format(53), zOutput.format(getProperty("homePositionZ"))); zOutput.reset(); break; case "WCS": gMotionModal.reset(); zOutput.reset(); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), zOutput.format(getProperty("homePositionZ"))); break; default: error(localize("Unsupported method specified for Z-home positioning.")); } } function onDwell(seconds) { if (seconds > 99999.999) { warning(localize("Dwelling time is out of range.")); } writeBlock(gFormat.format(4), dwellFormat.format(seconds)); } var pendingRadiusCompensation = -1; function onRadiusCompensation() { pendingRadiusCompensation = radiusCompensation; } function getToolOffsetFactor(tool) { var turret = (!gotMultiTurret || tool.turret == 0) ? 1 : tool.turret; return (useExtendedOffsets == "both") || (turret == 1 && useExtendedOffsets == "main") || (turret == 2 && useExtendedOffsets == "lower") ? 1000 : 100; } function getCompensationPlane(abc, returnCode, outputPlane) { var plane; if (machineState.isTurningOperation) { plane = PLANE_ZX; } else if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { plane = PLANE_XY; } else { var found = false; if (useG368(abc)) { plane = PLANE_YZ; // use G19 for B-axis with 368 mode localZoutput = xOutput; found = true; } if (!found) { if (isSameDirection(currentSection.workPlane.forward, new Vector(0, 0, 1))) { plane = PLANE_XY; } else if (Vector.dot(currentSection.workPlane.forward, new Vector(0, 0, 1)) < 1e-7) { plane = PLANE_YZ; } else { if (returnCode) { if (machineState.machiningDirection == MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL) { plane = PLANE_XY; } else { plane = PLANE_ZX; } } else { plane = -1; if (outputPlane) { error(localize("Tool orientation is not supported for radius compensation.")); return -1; } } } } } var code = plane == -1 ? -1 : (plane == PLANE_XY ? getG17Code() : (plane == PLANE_ZX ? 18 : 19)); if (outputPlane) { writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(code)); } return returnCode ? code : plane; } var resetFeed = false; function getHighfeedrate(radius) { if (currentSection.feedMode == FEED_PER_REVOLUTION) { if (toDeg(radius) <= 0) { radius = toPreciseUnit(0.1, MM); } var rpm = spindleSpeed; // rev/min if (currentSection.getTool().getSpindleMode() == SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED) { var O = 2 * Math.PI * radius; // in/rev rpm = tool.surfaceSpeed / O; // in/min div in/rev => rev/min } return highFeedrate / rpm; // in/min div rev/min => in/rev } return highFeedrate; } function onRapid(_x, _y, _z) { var x = xOutput.format(_x); var y = yOutput.format(_y); var z = zOutput.format(_z); if (x || y || z) { var useG1 = (((!getProperty("useG0") && ((((x ? 1 : 0) + (y ? 1 : 0) + (z ? 1 : 0)) > 1))) || machineState.usePolarInterpolation) && !isCannedCycle); var gCode = useG1 ? 1 : 0; var f = useG1 ? (getFeed(machineState.usePolarInterpolation ? toPreciseUnit(1500, MM) : getHighfeedrate(_x))) : ""; if (pendingRadiusCompensation >= 0) { pendingRadiusCompensation = -1; var plane = getCompensationPlane(getCurrentDirection(), false, true); var ccLeft = isMirrored(plane) ? 42 : 41; var ccRight = isMirrored(plane) ? 41 : 42; switch (radiusCompensation) { case RADIUS_COMPENSATION_LEFT: writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(gCode), gFormat.format(ccLeft), x, y, z, f); break; case RADIUS_COMPENSATION_RIGHT: writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(gCode), gFormat.format(ccRight), x, y, z, f); break; default: writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(gCode), gFormat.format(40), x, y, z, f); } } else { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(gCode), x, y, z, f); resetFeed = false; } } } function onLinear(_x, _y, _z, feed) { if (isSpeedFeedSynchronizationActive()) { resetFeed = true; var threadPitch = getParameter("operation:threadPitch"); var threadsPerInch = 1.0 / threadPitch; // per mm for metric writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(32), xOutput.format(_x), yOutput.format(_y), zOutput.format(_z), pitchOutput.format(1 / threadsPerInch)); return; } if (resetFeed) { resetFeed = false; forceFeed(); } var x = xOutput.format(_x); var y = yOutput.format(_y); var z = zOutput.format(_z); if (x || y || z) { if (pendingRadiusCompensation >= 0) { pendingRadiusCompensation = -1; var plane = getCompensationPlane(getCurrentDirection(), false, true); var ccLeft = isMirrored(plane) ? 42 : 41; var ccRight = isMirrored(plane) ? 41 : 42; switch (radiusCompensation) { case RADIUS_COMPENSATION_LEFT: writeBlock( gMotionModal.format(isSpeedFeedSynchronizationActive() ? 32 : 1), gFormat.format(ccLeft), x, y, z, getFeed(feed) ); break; case RADIUS_COMPENSATION_RIGHT: writeBlock( gMotionModal.format(isSpeedFeedSynchronizationActive() ? 32 : 1), gFormat.format(ccRight), x, y, z, getFeed(feed) ); break; default: writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(isSpeedFeedSynchronizationActive() ? 32 : 1), gFormat.format(40), x, y, z, getFeed(feed)); } } else { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(isSpeedFeedSynchronizationActive() ? 32 : 1), x, y, z, getFeed(feed)); } } } function onRapid5D(_x, _y, _z, _a, _b, _c) { if (pendingRadiusCompensation >= 0) { error(localize("Radius compensation mode cannot be changed at rapid traversal.")); return; } var x = xOutput.format(_x); var y = yOutput.format(_y); var z = zOutput.format(_z); var a = aOutput.format(_a); var b = bOutput.format(_b); var c = cOutput.format(_c); if (x || y || z || a || b || c) { var useG1 = (((!getProperty("useG0") && ((x ? 1 : 0) + (y ? 1 : 0) + (z ? 1 : 0) + (a ? 1 : 0) + (b ? 1 : 0) + (c ? 1 : 0) > 1)))); var gCode = useG1 ? 1 : 0; var f = useG1 ? (getFeed(machineState.usePolarInterpolation ? toPreciseUnit(1500, MM) : getHighfeedrate(_x))) : ""; writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(gCode), x, y, z, a, b, c, f); if (!useG1) { forceFeed(); } } } function onLinear5D(_x, _y, _z, _a, _b, _c, feed) { if (pendingRadiusCompensation >= 0) { error(localize("Radius compensation cannot be activated/deactivated for 5-axis move.")); return; } var x = xOutput.format(_x); var y = yOutput.format(_y); var z = zOutput.format(_z); var a = aOutput.format(_a); var b = bOutput.format(_b); var c = cOutput.format(_c); if (x || y || z || a || b || c) { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(1), x, y, z, a, b, c, getFeed(feed)); } } // Start of Polar coordinates var defaultPolarCoordinatesDirection = new Vector(1, 0, 0); // default direction for polar interpolation var polarCoordinatesDirection = defaultPolarCoordinatesDirection; // vector to maintain tool at while in polar interpolation var polarSpindleAxisSave; function setPolarCoordinates(mode) { if (!mode) { // turn off polar mode if required if (isPolarModeActive()) { deactivatePolarMode(); if (gotBAxis) { machineConfiguration.setSpindleAxis(polarSpindleAxisSave); bOutput.enable(); } // setPolarFeedMode(false); if (currentWorkPlaneABC != undefined) { currentWorkPlaneABC.z = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } polarCoordinatesDirection = defaultPolarCoordinatesDirection; // reset when deactivated return; } var direction = polarCoordinatesDirection; // determine the rotary axis to use for Polar coordinates var axis = undefined; if (machineConfiguration.getAxisV().isEnabled()) { if (Vector.dot(machineConfiguration.getAxisV().getAxis(), currentSection.workPlane.getForward()) != 0) { axis = machineConfiguration.getAxisV(); } } if (axis == undefined && machineConfiguration.getAxisU().isEnabled()) { if (Vector.dot(machineConfiguration.getAxisU().getAxis(), currentSection.workPlane.getForward()) != 0) { axis = machineConfiguration.getAxisU(); } } if (axis == undefined) { error(localize("Polar coordinates require an active rotary axis be defined in direction of workplane normal.")); } // calculate directional vector from initial position if (direction == undefined) { error(localize("Polar coordinates initiated without a directional vector.")); return; } // activate polar coordinates // setPolarFeedMode(true); // enable multi-axis feeds for polar mode if (gotBAxis) { polarSpindleAxisSave = machineConfiguration.getSpindleAxis(); machineConfiguration.setSpindleAxis(new Vector(0, 0, 1)); bOutput.disable(); } activatePolarMode(getTolerance() / 2, 0, direction); var polarPosition = getPolarPosition(currentSection.getInitialPosition().x, currentSection.getInitialPosition().y, currentSection.getInitialPosition().z); setCurrentPositionAndDirection(polarPosition); } function getPolarCoordinates(position, abc) { var reset = false; var current = getCurrentDirection(); if (!isPolarModeActive()) { setCurrentDirection(abc); var tempPolarCoordinatesDirection = (currentSection.machiningType && (currentSection.machiningType == MACHINING_TYPE_POLAR)) ? currentSection.polarDirection : polarCoordinatesDirection; activatePolarMode(getTolerance() / 2, 0, tempPolarCoordinatesDirection); reset = true; } var polarPosition = getPolarPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z); if (reset) { deactivatePolarMode(); setCurrentDirection(current); } return polarPosition; } // End of polar coordinates function onCircular(clockwise, cx, cy, cz, x, y, z, feed) { var directionCode; if (isMirrored(getCircularPlane())) { directionCode = clockwise ? 3 : 2; } else { directionCode = clockwise ? 2 : 3; } var toler = getTolerance(); if (isSpeedFeedSynchronizationActive()) { error(localize("Speed-feed synchronization is not supported for circular moves.")); return; } if (pendingRadiusCompensation >= 0) { error(localize("Radius compensation cannot be activated/deactivated for a circular move.")); return; } var start = getCurrentPosition(); if (isFullCircle()) { if (getProperty("useRadius") || isHelical()) { // radius mode does not support full arcs linearize(toler); return; } switch (getCircularPlane()) { case PLANE_XY: writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(getG17Code()), gMotionModal.format(directionCode), iOutput.format(cx - start.x), jOutput.format(cy - start.y), getFeed(feed)); break; case PLANE_ZX: if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { linearize(tolerance); return; } writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(18), gMotionModal.format(directionCode), iOutput.format(cx - start.x), kOutput.format(cz - start.z), getFeed(feed)); break; case PLANE_YZ: if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { linearize(tolerance); return; } writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(19), gMotionModal.format(directionCode), jOutput.format(cy - start.y), kOutput.format(cz - start.z), getFeed(feed)); break; default: linearize(toler); } } else if (!getProperty("useRadius")) { if (isHelical() && ((getCircularSweep() < toRad(30)) || (getHelicalPitch() > 10))) { // avoid G112 issue linearize(toler); return; } switch (getCircularPlane()) { case PLANE_XY: writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(getG17Code()), gMotionModal.format(directionCode), xOutput.format(x), yOutput.format(y), zOutput.format(z), iOutput.format(cx - start.x), jOutput.format(cy - start.y), getFeed(feed)); break; case PLANE_ZX: if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { linearize(tolerance); return; } writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(18), gMotionModal.format(directionCode), xOutput.format(x), yOutput.format(y), zOutput.format(z), iOutput.format(cx - start.x), kOutput.format(cz - start.z), getFeed(feed)); break; case PLANE_YZ: if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { linearize(tolerance); return; } writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(19), gMotionModal.format(directionCode), xOutput.format(x), yOutput.format(y), zOutput.format(z), jOutput.format(cy - start.y), kOutput.format(cz - start.z), getFeed(feed)); break; default: linearize(toler); } } else { // use radius mode if (isHelical() && ((getCircularSweep() < toRad(30)) || (getHelicalPitch() > 10))) { linearize(toler); return; } var r = getCircularRadius(); if (toDeg(getCircularSweep()) > (180 + 1e-9)) { r = -r; // allow up to <360 deg arcs } switch (getCircularPlane()) { case PLANE_XY: writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(getG17Code()), gMotionModal.format(directionCode), xOutput.format(x), yOutput.format(y), zOutput.format(z), "R" + rFormat.format(r), getFeed(feed)); break; case PLANE_ZX: if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { linearize(tolerance); return; } writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(18), gMotionModal.format(directionCode), xOutput.format(x), yOutput.format(y), zOutput.format(z), "R" + rFormat.format(r), getFeed(feed)); break; case PLANE_YZ: if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { linearize(tolerance); return; } writeBlock(gPlaneModal.format(19), gMotionModal.format(directionCode), xOutput.format(x), yOutput.format(y), zOutput.format(z), "R" + rFormat.format(r), getFeed(feed)); break; default: linearize(toler); } } } var chuckMachineFrame; var chuckSubPosition; function getSecondaryPullMethod(type) { var pullMethod = {}; // determine if pull operation, spindle return, or both pullMethod.pull = false; pullMethod.home = false; switch (type) { case "secondary-spindle-pull": pullMethod.pullPosition = chuckSubPosition + cycle.pullingDistance; pullMethod.machineFrame = chuckMachineFrame; pullMethod.unclampMode = "keep-clamped"; pullMethod.pull = true; break; case "secondary-spindle-return": pullMethod.pullPosition = cycle.feedPosition; pullMethod.machineFrame = cycle.useMachineFrame; pullMethod.unclampMode = cycle.unclampMode; // pull part only (when offset!=0), Return secondary spindle to home (when offset=0) var feedDis = 0; if (pullMethod.machineFrame) { if (hasParameter("operation:feedPlaneHeight_direct")) { // Inventor feedDis = getParameter("operation:feedPlaneHeight_direct"); } else if (hasParameter("operation:feedPlaneHeightDirect")) { // HSMWorks feedDis = getParameter("operation:feedPlaneHeightDirect"); } feedPosition = feedDis; } else if (hasParameter("operation:feedPlaneHeight_offset")) { // Inventor feedDis = getParameter("operation:feedPlaneHeight_offset"); } else if (hasParameter("operation:feedPlaneHeightOffset")) { // HSMWorks feedDis = getParameter("operation:feedPlaneHeightOffset"); } // Transfer part to secondary spindle if (pullMethod.unclampMode != "keep-clamped") { pullMethod.pull = feedDis != 0; pullMethod.home = true; } else { // pull part only (when offset!=0), Return secondary spindle to home (when offset=0) pullMethod.pull = feedDis != 0; pullMethod.home = !pullMethod.pull; } break; } return pullMethod; } function onCycle() { if ((typeof isSubSpindleCycle == "function") && isSubSpindleCycle(cycleType)) { if (!gotSecondarySpindle) { error(localize("Secondary spindle is not available.")); } writeln(""); if (hasParameter("operation-comment")) { var comment = getParameter("operation-comment"); if (comment) { writeComment(comment); } } // Start of stock transfer operation(s) if (!machineState.stockTransferIsActive) { if (cycleType != "secondary-spindle-return" && cycleType != "secondary-spindle-pull") { moveSubSpindle(HOME, 0, 0, true, "SUB SPINDLE RETURN", false); goHome(); } onCommand(COMMAND_STOP_SPINDLE); onCommand(COMMAND_COOLANT_OFF); onCommand(COMMAND_OPTIONAL_STOP); forceUnlockMultiAxis(); onCommand(COMMAND_UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS); gFeedModeModal.reset(); var feedMode = gFeedModeModal.format(getCode("FEED_MODE_UNIT_MIN", getSpindle(TOOL))); gPlaneModal.reset(); if (!getProperty("optimizeCAxisSelect")) { cAxisEngageModal.reset(); } if (getProperty("machineModel") == "PUMA_SMX") { writeBlock(feedMode, gPlaneModal.format(plane)); writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); } else { writeBlock(feedMode, gPlaneModal.format(18), cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); } writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSecondarySpindle()))); } switch (cycleType) { case "secondary-spindle-grab": // Activate part catcher for part cutoff section if (getProperty("usePartCatcher") && partCutoff && currentSection.partCatcher) { engagePartCatcher(true); } writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("INTERLOCK_BYPASS", getSecondarySpindle())), formatComment("INTERLOCK BYPASS")); clampChuck(getSecondarySpindle(), UNCLAMP); onDwell(cycle.dwell); gSpindleModeModal.reset(); if (cycle.stopSpindle) { // no spindle rotation lastSpindleSpeed = 0; } else { // spindle rotation var transferCodes = getSpindleTransferCodes(transferType); // Write out maximum spindle speed if (transferCodes.spindleMode == SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED) { var maximumSpindleSpeed = (transferCodes.maximumSpindleSpeed > 0) ? Math.min(transferCodes.maximumSpindleSpeed, getProperty("maximumSpindleSpeed")) : getProperty("maximumSpindleSpeed"); writeBlock(gFormat.format(50), sOutput.format(maximumSpindleSpeed)); sOutput.reset(); } // write out spindle speed var _spindleSpeed; var spindleMode; if (transferCodes.spindleMode == SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED) { _spindleSpeed = transferCodes.surfaceSpeed * ((unit == MM) ? 1 / 1000.0 : 1 / 12.0); spindleMode = getCode("CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED_ON", getSpindle(PART)); } else { _spindleSpeed = cycle.spindleSpeed; spindleMode = getCode("CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED_OFF", getSpindle(PART)); } var comment; if (transferType == TRANSFER_PHASE) { comment = "PHASE SYNCHRONIZATION"; } else { comment = "SPEED SYNCHRONIZATION"; } writeBlock( gSpindleModeModal.format(spindleMode), sOutput.format(_spindleSpeed), mFormat.format(transferCodes.direction), spOutput.format(getCode("SELECT_SPINDLE", getSpindle(PART))), formatComment(comment) ); lastSpindleMode = transferCodes.spindleMode; lastSpindleSpeed = _spindleSpeed; lastSpindleDirection = transferCodes.spindleDirection; } // clean out chips if (airCleanChuck) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("AIR_BLAST_ON", SPINDLE_MAIN)), formatComment("CLEAN OUT CHIPS")); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("AIR_BLAST_ON", SPINDLE_SUB))); onDwell(5.5); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("AIR_BLAST_OFF", SPINDLE_MAIN))); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("AIR_BLAST_OFF", SPINDLE_SUB))); } writeBlock(mInterferModal.format(getCode("INTERFERENCE_CHECK_OFF", getSpindle(PART)))); // need to orientate spindle after cleaning out chips, since spindles rotate during coolant air transferOrientation = 0; if (cycle.stopSpindle) { transferOrientation = (cycle.spindleOrientation != undefined) ? cycle.spindleOrientation : transferOrientation; writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); writeBlock(cAxisBrakeModal.format(getCode("UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), gFormat.format(53), "C" + abcFormat.format(0)); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", getSecondarySpindle()))); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), gFormat.format(53), "C" + abcFormat.format(transferOrientation)); forceTurningMode = true; } gMotionModal.reset(); moveSubSpindle(RAPID, cycle.feedPosition, 0, cycle.useMachineFrame, "", true); if (transferUseTorque) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("TORQUE_SKIP_ON", getSpindle(PART))), formatComment("TORQUE SKIP ON")); moveSubSpindle(TORQUE, cycle.chuckPosition, cycle.feedrate, cycle.useMachineFrame, "", true); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("TORQUE_SKIP_OFF", getSpindle(PART))), formatComment("TORQUE SKIP OFF")); } else { moveSubSpindle(FEED, cycle.chuckPosition, cycle.feedrate, cycle.useMachineFrame, "", true); } clampChuck(getSecondarySpindle(), CLAMP); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("INTERLOCK_BYPASS", getSpindle(PART))), formatComment("INTERLOCK BYPASS")); onDwell(cycle.dwell); chuckMachineFrame = cycle.useMachineFrame; chuckSubPosition = cycle.chuckPosition; machineState.stockTransferIsActive = true; break; case "secondary-spindle-return": case "secondary-spindle-pull": var pullMethod = getSecondaryPullMethod(cycleType); if (!machineState.stockTransferIsActive) { if (pullMethod.pull) { error(localize("The part must be chucked prior to a pull operation.")); return; } } writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("INTERLOCK_BYPASS", getSecondarySpindle()))); // bar pull if (pullMethod.pull) { clampChuck(getSpindle(PART), UNCLAMP); onDwell(cycle.dwell); moveSubSpindle(FEED, pullMethod.pullPosition, cycle.feedrate, pullMethod.machineFrame, "BAR PULL", true); } // move subspindle to home if (pullMethod.home) { if (pullMethod.unclampMode == "unclamp-secondary") { // leave part in main spindle clampChuck(getSpindle(PART), CLAMP); onDwell(cycle.dwell); clampChuck(getSecondarySpindle(), UNCLAMP); onDwell(cycle.dwell); } else if (pullMethod.unclampMode == "unclamp-primary") { clampChuck(getSpindle(PART), UNCLAMP); onDwell(cycle.dwell); } moveSubSpindle(HOME, 0, 0, true, "SUB SPINDLE RETURN", true); } else { clampChuck(getSpindle(PART), CLAMP); onDwell(cycle.dwell); // writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL_OFF", getSecondarySpindle()))); mInterferModal.reset(); writeBlock(mInterferModal.format(getCode("INTERFERENCE_CHECK_OFF", getSpindle(PART)))); } machineState.stockTransferIsActive = true; break; } } if (cycleType == "stock-transfer") { warning(localize("Stock transfer is not supported. Required machine specific customization.")); return; } else if (!getProperty("useCycles") && tapping) { startSpindle(false, false); } } var saveShowSequenceNumbers; var pathBlockNumber = {start:0, end:0}; var isCannedCycle = false; function onCyclePath() { saveShowSequenceNumbers = showSequenceNumbers; isCannedCycle = true; // buffer all paths and stop feeds being output feedOutput.disable(); showSequenceNumbers = "false"; redirectToBuffer(); gMotionModal.reset(); xOutput.reset(); zOutput.reset(); } function onCyclePathEnd() { showSequenceNumbers = saveShowSequenceNumbers; // reset property to initial state feedOutput.enable(); var cyclePath = String(getRedirectionBuffer()).split(EOL); // get cycle path from buffer closeRedirection(); for (line in cyclePath) { // remove empty elements if (cyclePath[line] == "") { cyclePath.splice(line); } } var verticalPasses; if (cycle.profileRoughingCycle == 0) { verticalPasses = false; } else if (cycle.profileRoughingCycle == 1) { verticalPasses = true; } else { error(localize("Unsupported passes type.")); return; } // output cycle data switch (cycleType) { case "turning-canned-rough": writeBlock(gFormat.format(verticalPasses ? 72 : 71), (verticalPasses ? "W" : "U") + spatialFormat.format(cycle.depthOfCut), "R" + spatialFormat.format(cycle.retractLength) ); writeBlock(gFormat.format(verticalPasses ? 72 : 71), "P" + (getStartEndSequenceNumber(cyclePath, true)), "Q" + (getStartEndSequenceNumber(cyclePath, false)), "U" + xFormat.format(cycle.xStockToLeave), "W" + spatialFormat.format(cycle.zStockToLeave), getFeed(cycle.cutfeedrate) ); break; default: error(localize("Unsupported turning canned cycle.")); } for (var i = 0; i < cyclePath.length; ++i) { if (i == 0 || i == (cyclePath.length - 1)) { // write sequence number on first and last line of the cycle path showSequenceNumbers = "true"; if ((i == 0 && pathBlockNumber.start != sequenceNumber) || (i == (cyclePath.length - 1) && pathBlockNumber.end != sequenceNumber)) { error(localize("Mismatch of start/end block number in turning canned cycle.")); return; } } writeBlock(cyclePath[i]); // output cycle path showSequenceNumbers = saveShowSequenceNumbers; // reset property to initial state isCannedCycle = false; } } function getStartEndSequenceNumber(cyclePath, start) { if (start) { pathBlockNumber.start = sequenceNumber + conditional(saveShowSequenceNumbers == "true", getProperty("sequenceNumberIncrement")); return pathBlockNumber.start; } else { pathBlockNumber.end = sequenceNumber + getProperty("sequenceNumberIncrement") + conditional(saveShowSequenceNumbers == "true", (cyclePath.length - 1) * getProperty("sequenceNumberIncrement")); return pathBlockNumber.end; } } function getCommonCycle(x, y, z, r, includeRcode) { // R-value is incremental position from current position var raptoS = ""; if ((r !== undefined) && includeRcode) { raptoS = "R" + spatialFormat.format(r); } if (machineState.usePolarCoordinates) { var polarPosition = getPolarPosition(x, y, z); setCurrentPositionAndDirection(polarPosition); cOutput.reset(); return [xOutput.format(polarPosition.first.x), cOutput.format(polarPosition.second.z), zOutput.format(polarPosition.first.z), raptoS]; } else { return [xOutput.format(x), yOutput.format(y), zOutput.format(z), raptoS]; } } function writeCycleClearance(plane, clearance) { var currentPosition = getCurrentPosition(); if (true) { onCycleEnd(); switch (plane) { case 17: writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), zOutput.format(clearance)); break; case 18: writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), yOutput.format(clearance)); break; case 19: writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), xOutput.format(clearance)); break; default: error(localize("Unsupported drilling orientation.")); return; } } } var threadStart; var threadEnd; function moveToThreadStart(x, y, z) { var cuttingAngle = 0; if (hasParameter("operation:infeedAngle")) { cuttingAngle = getParameter("operation:infeedAngle"); } if (cuttingAngle != 0) { var zz; if (isFirstCyclePoint()) { threadStart = getCurrentPosition(); threadEnd = new Vector(x, y, z); } else { var zz = threadStart.z - (Math.abs(threadEnd.x - x) * Math.tan(toRad(cuttingAngle))); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), zOutput.format(zz)); threadStart.setZ(zz); threadEnd = new Vector(x, y, z); } } } function onCyclePoint(x, y, z) { if (!getProperty("useCycles") || currentSection.isMultiAxis()) { expandCyclePoint(x, y, z); return; } var plane = gPlaneModal.getCurrent(); var localZOutput = zOutput; var cycleAxis = currentSection.workPlane.forward; var found = false; if ((gotBAxis && (activeTurret != 2)) && !bAxisIsManual) { if (!getTCP(getCurrentDirection()) && useG368(getCurrentDirection())) { plane = 19; // use G19 for B-axis with 368 mode localZoutput = xOutput; found = true; } } if (!found) { if (isSameDirection(currentSection.workPlane.forward, new Vector(0, 0, 1)) || isSameDirection(currentSection.workPlane.forward, new Vector(0, 0, -1))) { plane = 17; // XY plane localZOutput = zOutput; } else if (Vector.dot(currentSection.workPlane.forward, new Vector(0, 0, 1)) < 1e-7) { plane = 19; // YZ plane localZOutput = xOutput; } else if ((gotBAxis && (activeTurret != 2)) && !bAxisIsManual) { plane = 19; // use G19 for B-axis when outside major plane localZoutput = xOutput; } else if (gotBAxis && (activeTurret != 2)) { // manual B-axis if (!useMultiAxisFeatures) { if (tapping) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(48)); // lock feedrate overrides } expandCyclePoint(x, y, z); if (tapping) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(49)); // unlock feedrate overrides } return; } else if (isSameDirection(machineConfiguration.getSpindleAxis(), new Vector(0, 0, 1)) || isSameDirection(machineConfiguration.getSpindleAxis(), new Vector(0, 0, -1))) { plane = 17; // XY plane localZOutput = zOutput; } else if (Vector.dot(machineConfiguration.getSpindleAxis(), new Vector(0, 0, 1)) < 1e-7) { plane = 19; // YZ plane localZOutput = xOutput; } else { if (tapping) { error(localize("Tapping cycles cannot be expanded.")); return; } expandCyclePoint(x, y, z); return; } } else { if (tapping) { error(localize("Tapping cycles cannot be expanded.")); return; } expandCyclePoint(x, y, z); return; } } switch (cycleType) { case "thread-turning": if (getProperty("useSimpleThread") || (hasParameter("operation:doMultipleThreads") && (getParameter("operation:doMultipleThreads") != 0)) || (hasParameter("operation:infeedMode") && (getParameter("operation:infeedMode") != "constant"))) { var r = -cycle.incrementalX; // positive if taper goes down - delta radius moveToThreadStart(x, y, z); xOutput.reset(); zOutput.reset(); writeBlock( gMotionModal.format(92), xOutput.format(x), yOutput.format(y), zOutput.format(z), conditional(zFormat.isSignificant(r), g92ROutput.format(r)), pitchOutput.format(cycle.pitch) ); } else { if (isLastCyclePoint()) { // thread height and depth of cut var threadHeight = getParameter("operation:threadDepth"); var stepdowns = []; for (var i = 0; i < getNumberOfCyclePoints() - 1; i++) { stepdowns.push(Math.abs(getCyclePoint(i).x - getCyclePoint(i + 1).x)); } var minimumDepthOfCut = Math.min.apply(null, stepdowns.filter(Boolean)); var firstDepthOfCut = cycle.firstPassDepth ? cycle.firstPassDepth : threadHeight - Math.abs(getCyclePoint(0).x - x); // first G76 block var repeatPass = hasParameter("operation:nullPass") ? getParameter("operation:nullPass") : 0; var chamferWidth = 10; // Pullout-width is 1*thread-lead in 1/10's; var materialAllowance = 0; // Material allowance for finishing pass var cuttingAngle = getParameter("operation:infeedAngle", 30) * 2; // Angle is not stored with tool. toDeg(tool.getTaperAngle()); var pcode = repeatPass * 10000 + chamferWidth * 100 + cuttingAngle; gCycleModal.reset(); writeBlock( gCycleModal.format(76), threadP1Output.format(pcode), threadQOutput.format(minimumDepthOfCut), threadROutput.format(materialAllowance) ); // second G76 block var r = -cycle.incrementalX; // positive if taper goes down - delta radius gCycleModal.reset(); writeBlock( gCycleModal.format(76), xOutput.format(x), zOutput.format(z), conditional(zFormat.isSignificant(r), threadROutput.format(r)), threadP2Output.format(threadHeight), threadQOutput.format(firstDepthOfCut), pitchOutput.format(cycle.pitch) ); } } forceFeed(); return; } // clamp the C-axis if necessary // the C-axis is automatically unclamped by the controllers during cycles var lockCode = ""; if (!machineState.axialCenterDrilling && !machineState.isTurningOperation && ((plane == 19) || machineState.usePolarCoordinates)) { lockCode = mFormat.format(getCode("LOCK_MULTI_AXIS", getSpindle(PART))); } var rapto = 0; if (isFirstCyclePoint()) { // first cycle point rapto = (getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_SUB && machineState.machiningDirection == MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL) ? cycle.clearance - cycle.retract : cycle.retract - cycle.clearance; var P = !cycle.dwell ? 0 : clamp(1, cycle.dwell * 1000, 99999999); // in milliseconds switch (cycleType) { case "drilling": case "counter-boring": writeCycleClearance(plane, cycle.clearance); localZOutput.reset(); writeBlock( gCycleModal.format(plane == 19 ? 87 : 83), getCommonCycle(x, y, z, rapto, true), conditional(P > 0, pOutput.format(P)), getFeed(cycle.feedrate), lockCode ); break; case "chip-breaking": if (cycle.accumulatedDepth < cycle.depth) { expandCyclePoint(x, y, z); } else { writeCycleClearance(plane, cycle.clearance); localZOutput.reset(); writeBlock( gCycleModal.format(plane == 19 ? 87 : 83), getCommonCycle(x, y, z, rapto, true), conditional(cycle.incrementalDepth > 0, peckOutput.format(cycle.incrementalDepth)), conditional(P > 0, pOutput.format(P)), getFeed(cycle.feedrate), lockCode ); } break; case "deep-drilling": writeCycleClearance(plane, cycle.clearance); localZOutput.reset(); writeBlock( gCycleModal.format(plane == 19 ? 87 : 83), getCommonCycle(x, y, z, rapto, true), conditional(cycle.incrementalDepth > 0, peckOutput.format(cycle.incrementalDepth)), conditional(P > 0, pOutput.format(P)), getFeed(cycle.feedrate), lockCode ); break; case "tapping": case "right-tapping": case "left-tapping": writeCycleClearance(plane, cycle.clearance); localZOutput.reset(); startSpindle(true, false); writeBlock(gFeedModeModal.format(getCode("FEED_MODE_UNIT_REV", getSpindle(TOOL)))); if (tool.type == TOOL_TAP_LEFT_HAND) { writeBlock(mTappingModal.format(176)); } writeBlock( gCycleModal.format(plane == 19 ? 88 : 84), getCommonCycle(x, y, z, rapto, true), conditional(P > 0, pOutput.format(P)), getFeed(cycle.feedrate), lockCode ); break; case "tapping-with-chip-breaking": writeCycleClearance(plane, cycle.clearance); localZOutput.reset(); startSpindle(true, false); writeBlock(gFeedModeModal.format(getCode("FEED_MODE_UNIT_REV", getSpindle(TOOL)))); if (tool.type == TOOL_TAP_LEFT_HAND) { writeBlock(mTappingModal.format(176)); } writeBlock( gCycleModal.format(plane == 19 ? 88 : 84), getCommonCycle(x, y, z, rapto, true), conditional(cycle.incrementalDepth > 0, peckOutput.format(cycle.incrementalDepth)), conditional(P > 0, pOutput.format(P)), getFeed(cycle.feedrate), lockCode ); break; case "boring": if (feedFormat.getResultingValue(cycle.feedrate) != feedFormat.getResultingValue(cycle.retractFeedrate)) { expandCyclePoint(x, y, z); break; } writeCycleClearance(plane, cycle.clearance); localZOutput.reset(); writeBlock( gCycleModal.format(plane == 19 ? 89 : 85), getCommonCycle(x, y, z, rapto, true), conditional(P > 0, pOutput.format(P)), getFeed(cycle.feedrate), lockCode ); break; default: expandCyclePoint(x, y, z); } } else { // position to subsequent cycle points if (cycleExpanded) { expandCyclePoint(x, y, z); } else { var step = 0; if (cycleType == "chip-breaking" || cycleType == "deep-drilling") { step = cycle.incrementalDepth; } if (machineState.usePolarCoordinates) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); } writeBlock(getCommonCycle(x, y, z, rapto, false), conditional(step > 0, peckOutput.format(step)), lockCode); } } } function onCycleEnd() { if (!cycleExpanded && !machineState.stockTransferIsActive) { // reset feed rate mode, cancel cycle, cancel reverse tapping writeBlock(gCycleModal.format(80), mTappingModal.format(177)); cAxisBrakeModal.format(getCode("LOCK_MULTI_AXIS", getSpindle(PART))); // canned cycles lock the C-axis gMotionModal.reset(); } } function onPassThrough(text) { var commands = String(text).split(","); for (text in commands) { writeBlock(commands[text]); } } function onParameter(name, value) { var invalid = false; switch (name) { case "action": if (String(value).toUpperCase() == "PARTEJECT") { ejectRoutine = true; } else if (String(value).toUpperCase() == "USEPOLARMODE" || String(value).toUpperCase() == "USEPOLARINTERPOLATION") { forcePolarInterpolation = true; forcePolarCoordinates = false; } else if (String(value).toUpperCase() == "USEXZCMODE" || String(value).toUpperCase() == "USEPOLARCOORDINATES") { forcePolarCoordinates = true; forcePolarInterpolation = false; } else { var sText1 = String(value); var sText2 = new Array(); sText2 = sText1.split(":"); if (sText2.length != 2) { error(localize("Invalid action command: ") + value); return; } if (sText2[0].toUpperCase() == "TRANSFERTYPE") { transferType = parseToggle(sText2[1], "PHASE", "SPEED"); if (transferType == undefined) { error(localize("TransferType must be Phase or Speed")); return; } } else if (sText2[0].toUpperCase() == "TRANSFERUSETORQUE") { transferUseTorque = parseToggle(sText2[1], "YES", "NO"); if (transferUseTorque == undefined) { invalid = true; } } else if (sText2[0].toUpperCase() == "USETAILSTOCK") { forceTailStock = parseToggle(sText2[1], "YES", "NO"); if (forceTailStock == undefined) { invalid = true; } } else if (sText2[0].toUpperCase() == "SYNCSPINDLESTART") { syncStartMethod = parseToggle(sText2[1], "ERROR", "UNCLAMP", "SPEED"); if (syncStartMethod == undefined) { invalid = true; } } else { invalid = true; } } } if (invalid) { error(localize("Invalid action parameter: ") + sText2[0] + ":" + sText2[1]); return; } } function parseToggle() { var stat = undefined; for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (String(arguments[0]).toUpperCase() == String(arguments[i]).toUpperCase()) { if (String(arguments[i]).toUpperCase() == "YES") { stat = true; } else if (String(arguments[i]).toUpperCase() == "NO") { stat = false; } else { stat = i - 1; break; } } } return stat; } var currentCoolantMode = COOLANT_OFF; var currentCoolantTurret = 1; var coolantOff = undefined; var isOptionalCoolant = false; var forceCoolant = false; function setCoolant(coolant, turret) { var coolantCodes = getCoolantCodes(coolant, turret); if (Array.isArray(coolantCodes)) { if (singleLineCoolant) { skipBlock = isOptionalCoolant; writeBlock(coolantCodes.join(getWordSeparator())); } else { for (var c in coolantCodes) { skipBlock = isOptionalCoolant; writeBlock(coolantCodes[c]); } } return undefined; } return coolantCodes; } function getCoolantCodes(coolant, turret) { turret = gotMultiTurret ? (turret == undefined ? 1 : turret) : 1; isOptionalCoolant = false; var multipleCoolantBlocks = new Array(); // create a formatted array to be passed into the outputted line if (!coolants) { error(localize("Coolants have not been defined.")); } if (tool.type == TOOL_PROBE) { // avoid coolant output for probing coolant = COOLANT_OFF; } if (coolant == currentCoolantMode && turret == currentCoolantTurret) { if ((typeof operationNeedsSafeStart != "undefined" && operationNeedsSafeStart) && coolant != COOLANT_OFF) { isOptionalCoolant = true; } else if (!forceCoolant || coolant == COOLANT_OFF) { return undefined; // coolant is already active } } if ((coolant != COOLANT_OFF) && (currentCoolantMode != COOLANT_OFF) && (coolantOff != undefined) && !forceCoolant && !isOptionalCoolant) { if (Array.isArray(coolantOff)) { for (var i in coolantOff) { multipleCoolantBlocks.push(coolantOff[i]); } } else { multipleCoolantBlocks.push(coolantOff); } } forceCoolant = false; var m; var coolantCodes = {}; for (var c in coolants) { // find required coolant codes into the coolants array if (coolants[c].id == coolant) { var localCoolant = parseCoolant(coolants[c], turret); localCoolant = typeof localCoolant == "undefined" ? coolants[c] : localCoolant; coolantCodes.on = localCoolant.on; if (localCoolant.off != undefined) { coolantCodes.off = localCoolant.off; break; } else { for (var i in coolants) { if (coolants[i].id == COOLANT_OFF) { coolantCodes.off = localCoolant.off; break; } } } } } if (coolant == COOLANT_OFF) { m = !coolantOff ? coolantCodes.off : coolantOff; // use the default coolant off command when an 'off' value is not specified } else { coolantOff = coolantCodes.off; m = coolantCodes.on; } if (!m) { onUnsupportedCoolant(coolant); m = 9; } else { if (Array.isArray(m)) { for (var i in m) { multipleCoolantBlocks.push(m[i]); } } else { multipleCoolantBlocks.push(m); } currentCoolantMode = coolant; currentCoolantTurret = turret; for (var i in multipleCoolantBlocks) { if (typeof multipleCoolantBlocks[i] == "number") { multipleCoolantBlocks[i] = mFormat.format(multipleCoolantBlocks[i]); } } return multipleCoolantBlocks; // return the single formatted coolant value } return undefined; } function parseCoolant(coolant, turret) { var localCoolant; if (getSpindle(TOOL) == SPINDLE_MAIN) { localCoolant = turret == 1 ? coolant.spindle1t1 : coolant.spindle1t2; localCoolant = typeof localCoolant == "undefined" ? coolant.spindle1 : localCoolant; } else if (getSpindle(TOOL) == SPINDLE_LIVE) { localCoolant = turret == 1 ? coolant.spindleLivet1 : coolant.spindleLivet2; localCoolant = typeof localCoolant == "undefined" ? coolant.spindleLive : localCoolant; } else { localCoolant = turret == 1 ? coolant.spindle2t1 : coolant.spindle2t2; localCoolant = typeof localCoolant == "undefined" ? coolant.spindle2 : localCoolant; } localCoolant = typeof localCoolant == "undefined" ? (turret == 1 ? coolant.turret1 : coolant.turret2) : localCoolant; localCoolant = typeof localCoolant == "undefined" ? coolant : localCoolant; return localCoolant; } function isSpindleSpeedDifferent() { var areDifferent = false; if (isFirstSection()) { areDifferent = true; } if (lastSpindleDirection != tool.clockwise) { areDifferent = true; } if (tool.getSpindleMode() == SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED) { var _spindleSpeed = tool.surfaceSpeed * ((unit == MM) ? 1 / 1000.0 : 1 / 12.0); if ((lastSpindleMode != SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED) || rpmFormat.areDifferent(lastSpindleSpeed, _spindleSpeed)) { areDifferent = true; } } else { if ((lastSpindleMode != SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SPINDLE_SPEED) || rpmFormat.areDifferent(lastSpindleSpeed, spindleSpeed)) { areDifferent = true; } } return areDifferent; } function onSpindleSpeed(spindleSpeed) { if (rpmFormat.areDifferent(spindleSpeed, sOutput.getCurrent())) { writeBlock(sOutput.format(spindleSpeed)); } } function startSpindle(tappingMode, forceRPMMode, initialPosition) { var spindleDir; var _spindleSpeed; var spindleMode; gSpindleModeModal.reset(); if ((getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_SUB) && !gotSecondarySpindle) { error(localize("Secondary spindle is not available.")); return; } // spindle block cannot be output when spindles are synchronized var clampSpindles = false; if (machineState.spindlesAreSynchronized || machineState.spindlesAreAttached) { // Turning if (machineState.isTurningOperation) { if (syncStartMethod == SYNC_ERROR) { if (isSpindleSpeedDifferent()) { error(localize("A spindle start block cannot be output while the spindles are synchronized.")); return; } else { return; } } else if (syncStartMethod == SYNC_UNCLAMP) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("INTERLOCK_BYPASS", getSecondarySpindle()))); clampChuck(getSecondarySpindle(), UNCLAMP); onDwell(1.0); clampSpindles = true; machineState.spindlesAreAttached = true; // must set so synchronized spindle code is used } } } if (tappingMode) { spindleDir = mFormat.format(getCode("RIGID_TAPPING", getSpindle(TOOL))); } else if (machineState.spindlesAreAttached && getSpindle(TOOL) != SPINDLE_LIVE) { var method = ((machineState.spindlesAreSynchronized || machineState.spindlesAreAttached) && (syncStartMethod == SYNC_SPEED)) ? TRANSFER_SPEED : transferType; var code = (method == TRANSFER_PHASE) ? getCode("SPINDLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_PHASE", getSpindle(PART)) : getCode("SPINDLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_SPEED", getSpindle(PART)); spindleDir = mFormat.format(tool.clockwise ? code : (code + 1)); } else { spindleDir = mFormat.format(tool.clockwise ? getCode("START_SPINDLE_CW", getSpindle(TOOL)) : getCode("START_SPINDLE_CCW", getSpindle(TOOL))); } var maximumSpindleSpeed = (tool.maximumSpindleSpeed > 0) ? Math.min(tool.maximumSpindleSpeed, getProperty("maximumSpindleSpeed")) : getProperty("maximumSpindleSpeed"); if (tool.getSpindleMode() == SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED) { _spindleSpeed = tool.surfaceSpeed * ((unit == MM) ? 1 / 1000.0 : 1 / 12.0); if (forceRPMMode) { // RPM mode is forced until move to initial position if (xFormat.getResultingValue(initialPosition.x) == 0) { _spindleSpeed = maximumSpindleSpeed; } else { _spindleSpeed = Math.min((_spindleSpeed * ((unit == MM) ? 1000.0 : 12.0) / (Math.PI * Math.abs(initialPosition.x * 2))), maximumSpindleSpeed); } spindleMode = getCode("CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED_OFF", getSpindle(TOOL)); } else { spindleMode = getCode("CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED_ON", getSpindle(TOOL)); } } else { _spindleSpeed = spindleSpeed; spindleMode = getCode("CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED_OFF", getSpindle(TOOL)); } writeBlock( gSpindleModeModal.format(spindleMode), sOutput.format(_spindleSpeed), spindleDir, spOutput.format(getCode("SELECT_SPINDLE", getSpindle(TOOL))) ); // wait for spindle here if required // clamp secondary chuck if necessary if (clampSpindles) { if (machineState.liveToolIsActive) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("CONNECT_C_AXES", SPINDLE_MAIN)), formatComment("SYNCHRONIZE C1 C2")); } clampChuck(getSecondarySpindle(), CLAMP); onDwell(1.0); } lastSpindleMode = tool.getSpindleMode(); lastSpindleSpeed = _spindleSpeed; lastSpindleDirection = tool.clockwise; } function stopSpindle() { if (machineState.cAxesAreSynchronized) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("DISCONNECT_C_AXES", SPINDLE_MAIN)), formatComment("DISCONNECT C1 C2")); } if (machineState.spindlesAreSynchronized) { writeBlock( mFormat.format(getCode("SPINDLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_OFF", activeSpindle)), spOutput.format(getCode("SELECT_SPINDLE", activeSpindle)) ); sOutput.reset(); } else { writeBlock( mFormat.format(getCode("STOP_SPINDLE", activeSpindle)), spOutput.format(getCode("SELECT_SPINDLE", activeSpindle)) ); } lastSpindleSpeed = 0; lastSpindleDirection = undefined; sOutput.reset(); } /** Positions the sub spindle */ function moveSubSpindle(_method, _position, _feed, _useMachineFrame, _comment, _error) { if (!gotSecondarySpindle) { return; } if (machineState.spindlesAreAttached) { if (_error) { error(localize("An attempt was made to position the sub-spindle with both chucks clamped.")); } return; } switch (_method) { case HOME: if ((getProperty("useTailStock") == "false") || !machineState.tailstockIsActive) { // don't retract B-axis if used as a tailstock writeBlock( gMotionModal.format(0), gFormat.format(28), gFormat.format(53), subOutput.format(0), conditional(_comment, formatComment(_comment)) ); } break; case RAPID: writeBlock( gMotionModal.format(0), conditional(_useMachineFrame, gFormat.format(53)), subOutput.format(_position), conditional(_comment, formatComment(_comment)) ); break; case FEED: var g53Code; if (_useMachineFrame) { switch (getProperty("useG53ForXfer")) { case "g53": writeBlock(gFormat.format(53), subOutput.format(_position)); break; case "g532": writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(1), gFormat.format(53.2), subOutput.format(_position), getFeed(_feed), conditional(_comment, formatComment(_comment))); break; case "linear": writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(1), subOutput.format(_position), getFeed(_feed), conditional(_comment, formatComment(_comment))); break; case "error": error(localize("The sub-spindle cannot be positioned using a feed rate when Machine Position output is used.")); return; } if (properties.useG53ForXfer == "error") { error(localize("The sub-spindle cannot be positioned using a feed rate when Machine Position output is used.")); return; } } else { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(1), subOutput.format(_position), getFeed(_feed), conditional(_comment, formatComment(_comment))); } break; case TORQUE: gFeedModeModal.reset(); gMotionModal.reset(); writeBlock( gFeedModeModal.format(getCode("FEED_MODE_UNIT_MIN", getSpindle(TOOL))), gMotionModal.format(1), gFormat.format(31), pOutput.format(99), conditional(_useMachineFrame == 1, gFormat.format(53)), subOutput.format(_position), getFeed(_feed), conditional(_comment, formatComment(_comment)) ); break; } } function clampChuck(_spindle, _clamp) { if (_spindle == SPINDLE_MAIN) { if (_clamp != machineState.mainChuckIsClamped) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode(_clamp ? "CLAMP_CHUCK" : "UNCLAMP_CHUCK", _spindle)), formatComment(_clamp ? "CLAMP MAIN CHUCK" : "UNCLAMP MAIN CHUCK")); machineState.mainChuckIsClamped = _clamp; } } else { if (_clamp != machineState.subChuckIsClamped) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode(_clamp ? "CLAMP_CHUCK" : "UNCLAMP_CHUCK", _spindle)), formatComment(_clamp ? "CLAMP SUB CHUCK" : "UNCLAMP SUB CHUCK")); machineState.subChuckIsClamped = _clamp; } } machineState.spindlesAreAttached = machineState.mainChuckIsClamped && machineState.subChuckIsClamped; } function unwindCAxis() { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), gFormat.format(28), "H" + abcFormat.format(0)); } function onCommand(command) { switch (command) { case COMMAND_COOLANT_OFF: setCoolant(COOLANT_OFF); break; case COMMAND_COOLANT_ON: setCoolant(tool.coolant); break; case COMMAND_LOCK_MULTI_AXIS: writeBlock(cAxisBrakeModal.format(getCode("LOCK_MULTI_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); break; case COMMAND_UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS: var unlockCode = cAxisBrakeModal.format(getCode("UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS", getSpindle(PART))); if (unlockCode) { writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); // C-axis must be enabled prior to unlocking it writeBlock(unlockCode); } break; case COMMAND_START_CHIP_TRANSPORT: writeBlock(mFormat.format(24)); break; case COMMAND_STOP_CHIP_TRANSPORT: writeBlock(mFormat.format(25)); break; case COMMAND_OPEN_DOOR: if (gotDoorControl) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(52)); // optional } break; case COMMAND_CLOSE_DOOR: if (gotDoorControl) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(53)); // optional } break; case COMMAND_BREAK_CONTROL: break; case COMMAND_TOOL_MEASURE: break; case COMMAND_ACTIVATE_SPEED_FEED_SYNCHRONIZATION: break; case COMMAND_DEACTIVATE_SPEED_FEED_SYNCHRONIZATION: break; case COMMAND_STOP: writeBlock(mFormat.format(0)); forceSpindleSpeed = true; forceCoolant = true; break; case COMMAND_OPTIONAL_STOP: writeBlock(mFormat.format(1)); forceSpindleSpeed = true; forceCoolant = true; break; case COMMAND_END: writeBlock(mFormat.format(2)); break; case COMMAND_STOP_SPINDLE: stopSpindle(); break; case COMMAND_ORIENTATE_SPINDLE: if (machineState.isTurningOperation || machineState.axialCenterDrilling) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("ORIENT_SPINDLE", getSpindle(PART)))); } else { error(localize("Spindle orientation is not supported for live tooling.")); return; } break; case COMMAND_SPINDLE_CLOCKWISE: writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("START_SPINDLE_CW", getSpindle(TOOL))), spOutput.format(getCode("SELECT_SPINDLE", getSpindle(TOOL))) ); break; case COMMAND_SPINDLE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE: writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("START_SPINDLE_CCW", getSpindle(TOOL))), spOutput.format(getCode("SELECT_SPINDLE", getSpindle(TOOL))) ); break; // case COMMAND_CLAMP: // add support for clamping // case COMMAND_UNCLAMP: // add support for clamping default: onUnsupportedCommand(command); } } /** Buffer Manual NC commands for processing later */ var bufferPassThrough = false; // enable to output the Pass Through commands until after ending the previous section var manualNC = []; function onManualNC(command, value) { if (command == COMMAND_PASS_THROUGH && bufferPassThrough) { manualNC.push({command:command, value:value}); } else { expandManualNC(command, value); } } /** Processes the Manual NC commands Pass the desired command to process or leave argument list blank to process all buffered commands */ function executeManualNC(command) { for (var i = 0; i < manualNC.length; ++i) { if (!command || (command == manualNC[i].command)) { expandManualNC(manualNC[i].command, manualNC[i].value); } } for (var i = manualNC.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!command || (command == manualNC[i].command)) { manualNC.splice(i, 1); } } } /** Get synchronization/transfer code based on part cutoff spindle direction. */ function getSpindleTransferCodes(_transferType) { var transferCodes = {direction:0, spindleMode:0, surfaceSpeed:0, maximumSpindleSpeed:0}; if (_transferType == TRANSFER_PHASE) { transferCodes.direction = getCode("SPINDLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_PHASE", getSecondarySpindle()); } else { transferCodes.direction = getCode("SPINDLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_SPEED", getSecondarySpindle()); } transferCodes.spindleDirection = true; // clockwise if (isLastSection()) { return transferCodes; } var numberOfSections = getNumberOfSections(); for (var i = getNextSection().getId(); i < numberOfSections; ++i) { var section = getSection(i); if (section.getParameter("operation-strategy") == "turningSecondarySpindleReturn" || section.getParameter("operation-strategy") == "turningSecondarySpindlePull") { continue; } else if (section.getType() != TYPE_TURNING || section.spindle != SPINDLE_PRIMARY) { break; } else if (section.getType() == TYPE_TURNING) { var tool = section.getTool(); if (!tool.clockwise) { transferCodes.direction += 1; } transferCodes.spindleMode = tool.getSpindleMode(); transferCodes.surfaceSpeed = tool.surfaceSpeed; transferCodes.maximumSpindleSpeed = tool.maximumSpindleSpeed; transferCodes.spindleDirection = tool.clockwise; break; } } return transferCodes; } function getG17Code() { return (machineState.usePolarInterpolation || !gotYAxis) ? 18 : 17; } function ejectPart() { if (machineState.spindlesAreAttached) { error(localize("Cannot eject part when spindles are connected.")); } if (machineState.subChuckIsClamped) { spindle = SPINDLE_SUB; } else { spindle = getSpindle(PART); } writeln(""); if (getProperty("showSequenceNumbers") == "toolChange") { writeCommentSeqno(localize("PART EJECT")); } else { writeComment(localize("PART EJECT")); } gMotionModal.reset(); moveSubSpindle(HOME, 0, 0, true, "SUB SPINDLE RETURN", true); goHome(); // Position all axes to home position writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS", spindle))); if (!getProperty("optimizeCAxisSelect")) { cAxisEngageModal.reset(); } writeBlock( gFeedModeModal.format(getCode("FEED_MODE_UNIT_MIN", spindle)), gFormat.format(53 + currentWorkOffset), gPlaneModal.format(getG17Code()), cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", spindle)) ); if (getProperty("autoEject") == "flush") { setCoolant(COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL); } gSpindleModeModal.reset(); writeBlock( gSpindleModeModal.format(getCode("CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED_OFF", spindle)), sOutput.format(50), mFormat.format(getCode("START_SPINDLE_CW", spindle)), spOutput.format(getCode("SELECT_SPINDLE", spindle)) ); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("INTERLOCK_BYPASS", spindle))); if (getProperty("usePartCatcher")) { engagePartCatcher(true); } clampChuck(spindle, UNCLAMP); onDwell(1.5); if (getProperty("autoEject") != "flush") { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("CYCLE_PART_EJECTOR", spindle))); onDwell(0.5); } // clean out chips if (airCleanChuck) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("AIR_BLAST_ON", spindle))); onDwell(2.5); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("AIR_BLAST_OFF", spindle))); } writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("STOP_SPINDLE", spindle)), spOutput.format(getCode("SELECT_SPINDLE", spindle))); if (getProperty("autoEject") == "flush") { setCoolant(COOLANT_OFF); } if (getProperty("usePartCatcher")) { onDwell(2); // allow coolant to drain engagePartCatcher(false); onDwell(1.1); } writeComment(localize("END OF PART EJECT")); writeln(""); } function engagePartCatcher(engage) { if (getProperty("usePartCatcher")) { if (engage) { // engage part catcher writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("PART_CATCHER_ON", true)), formatComment(localize("PART CATCHER ON"))); if ((getProperty("partCatcherPosition") != 0) && (getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_MAIN) && !machineState.spindlesAreAttached && !machineState.tailstockIsActive) { moveSubSpindle(RAPID, getProperty("partCatcherPosition"), 0, true, "POSITION PART CATCHER", true); } } else { // disengage part catcher onCommand(COMMAND_COOLANT_OFF); if ((getProperty("partCatcherPosition") != 0) && (getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_MAIN) && !machineState.spindlesAreAttached && !machineState.tailstockIsActive) { moveSubSpindle(HOME, 0, 0, true, "RETRACT PART CATCHER", true); } writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("PART_CATCHER_OFF", true)), formatComment(localize("PART CATCHER OFF"))); } } } function engageTailStock(engage) { var _engage = engage; if (engage && (currentSection.tailstock || forceTailStock)) { if (machineState.axialCenterDrilling || (getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_SUB) || (getParameter("operation-strategy") == "turningFace") || ((getSpindle(TOOL) == SPINDLE_LIVE) && (machineState.machiningDirection == MACHINING_DIRECTION_AXIAL))) { warning(localize("Tail stock is not supported for secondary spindle or Z-axis milling.")); _engage = false; } } else if (!currentSection.tailstock && !forceTailStock) { _engage = false; } if (_engage) { if (!machineState.tailstockIsActive) { machineState.tailstockIsActive = true; if (getProperty("useTailStock") == "true") { writeBlock(tailStockModal.format(getCode("TAILSTOCK_ON", SPINDLE_MAIN))); } else if (getProperty("useTailStock") == "subSpindle" || getProperty("useTailStock") == "noTorque") { if (getSpindle(PART) == SPINDLE_SUB) { error(localize("Only the sub spindle can be used as a live center tail stock.")); } var rapidPosition = getProperty("useTailStockPositioning") == "offset" ? getGlobalParameter("stock-upper-z") + getProperty("useTailStockPosition") : getProperty("useTailStockPosition"); writeBlock(mInterferModal.format(getCode("INTERFERENCE_CHECK_OFF", getSpindle(PART)))); gMotionModal.reset(); moveSubSpindle(RAPID, rapidPosition, 0, getProperty("useTailStockPositioning") == "machine", "", true); // writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("TORQUE_SKIP_ON", getSpindle(PART))), formatComment("TORQUE SKIP ON")); writeBlock(gFormat.format(getCode("TAILSTOCK_CONTROL_ON", SPINDLE_MAIN)), subOutput.format(-getProperty("useTailStockTorque")), formatComment("ENGAGE LIVE CENTER")); if (getProperty("useTailStock") == "noTorque") { writeBlock(gFormat.format(getCode("TAILSTOCK_CONTROL_OFF", SPINDLE_MAIN)), formatComment("CANCEL TORQUE CONTROL")); } // writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("TORQUE_SKIP_OFF", getSpindle(PART))), formatComment("TORQUE SKIP OFF")); } } } else { if (machineState.tailstockIsActive) { machineState.tailstockIsActive = false; if (getProperty("useTailStock") == "true") { writeBlock(tailStockModal.format(getCode("TAILSTOCK_OFF", SPINDLE_MAIN))); } else if (getProperty("useTailStock") == "subSpindle") { writeBlock(gFormat.format(getCode("TAILSTOCK_CONTROL_OFF", SPINDLE_MAIN)), formatComment("CANCEL TORQUE CONTROL")); moveSubSpindle(HOME, rapidPosition, 0, true, "SUB SPINDLE RETURN", true); } } } } function onSectionEnd() { if (machineState.usePolarInterpolation) { setPolarInterpolation(false); // disable polar interpolation mode } if (isPolarModeActive()) { setPolarCoordinates(false); // disable Polar coordinates mode } // cancel SFM mode to preserve spindle speed if ((tool.getSpindleMode() == SPINDLE_CONSTANT_SURFACE_SPEED) && !machineState.spindlesAreAttached && !machineState.spindlesAreSynchronized && (currentSection.getParameter("operation-strategy") != "turningSecondarySpindleReturn") && currentSection.getParameter("operation-strategy") != "turningSecondarySpindlePull") { startSpindle(false, true, getFramePosition(currentSection.getFinalPosition())); } if (getProperty("usePartCatcher") && partCutoff && currentSection.partCatcher) { engagePartCatcher(false); } if (getProperty("cutoffConfirmation") != "false" && partCutoff) { writeBlock(gFormat.format(getProperty("cutoffConfirmation") == "true" ? 350 : 133), formatComment("CONFIRM CUTOFF")); onDwell(0.5); } if (partCutoff) { machineState.spindlesAreAttached = false; } if (operationSupportsTCP && currentSection.isMultiAxis()) { writeBlock(gFormat.format(49)); // disable length compensation writeBlock(gFormat.format(701), formatComment("DISABLE TCP")); writeBlock(mFormat.format(getCode("YAXIS_INTERLOCK_RELEASE_OFF")), formatComment("Y-AXIS INTERLOCK RELEASE OFF")); } if (((getCurrentSectionId() + 1) >= getNumberOfSections()) || (tool.number != getNextSection().getTool().number)) { onCommand(COMMAND_BREAK_CONTROL); } forcePolarCoordinates = false; forcePolarInterpolation = false; partCutoff = false; forceAny(); } function onClose() { var liveTool = getSpindle(TOOL) == SPINDLE_LIVE; optionalSection = false; onCommand(COMMAND_STOP_SPINDLE); setCoolant(COOLANT_OFF); writeln(""); if (getProperty("gotChipConveyor")) { onCommand(COMMAND_STOP_CHIP_TRANSPORT); } // Move to home position goHome(); if (machineState.tailstockIsActive) { engageTailStock(false); } else { if (getProperty("machineModel") != "PUMA_SMX") { gMotionModal.reset(); moveSubSpindle(HOME, 0, 0, true, "SUB SPINDLE RETURN", false); } } cancelWorkPlane(); if (!getProperty("optimizeCAxisSelect")) { cAxisEngageModal.reset(); } if (liveTool) { writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("ENABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); onCommand(COMMAND_UNLOCK_MULTI_AXIS); unwindCAxis(); onCommand(COMMAND_LOCK_MULTI_AXIS); } writeBlock(cAxisEngageModal.format(getCode("DISABLE_C_AXIS", getSpindle(PART)))); // Automatically eject part if (ejectRoutine) { ejectPart(); } writeBlock(gFormat.format(54)); // Process Manual NC commands executeManualNC(); writeln(""); onImpliedCommand(COMMAND_END); if (gotSecondarySpindle) { writeBlock(mInterferModal.format(getCode("INTERFERENCE_CHECK_ON", getSpindle(PART)))); } if (getProperty("looping")) { writeBlock(mFormat.format(54), formatComment(localize("Increment part counter"))); //increment part counter writeBlock(mFormat.format(99)); } else { onCommand(COMMAND_OPEN_DOOR); writeBlock(mFormat.format(30)); // stop program, spindle stop, coolant off } writeln("%"); } function onTerminate() { // enable to create a file with the name Oxxxx when running off of a memory card if (false) { var path = FileSystem.getFolderPath(getOutputPath()); var fileName = FileSystem.getFilename(getOutputPath()); var inc = fileName.indexOf("."); var file = fileName.substr(0, inc); var newFile = "O" + file; FileSystem.copyFile(getOutputPath(), FileSystem.getCombinedPath(path, newFile)); } }