/** Copyright (C) 2012-2025 by Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. ANYCUBIC post processor configuration. $Revision: 44161 f187ea25b82f4dac92873cf91c53c80db78df59a $ $Date: 2025-01-22 11:35:28 $ FORKID {7628ED3D-5A41-42C9-BDE8-4733B8E3AB4B} */ description = "Anycubic"; vendor = "AnyCubic"; vendorUrl = "https://www.anycubic.com/"; legal = "Copyright (C) 2012-2025 by Autodesk, Inc."; certificationLevel = 2; minimumRevision = 45917; longDescription = "Post for exporting toolpath to the Anycubic range of printer in gcode format (chiron, i3 mega, 4 max...)"; extension = "gcode"; setCodePage("ascii"); capabilities = CAPABILITY_ADDITIVE; tolerance = spatial(0.002, MM); highFeedrate = toPreciseUnit(9000, MM); minimumChordLength = spatial(0.25, MM); minimumCircularRadius = spatial(0.4, MM); maximumCircularRadius = spatial(1000, MM); minimumCircularSweep = toRad(0.01); maximumCircularSweep = toRad(180); allowHelicalMoves = false; // disable helical support allowSpiralMoves = false; // disable spiral support allowedCircularPlanes = 1 << PLANE_XY; // allow XY circular motion // user-defined properties // included properties if (typeof properties != "object") { properties = {}; } if (typeof groupDefinitions != "object") { groupDefinitions = {}; } // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/propertyTemperatureTower.cpi properties._trigger = { title : "Trigger", description: "Specifies whether to use the Z-height or layer number as the trigger to change temperature of the active Extruder.", type : "enum", values : [ {title:"Disabled", id:"disabled"}, {title:"by Height", id:"height"}, {title:"by Layer", id:"layer"} ], value: "disabled", scope: "post", group: "temperatureTower" }; properties._triggerValue = { title : "Trigger Value", description: "This number specifies either the Z-height or the layer number increment on when a change should be triggered.", type : "number", value : 10, scope : "post", group : "temperatureTower" }; properties.tempStart = { title : "Start Temperature", description: "Specifies the starting temperature for the active Extruder (degrees C). Note that the temperature specified in the print settings will be overridden by this value.", type : "integer", value : 190, range : [50, 450], scope : "post", group : "temperatureTower" }; properties.tempInterval = { title : "Temperature Interval", description: "Every step, increase the temperature of the active Extruder by this amount (degrees C).", type : "integer", value : 5, range : [-30, 30], scope : "post", group : "temperatureTower" }; groupDefinitions.temperatureTower = { title : "Temperature Tower", description: "Temperature Towers are used to test new filaments in order to identify the best printing temperature. " + "When utilized, this functionality generates a Gcode file where the temperature increases by a set amount, every step in height or layer number.", collapsed: true, order : 0 }; // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/propertyTemperatureTower.cpi // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/propertyRelativeExtrusion.cpi properties.relativeExtrusion = { title : "Relative extrusion mode", description: "Select the filament extrusion mode, either absolute or relative.", type : "boolean", value : true, scope : "post" }; // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/propertyRelativeExtrusion.cpi var gFormat = createFormat({prefix:"G", width:1, zeropad:false, decimals:0}); var mFormat = createFormat({prefix:"M", width:2, zeropad:true, decimals:0}); var tFormat = createFormat({prefix:"T", width:1, zeropad:false, decimals:0}); var integerFormat = createFormat({decimals:0}); var gMotionModal = createOutputVariable({control:CONTROL_FORCE}, gFormat); // modal group 1 - G0-G3, ... var gAbsIncModal = createOutputVariable({}, gFormat); // modal group 3 - G90-91 // Specify the required commands for your printer below. commands = { extruderChangeCommand : undefined, // command to change the extruder setExtruderTemperature: mFormat.format(104), // command to set the extruder temperature waitExtruder : mFormat.format(109), // wait command for the extruder temperature setBedTemperature : mFormat.format(140), // command to set the bed temperature waitBed : mFormat.format(190), // wait command for the bed temperature reportTemperatures : mFormat.format(105), // command to report the temperatures to the printer fan : {on:mFormat.format(106), off:mFormat.format(107)}, // command turn the fan on/off extrusionMode : {relative:mFormat.format(83), absolute:mFormat.format(82)} // commands for relative / absolute filament extrusion mode }; var settings = { useG0 : true, // specifies to either use G0 or G1 commands for rapid movements skipParkPosition: false, // set to true to avoid output of the park position at the end of the program comments : { permittedCommentChars: " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,=_-*+:/'", // letters are not case sensitive, use option 'outputFormat' below. Set to 'undefined' to allow any character prefix : ";", // specifies the prefix for the comment suffix : "", // specifies the suffix for the comment outputFormat : "ignoreCase", // can be set to "upperCase", "lowerCase" and "ignoreCase". Set to "ignoreCase" to write comments without upper/lower case formatting maximumLineLength : 80 // the maximum number of characters allowed in a line } }; // collected state var activeExtruder = 0; // track the active extruder. function onOpen() { setFormats(MM); // machine require input code in MM initializeMachineParameters(); if (typeof writeProgramHeader == "function") { writeProgramHeader(); } writeBlock(gFormat.format(unit == MM ? 21 : 20)); // set unit writeBlock(gFormat.format(28), xOutput.format(0), yOutput.format(0)); // homing X Y writeBlock(gFormat.format(28), zOutput.format(0)); // homing Z forceXYZE(); } function onSection() { writeBlock(gAbsIncModal.format(90)); // absolute spatial coordinates writeBlock(getCode(getProperty("relativeExtrusion") ? commands.extrusionMode.relative : commands.extrusionMode.absolute)); writeBlock(gFormat.format(92), eOutput.format(0)); forceXYZE(); // split the first move, home is 0, 0, 1mm over bed so z up first feedOutput.reset(); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(1), feedOutput.format(highFeedrate)); var initialPosition = getFramePosition(currentSection.getInitialPosition()); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), zOutput.format(initialPosition.z)); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(0), xOutput.format(initialPosition.x), yOutput.format(initialPosition.y)); forceXYZE(); } function onClose() { xOutput.reset(); yOutput.reset(); writeBlock(gFormat.format(28), xOutput.format(0)); writeBlock(gAbsIncModal.format(90)); writeBlock(gFormat.format(1), yOutput.format(toPreciseUnit(180, MM)), feedOutput.format(toPreciseUnit(1800, MM))); writeBlock(mFormat.format(300), "P300", "S2000"); // output a beep writeBlock(mFormat.format(84)); writeComment(localize("END OF GCODE")); } // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/onBedTemp.cpi function onBedTemp(temp, wait) { if (wait) { writeBlock(getCode(commands.reportTemperatures)); writeBlock(getCode(commands.waitBed), sOutput.format(temp)); } else { writeBlock(getCode(commands.setBedTemperature), sOutput.format(temp)); } } // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/onBedTemp.cpi // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/onExtruderTemp.cpi function onExtruderTemp(temp, wait, id) { if (typeof executeTempTowerFeatures == "function" && getProperty("_trigger") != undefined) { if (getProperty("_trigger") != "disabled" && (getCurrentPosition().z == 0)) { temp = getProperty("tempStart"); // override temperature with the starting temperature for the temp tower feature } } if (wait) { writeBlock(getCode(commands.reportTemperatures)); writeBlock(getCode(commands.waitExtruder), sOutput.format(temp), tFormat.format(id)); } else { writeBlock(getCode(commands.setExtruderTemperature), sOutput.format(temp), tFormat.format(id)); } } // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/onExtruderTemp.cpi // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/onExtruderChange.cpi function onExtruderChange(id) { if (id > machineConfiguration.getNumberExtruders()) { error(subst(localize("This printer does not support the extruder '%1'."), integerFormat.format(id))); return; } writeBlock(getCode(commands.extruderChangeCommand), tFormat.format(id)); activeExtruder = id; forceXYZE(); } // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/onExtruderChange.cpi // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/onExtrusionReset.cpi function onExtrusionReset(length) { if (getProperty("relativeExtrusion")) { eOutput.setCurrent(0); } eOutput.reset(); writeBlock(gFormat.format(92), eOutput.format(length)); } // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/onExtrusionReset.cpi // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/onFanSpeed.cpi function onFanSpeed(speed, id) { if (!commands.fan) { return; } if (speed == 0) { writeBlock(getCode(commands.fan.off)); } else { writeBlock(getCode(commands.fan.on), sOutput.format(speed)); } } // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/onFanSpeed.cpi // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/onLayer.cpi function onLayer(num) { if (typeof executeTempTowerFeatures == "function") { executeTempTowerFeatures(num); } if (num == 1) { writeComment("LAYER_COUNT:" + integerFormat.format(layerCount)); } writeComment("LAYER:" + integerFormat.format(num)); if (typeof changeFilament == "function" && getProperty("changeLayers") != undefined) { changeFilament(num); } if (typeof pausePrint == "function" && getProperty("pauseLayers") != undefined) { pausePrint(num); } } // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/onLayer.cpi // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/setFormats.cpi function setFormats(_desiredUnit) { if (_desiredUnit != unit) { writeComment(subst(localize("This printer does not support programs in %1."), unit == IN ? "inches" : "millimeters")); writeComment(localize("The program has been converted to the supported unit.")); unit = _desiredUnit; } xyzFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4)}); feedFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 0 : 1)}); dimensionFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4), zeropad:false, suffix:(unit == MM ? "mm" : "in")}); xOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"X"}, xyzFormat); yOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"Y"}, xyzFormat); zOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"Z"}, xyzFormat); feedOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"F"}, feedFormat); eOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"E", type:getProperty("relativeExtrusion") ? TYPE_INCREMENTAL : TYPE_ABSOLUTE}, xyzFormat); sOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"S", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, xyzFormat); // parameter temperature or speed iOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"I", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, xyzFormat); // circular output jOutput = createOutputVariable({prefix:"J", control:CONTROL_FORCE}, xyzFormat); // circular output if (typeof parseSpatialProperties == "function") { parseSpatialProperties(); } } // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/setFormats.cpi // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/writeProgramHeader.cpi function writeProgramHeader() { if (programName) { writeComment(programName); } if (programComment) { writeComment(programComment); } writeComment(subst(localize("Printer name: %1 %2"), machineConfiguration.getVendor(), machineConfiguration.getModel())); writeComment("TIME:" + integerFormat.format(printTime)); // do not localize writeComment(subst(localize("Print time: %1"), formatCycleTime(printTime))); for (var i = 1; i <= numberOfExtruders; ++i) { writeComment(subst(localize("Extruder %1 material used: %2"), i, dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(getExtruder(i).extrusionLength, MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Extruder %1 material name: %2"), i, getExtruder(i).materialName)); writeComment(subst(localize("Extruder %1 filament diameter: %2"), i, dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(getExtruder(i).filamentDiameter, MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Extruder %1 nozzle diameter: %2"), i, dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(getExtruder(i).nozzleDiameter, MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Extruder %1 offset x: %2"), i, dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(machineConfiguration.getExtruderOffsetX(i), MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Extruder %1 offset y: %2"), i, dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(machineConfiguration.getExtruderOffsetY(i), MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Extruder %1 offset z: %2"), i, dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(machineConfiguration.getExtruderOffsetZ(i), MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Extruder %1 max temp: %2"), i, integerFormat.format(getExtruder(i).temperature))); } writeComment(subst(localize("Bed temp: %1"), integerFormat.format(bedTemp))); writeComment(subst(localize("Layer count: %1"), integerFormat.format(layerCount))); writeComment(subst(localize("Width: %1"), dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(machineConfiguration.getWidth() - machineConfiguration.getCenterPositionX(), MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Depth: %1"), dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(machineConfiguration.getDepth() - machineConfiguration.getCenterPositionY(), MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Height: %1"), dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(machineConfiguration.getHeight() + machineConfiguration.getCenterPositionZ(), MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Center x: %1"), dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit((machineConfiguration.getWidth() / 2.0) - machineConfiguration.getCenterPositionX(), MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Center y: %1"), dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit((machineConfiguration.getDepth() / 2.0) - machineConfiguration.getCenterPositionY(), MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Center z: %1"), dimensionFormat.format(toPreciseUnit(machineConfiguration.getCenterPositionZ(), MM)))); writeComment(subst(localize("Count of bodies: %1"), integerFormat.format(partCount))); writeComment(subst(localize("Fusion version: %1"), getGlobalParameter("version"))); } // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/writeProgramHeader.cpi // >>>>> INCLUDED FROM ../common/commonAdditiveFunctions.cpi function writeBlock() { writeWords(arguments); } validate(settings.comments, "Setting 'comments' is required but not defined."); function formatComment(text) { var prefix = settings.comments.prefix; var suffix = settings.comments.suffix; var _permittedCommentChars = settings.comments.permittedCommentChars == undefined ? "" : settings.comments.permittedCommentChars; switch (settings.comments.outputFormat) { case "upperCase": text = text.toUpperCase(); _permittedCommentChars = _permittedCommentChars.toUpperCase(); break; case "lowerCase": text = text.toLowerCase(); _permittedCommentChars = _permittedCommentChars.toLowerCase(); break; case "ignoreCase": _permittedCommentChars = _permittedCommentChars.toUpperCase() + _permittedCommentChars.toLowerCase(); break; default: error(localize("Unsupported option specified for setting 'comments.outputFormat'.")); } if (_permittedCommentChars != "") { text = filterText(String(text), _permittedCommentChars); } text = String(text).substring(0, settings.comments.maximumLineLength - prefix.length - suffix.length); return text != "" ? prefix + text + suffix : ""; } /** Output a comment. */ function writeComment(text) { if (!text) { return; } var comments = String(text).split(EOL); for (comment in comments) { var _comment = formatComment(comments[comment]); if (_comment) { writeln(_comment); } } } function onComment(text) { writeComment(text); } function forceXYZE() { xOutput.reset(); yOutput.reset(); zOutput.reset(); eOutput.reset(); } function getCode(code) { return typeof code == "undefined" ? "" : code; } function onParameter(name, value) { switch (name) { case "feedRate": rapidFeedrate = toPreciseUnit(value, MM); break; } } var nextTriggerValue; var newTemperature; function executeTempTowerFeatures(num) { if (getProperty("_trigger") != "disabled") { var multiplier = getProperty("_trigger") == "height" ? 100 : 1; var currentValue = getProperty("_trigger") == "height" ? xyzFormat.format(getCurrentPosition().z * 100) : (num - 1); if (num == 1) { // initialize nextTriggerValue = getProperty("_triggerValue") * multiplier; newTemperature = getProperty("tempStart"); } else { if (currentValue >= nextTriggerValue) { newTemperature += getProperty("tempInterval"); nextTriggerValue += getProperty("_triggerValue") * multiplier; if (newTemperature <= maximumExtruderTemp[activeExtruder]) { onExtruderTemp(newTemperature, false, activeExtruder); } else { error(subst( localize("Temperature tower - The requested extruder temperature of '%1' exceeds the maximum value of '%2'."), newTemperature, maximumExtruderTemp[activeExtruder]) ); } } } } } function formatCycleTime(cycleTime) { var seconds = cycleTime % 60 | 0; var minutes = ((cycleTime - seconds) / 60 | 0) % 60; var hours = (cycleTime - minutes * 60 - seconds) / (60 * 60) | 0; if (hours > 0) { return subst(localize("%1h:%2m:%3s"), hours, minutes, seconds); } else if (minutes > 0) { return subst(localize("%1m:%2s"), minutes, seconds); } else { return subst(localize("%1s"), seconds); } } function onRapid(_x, _y, _z) { var x = xOutput.format(_x); var y = yOutput.format(_y); var z = zOutput.format(_z); var f = feedOutput.format(rapidFeedrate); if (settings.skipParkPosition) { var num = (!xyzFormat.areDifferent(_x, currentSection.getFinalPosition().x) ? 1 : 0) + (!xyzFormat.areDifferent(_y, currentSection.getFinalPosition().y) ? 1 : 0) + (!xyzFormat.areDifferent(_z, currentSection.getFinalPosition().z) ? 1 : 0); if (num > 0 && isLastMotionRecord(getNextRecord().getId() + 1)) { return; // skip movements to park position } } if (x || y || z || f) { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(settings.useG0 ? 0 : 1), x, y, z, f); feedOutput.reset(); } } function onLinearExtrude(_x, _y, _z, _f, _e) { var x = xOutput.format(_x); var y = yOutput.format(_y); var z = zOutput.format(_z); var f = feedOutput.format(_f); var e = eOutput.format(_e); if (x || y || z || f || e) { writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(1), x, y, z, f, e); } } function onCircularExtrude(_clockwise, _cx, _cy, _cz, _x, _y, _z, _f, _e) { var x = xOutput.format(_x); var y = yOutput.format(_y); var z = zOutput.format(_z); var f = feedOutput.format(_f); var e = eOutput.format(_e); var start = getCurrentPosition(); var i = iOutput.format(_cx - start.x); var j = jOutput.format(_cy - start.y); switch (getCircularPlane()) { case PLANE_XY: writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(_clockwise ? 2 : 3), x, y, i, j, f, e); break; default: linearize(tolerance); } } function getLayersFromProperty(_property) { var layer = getProperty(_property).toString().split(","); for (var i in layer) { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(layer[i])) && !isNaN(layer[i] - 0) && (layer[i] - Math.floor(layer[i])) === 0) { layer[i] = parseFloat(layer[i], 10); } else { error(subst( localize("The property '%1' contains an invalid value of '%2'. Only integers are allowed."), _property.title, layer[i]) ); return undefined; } } return layer; // returns an array of layer numbers as integers } var pauseLayers; function pausePrint(num) { if (getProperty("pauseLayers") != "") { validate(commands.pauseCommand != undefined, "The pause command is not defined."); if (num == 1) { // initialize array pauseLayers = getLayersFromProperty(properties.pauseLayers); } if (pauseLayers.indexOf(num) > -1) { writeComment(localize("PAUSE PRINT")); writeBlock(getCode(commands.displayCommand), getProperty("pauseMessage")); forceXYZE(); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(1), zOutput.format(machineConfiguration.getParkPositionZ())); writeBlock(gMotionModal.format(1), xOutput.format(machineConfiguration.getParkPositionX()), yOutput.format(machineConfiguration.getParkPositionY())); writeBlock(getCode(commands.pauseCommand)); } } } var changeLayers; function changeFilament(num) { if (getProperty("changeLayers") != "") { validate(commands.changeFilament.command != undefined, "The filament change command is not defined."); if (num == 1) { // initialize array changeLayers = getLayersFromProperty(properties.changeLayers); } if (changeLayers.indexOf(num) > -1) { writeComment(localize("FILAMENT CHANGE")); if (getProperty("changeMessage") != "") { writeBlock(getCode(commands.displayCommand), getProperty("changeMessage")); } var words = new Array(); words.push(commands.changeFilament.command); /* if (!getProperty("useFirmwareConfiguration")) { words.push("X" + xyzFormat.format(machineConfiguration.getParkPositionX())); words.push("Y" + xyzFormat.format(machineConfiguration.getParkPositionY())); words.push("Z" + xyzFormat.format(getProperty("zPosition"))); words.push(commands.changeFilament.initialRetract + xyzFormat.format(getProperty("initialRetract"))); words.push(commands.changeFilament.removalRetract + xyzFormat.format(getProperty("removalRetract"))); } */ writeBlock(words); forceXYZE(); feedOutput.reset(); } } } function isLastMotionRecord(record) { while (!(getRecord(record).isMotion())) { if (getRecord(record).getType() == RECORD_OPERATION_END) { return true; } ++record; } return false; } var maximumExtruderTemp = [210, 210]; var rapidFeedrate = highFeedrate; function initializeMachineParameters() { var machineData = hasGlobalParameter("machine-v2") ? JSON.parse(getGlobalParameter("machine-v2")) : null; if (machineData && typeof machineData == "object") { // data in the machine definition is always stored as degree celsius and millimeters maximumExtruderTemp[0] = parseFloat(machineData.additive_extruder[0].max_temp); // max temp for extruder 1 if (machineData.additive_extruder[1]) { maximumExtruderTemp[1] = parseFloat(machineData.additive_extruder[1].max_temp); // max temp for extruder 2 } rapidFeedrate = toPreciseUnit(parseFloat(machineData.limits.default.speed_xy_max) * 60, MM); // convert mm/s to mm/min } else { warning("Failed to read machine data, default values will be used instead."); } if (highFeedMapping != HIGH_FEED_NO_MAPPING) { highFeedMapping = HIGH_FEED_NO_MAPPING; warning(localize("The selected High Feedrate mapping method is not supported and has been automatically set to 'Preserve rapid movement' by the postprocessor.")); } } // <<<<< INCLUDED FROM ../common/commonAdditiveFunctions.cpi