Inventor HSM 2018 - Jun 30, 2017
New in this version
Improved turning toolpath preview for ID operations. Toolpath is now shown through the model, and the stock area preview is shown without edges. #6423
Added parametric confinement for turning, and removed the old confinement. #2894
Added retract height to Profiling and Grooving. #7290
Added retract height to turning Face, Part, Single Groove and Chamfer. #7291
Added support for embedding pictures in Setup Sheet.
Added relevant turning tool information in Setup Sheet.
Added support for turning tool preview in Setup Sheet. #2501
Added retract height for turning threading. Removed inner and outer radius as they did not affect the generated toolpaths. #4042
IdeaStation: Support ability for user to choose which license level (Premium/Ultimate) to use. #7412
Added dwell option for the Single Groove opration #7451
Allow user to disable toolpath generation on creation/change of an operation. This option can be changed in Inventor HSM options. #6422
IdeaStation: Use program name/comment from setup if only operation(s) selected. #7138
Fixed wrong stock simulation issue when milling comes after a Turning Thread operation. #7582
Simple ordering functionality for Parallel operation is now obeying the setting. #7593
Ensure that vertical moves for 2D Contour are generated with Plunge feed. #7512
Prevent unnecessary invalidation of operations using rest machining from tool (instead of operations) when re-ordering operations. #7458
Fix misspelling in Preserve Order tooltip. #7517
Prevent overwriting of all tool parameters just by re-selecting the same tool (with no changes). #7450
The Leads on all Finishing Passes parameter in 2D Contour / 2D Pocket is now being obeyed. #1366
Fixed wrong start position for bore milling cycle when using conventional milling direction. #7496
Avoid text truncation on Product Information button. #7026
When copying a pattern containing a drill operation from one document to another, Fusion would crash when attempting to fix the missing selections in the pasted pattern/operations. #7506
Custom value specified as size of a turning insert is now being persisted #7443
Calculating proper compensation point when selecting 'Tip tangent' for inserts without holder. #6742
Fix scenario in Inventor 2018 where CAM-specific marking menu would not be shown in simulate command if CAM browser is not active. #7383