HSMWorks2017-R1.41441 - Nov 23, 2016
New in this version
Added turning strategies Chuck and Return for controlling part transfer on lathes.
Added hidden setting for turn off spiral machining for circular pockets for 2D Contour and 2D Pocket. The setting is turned on by default and only visible from the Compare and Edit dialog. #5219
Added support for live versus static tool control in the tool library. Tools are live by default. #1193
Show tool as red when tool type is not supported for the machining strategy during edit of operation.
Allow spot drill and counter sink tool for Chamfer 2D strategy.
Added support for entry positions for 2D Chamfer. #5207
Added automatic detection of long start-up time for HSMWorks and generate dump file with relevant details for further analysis. The timeout is 3 min for now.
Added new API HSMWorks_isDefault() and HSMWorks_makeDefault() to get and set current default container, respectively.
Added support for deprecated description for posts in the post dialog. This feature can be used for posts for which there now is better alternative posts available as a preliminary step to getting the posts fully removed. Posts can use the 'deprecatedDescription' variable for this purpose.
Added examples for running in post processor configurations. Examples for both milling as well as mill-turn are included in metric and inch versions. It is recommended that you use these examples when testing new or modified posts to make sure that the posts outputs the desired code for each toolpath case.
Added support for both sides ordering for Face to reduce machining time when doing multiple stepdowns.
Added support for no dragging for Turning Profile. This feature can reduce tool wear significantly.
Added support for exporting jobs using HSMWorks_export() API.
Added support for separate option to turn off axial grooving independently from radius grooving for Turning Profile. #3299
Added tool libraries for common materials.
Added preserve order for 2D Chamfer.
Added alternate flanking feature for turning threading. This feature will give more even utilization of both sides of the thread insert for longer tool life.
Added short description, vendor, and long description for the post selection tool tip. The long description is now also shown for the properties.
Added option to open the Online Post Library from the post dialog menu.
Added support for setting the tool orientation for an operation using the explicit Z-X, Z-Y, and X-Y axes respectively.
Added Wear and Inverse Wear compensation for 2D Chamfer. In Control compensation is explicitly not available for 2D Chamfer.
Added support for tangential extension for 2D Chamfer.
Added finishing overlap for 2D Chamfer.
Added Feed Optimization support for 2D Chamfer.
WCS Origin selection box is focused when Origin Selection Mode is set to "Selected Point".
Only show error message for missing tool when no tool has been selected for operation instead of any additional error messages resulting from the missing tool.
Prevent drag and drop of tools to operations which do not support the given tool type from the operation manager.
Updated holders for tutorial tool library.
Updated feed/speeds and remove tool number for sample turning tool library.
Updated tap tool libraries.
Updated holder libraries.
Added "Turret" in milling tool dialog. #5126
Updated examples files for testing post processor configurations with CNCs.
Updated material specific tool libraries.
Fixed potential issue with checkboxes in the Job PMP.
Allow ENTER to be hit during edit of program name and comment for post dialog.
Job group is now expanded by default when editing a Job.
The WCS Selection mode will now be set to Coordinate System automatically for a new job regardless of the user defined default when a SolidWorks coordinate system is available in the part/assembly document.
Prevent out of memory issue when using Simulate by hard limiting toolpath expanded for drilling cycles. Simulate will fail rather than using up all memory. #4408
Changed built-in default of keep tool down to be disabled for Trace.
Added cursor hint and log message to avoid wrong drilling toolpath due to invalid face selection for a hole. Would happen if the face doesn't have any extent according to SolidWorks. #3857
Show surface speed in m/min rather than mm/min for metric mode in Simulate.
Updated sample tool libraries for common materials.
Updated Czech translation.
Added support for significantly more operations when using stock simulation.
Reduced number of points in toolpath for Adaptive Clearing.
Changed order of blocks such that maximum spindle speed is set before surface speed for generic HAAS turning post.
Ask for tool before showing other errors when no tool is selected for a given operation.
Updated 2D Contour and Trace so Keep Tool Down is disabled by default when using chamfer mode.
Updated generic HAAS post to force work offset output at each tool change to allow restart of program.
Added warning message if no selections were made for Thread, Circular and Bore strategies.
Updated style for setup sheets.
The default tool for the Chamfer and Engrave strategies is now set to Chamfer Mill.
Fixed issue that triggered COM error due to Sketch references, when copying operations between assemblies. #4215
Fixed long warning dialog when listing operations during deleting and toolpath generation. The number of listed operations are now limited to 10. #5278
Fixed issue where the same error could be written twice in the operation log during toolpath generation.
Fixed wrong toolpath preview after load for Turning Thread. #4600
Fixed invalidation issue when assembly component was modified outside of the current assembly context. #4212
Fixed wrong tool visualization in stock simulation for lollipop mill. #4216
Fixed Drilling error caused by surface body. #4050
Fixed drilling toolpath issue on cones. #4879
Fixed hang issue for Spun Profile feature. #4880
Fixed wrong error message in Turning or Mill/Turn Job PMP.
Fixed crash during Silhouette Generation in later Solidworks versions. #4400
Fixed issue with inconsistent drill depth when hole has curved extremities. #4707
Fixed potential hang during load of part file for certain newer PCs. #4702
Fixed potential crash when using Stock Simulation. #4387
Fixed issue where small chamfer feature could not be selected for drilling. #4414
Fixed issue with wrong job parameter value affecting the WCS. #3171 #4119
Fixed issue where drilling could fail due a SolidWorks issue. #4118
Fixed potential crash when simulating milling toolpath in Stock Simulation. #4386
Fixed default diameter and length offset to be tool number for tools created by DrillWizard. #3839
The Tool Length Offset is now set to Tool Number for tools created by the Drill Wizard. #3839
Fixed issue where very tiny face causing drilling to fail. #4385
Fixed angular value presentation in View Toolpath dialog.
Fixed potential crash when using Spun Profile for mill/turn parts.
Fixed issue with WCS in Turning not fixed in the center of the stock when "Model Front" or "Model Back" was selected. #2837
Fixed potential wrong validation error for derived operations. #2264
Fixed potential failure preventing the DrillWizard from functioning during editing.
Fixed issue with the High Feed Mapping dropdown list not updating in the Post Processing dialog. #3172
Fixed wrong drilling heights for HoleWizard feature. #3061
Fixed potential error when creating a sketch. #3248
Fixed failure to generate toolpath for Contour when using chamfer tool. #3074
Fixed generic ShopBot post.
Fixed potential issue when using Distributed CAM where a server could incorrectly be marked as do not use.
Fixed issue when the Origin Selection for Turning Jobs was not preserved. #2832
Improved performance during dependency analysis to avoid long loading and editing times for parts with many rest machining operations. #2803
Fixed potential hang for Spun Profile.
Fixed issue with wrong WCS orientation in Assemblies. #2851
Updated generic woodWOP to avoid issues with big circular moves.
Fixed issue with HSMWorks_exportAll() API when using patterns.
Fixed wrong return code for HSMWorks_checkTasks() API.
Changes to toolpath generation
Added support for faster flat area handling by not including surface ridges for Adaptive Clearing, Pocket, and Horizontal. #4441
Changed default stock to be only outermost silhouette of part for Adaptive Clearing when user hasn't specified any stock. #5233
Improved stay down linking for Contour.
Improved progress support for Adaptive Clearing. #3215
Improved linking for Adaptive Clearing by reducing the length of the leads. #2083
Improved ordering for Face.
Fixed wrong pre-drill cutting feed for 2D Contour/2D Pocket. #2511
Fixed trimming of stock for 2D Contour. #5590
Fixed wrong toolpath issue for Turning Profile. #5684
Fixed too low start of ramp for Adaptive Clearing when using the tapered helical ramp feature. #5686
Fixed issue where ramp was missing for 2D Contour when using wear compensation. #5038
Fixed open slot support for Slot. #5434
Fixed generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #5354
Fixed generation failure for Face. #4492
Fixed wrong lead-out at undercut for Turning Profiling. #5336
Fixed the wrong retract issue when using No Drag mode for Turning Profile. #5255
Fixed the missing lead-in issue for Turning Profile. #4708
Fixed potential out of memory issue when generating Turning Profile. #4911
Fixed broken toolpath generation for open slots for Slot strategy. #4567
Fixed toolpath outside of axial and radial limits for Turning Profile. #4704 #4706
Fixed wrong cutting moves when using No Drag for Turning Profile. #4718
Fixed the wrong roughing toolpath for Turning Profile. #4575
Fixed generation failure for Turning Profile. #4529
Fixed the wrong toolpath issue for Turning Profiling. #4529
Fixed wrong retract issue when ID machining for Turning Profiling. #4538
Fixed wrong movement type for stay-down linking causing non-engagement feed to be used when touching stock on the side for Adaptive Clearing. #4499
Fixes potential collision with remaining stock for Adaptive Clearing. #4477
Fixed wrong pecking for sideways mode for Turning Grooving. #3195
Fixed issue where Scallop could fail to generate when using a tapered tool. #4381
Fixed an issue where in very rare cases a wrong arc could be output for toolpath generation. #4002
Fixed wrong linking issue for 2D Chamfer. #3671
Fixed wrong retract motion for Adaptive Clearing. #4253
Fixed wrong toolpath issue when minimum cutting radius for 2D Contour for 180 degress arcs. #4191
Fixed wrong retract motion issue for Turning when moving to home position. #4127
Fixed potential generation failure when doing undercut milling for Contour. #4189
Fixed an issue where linking moves for 3D strategies in very rare cases could gouge the part with less than 2 times the tolerance. #4074
Fixed potential generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #3450
Fixed potential shaft or holder collision for Contour. #3893
Fixed a rare gouge when using smooth transition linking. #3944
Fixed gouge on the rotary axis for ID profile turning. #3803
Fixed potential linking gouge when using tapered tool. #3522
Fixed potential gouge when ramping for Contour. #3523
Fixed wrong toolpath issue for Slot. #1505
Fixed generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #3622
Fixed issue with too long retract to the home position for Turning Grooving. #3335
Fixed the long retract move along Z-axis. #3391
Fixed potential generation failure for Radial. #3560
Fixed rare tiny gouge issue for Spiral. #3512
Fixed wrong arc issue for Adaptive Clearing. #3501
Fixed generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #3445
Changed the behavior of the retract to home position for the ID turning to stay away from rotary axis. #2393
Fixed generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #3408
Fixed issues where Adaptive Clearing would not complete. #3367
Fixed wrong toolpath issue for Turning Grooving. #2586
Fixed generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #3325
Fixed wrong toolpath issue for Turning Grooving. #3218
Improved error handling for invalid contours for turning. #3277
Fixed wrong retract issue for Turning Profiling. #3245
Fixed potential generation failure for Adaptive Clearing for stay down linking. #3182
Fixed generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #3183
Improved linking for Face to avoid retracts when using multiple stepdowns. #3030
Fixed wrong undercut toolpath for Turning Profiling. #2617
Fixed the missing part of toolpath when the cutting angle is 90 degrees for Turning Profiling. #3159
Fixed wrong retract issue for Adaptive Clearing. #3155
Fixed generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #3132
Improved linking for Adaptive Clearing to avoid excessive linking of tiny cuts. #2643
Changes to post processor
Added support for model MDX-50 for Roland RML post.
Added support for optional safe start blocks for all operations for Haas post. Disabled by default but can be enabled using the 'safeStartAllOperations' property.
Updated multi-axis positioning for head machies for Heidenhain post.
Updated multi-axis support for Pocket NC post.
Added new property 'writeVersion' to write version and modification date when available in post header for Datron posts. The property is disabled by default.
Added new property 'writeVersion' to write version and modification date when available in post header for HAAS mill post. The property is disabled by default.
Added new property 'writeVersion' to write version and modification date when available in post header for Heidenhain post. The property is disabled by default.
Added new property 'writeVersion' to write version and modification date when available in post header for HAAS mill-turn posts. The property is disabled by default.
Added new property 'writeVersion' to write version and modification date when available in post header for Thermwood post. The property is disabled by default.
Added info for changing power mode and spindle speed for Dump post.
Show LIVE and STATIC next to tool type for lathe toolpath for setup sheet.
Added error when both fourthAxisAroundX and fourthAxisAroundY are enabled at the same time.
Added generic Mitsubishi turning post.
Added generic Mach4Mill post.
Added support for threading using G32 for generic Fanuc turning post.
Added support for tapping with chip breaking for generic Siemens 840D post.
Added Denford milling post for use with F1 in Schools projects.
Added generic Haas EC Horizontal Machining Center post.
Improved coolant handling for generic Haas milling posts.
Added support for multi-axis simultaneous toolpath for generic Heidenhain 407 post.
Added 'retractZLevel' property to move to safe retract Z-level at tool changes for MultiCam ISO post. By default this is set to 0 which means it isn't used.
Added optional block support for generic Haas UMC-750 post.
Improved C axis break handling.
Updated generic Haas UMC-750 post to do fast C-axis unwind.
Updated Universal Laser post to allow retracts to be excluded separately and changed default to include other linking motion.
Added generic post for Universal Laser. This post will output directly in DXF file format which can be imported from the Universal Laser dialog.
Added generic post for writting AutoCAD DXF.
Added forceIJK property for force output of IJK for G2/G3 when not using R word for generic Fanuc post.
Added option to turn off G28 for generic Denford post.
Added support for optionally measure tools for the generic HAAS post. You can enable this behavior by setting the 'optionallyMeasureTools' property to Yes. When enabled, the tools in use will be called in sequence allowing the operator to easily measure the tools before running the program by enabling BLOCK DELETE lines.
Added space for parametric feed variables for HAAS UMC-750 post.
Updated G28 retracts for Mach3 turning post.
Force spindle speed after optional stop for Next Generation HAAS.
Renamed property 'optionallyMeasureTools' to 'optionallyCycleToolsAtStart' for Haas posts.
Added new property 'useG16' to use machine retracts in H0 for OKUMA post which is disabled by default. By default the post will move the machine to the outer axis limits.
Updated retract handling for Okuma turning post.
Switched to using G30 instead of G28 for Tormach PathPilot post.
Updated spindle speed handling for Heidenhain post.
Updated default high feed used for Denford posts.
Updated Denford F1 in Schools post to follow the generic Denford milling post behavior and features.
Major update of Denford milling post to fix various issues and support billet.
Added % at start and end of program for Okuma turning post.
Renamed vendor for generic EMC2 post.
Updated descriptions for Mach milling posts.
Use G0 instead of high feed G1 when only a single axis moves in ISO NC mode for generic HURCO post. Basic NC mode is not affected since axes are synchornized and hence we can always use G0.
Use G0 instead of high feed G1 when only a single axis moves in ISO NC mode for generic HURCO 3D post. Basic NC mode is not affected since axes are synchornized and hence we can always use G0.
Use G0 instead of high feed G1 when only a single axis moves for generic Mektronix post.
Use G0 instead of high feed G1 when only a single axis moves for generic Tekna post.
Added description for generic ShopBot ISO post. ShopBot recommends using the ShopBot OpenSBP post.
Updated spindle speed warning for generic Shopbot post.
Changed error to warning for low spindle speed for generic Shopbot post.
Switched to using IJ instead of Q for fine boring cycle and changed word order for G41/G42 for Mach2Mill post.
Switched to using IJ instead of Q for fine boring cycle and changed word order for G41/G42 for Mach3Mill post.
Turned off chip transport by default for generic Haas posts.
Tool preload is not supported for generic Siemens turning post.
Updated comment output for generic Siemens turning post.
Added property to output M6 for tool changes for Othermill post.
Updated feed handling such that feed is limited when moving along Z for Handibot/Shopbot posts.
Updated tool breakage handling for Haas posts.
Added plane/orientation of toolpath for XML post.
Force machine retract to 60in/1500mm for generic Okuma post. The Okuma control will move the to highest position allowed without failing.
Always force coolant off before tool change for generic Tormach post.
Switched to using G154 P for work offsets for Haas turning post.
Updated description for Universal Laser DXF post.
Updated Universal Laser post to support different cutting modes.
Updated toolpath capabilities for generic DXF post.
Changed description for Tormach milling post to include PathPilot.
Updated inverse time support for HAAS trunnion post.
Added program name in title.
Changed order of blocks such that maximum spindle speed is set before surface speed for generic Fanuc turning post.
Changed order of homing and indexing for end of program for the generic HAAS UMC 750 post.
Updated relevant generic posts to force work offset at tool changes to allow restart of NC program at the tool changes.
Fixed issue when using G53 machine retracts for Fadal post.
Force tool change when length offset changes for mill-turn posts.
Fixed I and K scaling issue for turning posts for G2/G3. Radius mode is still used by default.
Fixed turning tool info for Setup Sheet.
Fixed G28 usage for Denford post.
Fixed issue for circular output for Heidenhain 145 post.
Fixed circular pocket milling cycle for Heidenhain 155 post.
Fixed feed per rev issue when doing static tool drilling for HAAS mill/turn posts.
Fixed drilling support for STEPCRAFT UCCNC post.
Fixed drilling support for UCCNC post.
Fixed various issues for ISO 4343 APT post.
Fixed spindle speed issue for Okuma turning post.
Disabled use of G28/G28.1 for UCCNC post.
Disabled use of G28/G28.1 for STEPCRAFT UCCNC post.
Switched to G83 for deep drilling for generic Haas turning post.
Fixed typo for validator post.
Fixed parametric feed issue for generic Fanuc turning post.
Fixed issue where spindle would not turn on for generic Shopbot ISO post.
Fixed tapping with chip breaking for generic Siemens 840D post.
Fixed wrong feed issue when using G2.4/G3.4 arcs for generic Robodrill post.
Fixed wrong feed issue when using G2.4/G3.4 arcs for Fanuc.
Fixed failure when positing and using smoothing for Robodrill post.
Fixed failure when positing and using smoothing for Fanuc incremental post.
Fixed failure when positing and using smoothing for generic Fanuc with subprograms post.
Fixed failure when positing and using smoothing for generic Fanuc Compact post.
Fixed failure when positing and using smoothing for generic Fanuc post.
Fixed order of M3/M4 and S-word for the generic TinyG post.
Fixed multi-axis support for generic Shopbot/Handibot posts.
Added C9 macro call at tool change for generic Shopbot/Handibot posts.
Fixed failure for generic Multicam HPGL post.
Fixed peck tapping issues for HAAS mill-turn posts.
Fixed smoothing activation/deactivation for generic Fanuc Robodrill post.
Fixed smoothing activation/deactivation for generic Fanuc with subprograms post.
Fixed smoothing activation/deactivation for generic Fanuc incremental post.
Fixed smoothing activation/deactivation for generic Fanuc post.
Force G96/G97 for generic HAAS mill-turn posts.
Fixed machine retracts for generic Okuma post.
Fixed incremental pecking depth for FANUC turning.
Fixed incremental pecking depth for Heidenhain turning.
Fixed circular output and scaling for generic ISEL post.
Fixed flipped orientation of SVG output.
Fixed missing formatting for generic Shopbot post.
Fixed feed scaling issue for inch mode for generic Datron posts.
Fixed drilling issue for generic HAAS mill-turn posts.