HSMWorks2016-R3.41074 - Aug 02, 2016
Changes to toolpath generation
Fixed generation failure for Turning Profile. #4529
Fixed the wrong toolpath issue for Turning Profiling. #4529
Fixed wrong retract issue when ID machining for Turning Profiling. #4538
Fixed wrong movement type for stay-down linking causing non-engagement feed to be used when touching stock on the side for Adaptive Clearing. #4499
Fixes potential collision with remaining stock for Adaptive Clearing. #4477
Fixed wrong pecking for sideways mode for Turning Grooving. #3195
Changes to post processor
Added generic Mitsubishi turning post.
Added generic Mach4Mill post.
Added property 'chipTransport' to turn on chip transport at start of program for generic Haas posts.
Added support for threading using G32 for generic Fanuc turning post.
Added properties to control X and Z G53 retract position for generic Siemens turning post.
Added support for tapping with chip breaking for generic Siemens 840D post.
Added Denford milling post for use with F1 in Schools projects.
Added generic Haas EC Horizontal Machining Center post.
Switched to using IJ instead of Q for fine boring cycle and changed word order for G41/G42 for Mach2Mill post.
Switched to using IJ instead of Q for fine boring cycle and changed word order for G41/G42 for Mach3Mill post.
Turned off chip transport by default for generic Haas posts.
Tool preload is not supported for generic Siemens turning post.
Updated comment output for generic Siemens turning post.
Added property to output M6 for tool changes for Othermill post.
Updated feed handling such that feed is limited when moving along Z for Handibot/Shopbot posts.
Updated tool breakage handling for Haas posts.
Added plane/orientation of toolpath for XML post.
Fixed tool D-word for generic Siemens turning post.
Fixed tapping with chip breaking for generic Siemens 840D post.
Fixed wrong feed issue when using G2.4/G3.4 arcs for generic Robodrill post.
Fixed wrong feed issue when using G2.4/G3.4 arcs for Fanuc.
Fixed maximum spindle speed format, tool format, and G94/G95 feed mode output for generic Siemens turning post.