HSMWorks2019-R3.43349 - Sep 17, 2018
New in this version
Added support for SolidWorks 2019.
Added support logging SolidWorks API integration. This is a hidden feature to allow deep analysis of HSMWorks-SolidWorks integration issues.
Major extension of HSMWorks API.
Added HSMWorks_postProcess() API.
Added HSMWorks_createObject2() API.
Added HSMWorks_isToolpathObject() API.
Fixed support for using 0 as default container for HSMWorks_createObject() API.
Added API HSMWorks_writeAPILog() to allow write of log file for all API calls.
Show required range for out of range errors for properties when post processing.
Show range in property tool tip for all number types when post processing.
Changes to toolpath generation
Fixed issue where Adaptive Clearing would not complete. #10362
Fixed potential generation failure for turning. #10072
Fixed generation failure for Slot. #10048
Fixed potential failure of Adaptive Clearing on Windows when installation path contained characters not in the active codepage. #9968
Fixed wrong toolpath for Turning Profile. #9941
Fixed issue where shaft/holder would not pull away when using Shaft and Holder for Adaptive Clearing. #9938
Improved linking for Adaptive Clearing to avoid retracts. #9744
Improved linking for Adaptive Clearing when using slot opening. #9702
Changes to post processor
Allow X, Y, and Z properties to be directly set for Vector class.
Section.doesStartWithCycleIgnoringPositioning() API now ignores dwell also. #10699
Fixed issue where rapid down move to safe position was missing when expanding deep drilling and chip-breaking cycles. #10616
Fixed missing use of retract feedrate for expanded break-through drilling cycle.
Fixed support for onSpindleSpeed() for expanded cycles.
Added API for getting tool as mesh using Tool.getCutterAsMesh() and Tool.getHolderAsMesh().
Fixed G71 threading support for Okuma turning post.
Fixed G71 threading support for Okuma LB3000 mill-turn post.
Fixed retract position issue for canned cycles when using subprograms.
Fixed canned cyles in G18/G19 for 5AXISMAKER post.
Fixed wrong property types for METABEAM META 4C Laser post.
Fixed wrong property types for Freedom router post.
Fixed wrong property types for DMG MORI DMF 260 posts.
Fixed wrong property types for DMS routers posts.
Fixed wrong property types for Siemens 840D post.
Fixed wrong property types for Intercim G-Post APT post.
Fixed wrong property types for ICAM CAM-POST APT post.
Fixed wrong property types for CAMplete APT post.
Fixed wrong property types for Operation sheet CSV post.
Fixed wrong property types for MillMaster Pro post.
Fixed wrong property types for Tool sheet CSV post.
Fixed C-axis direction with 3+1 operations on the sub-spindle for mill-turn posts.
Fixed wrong Z for threading output for HAAS mill-turn posts.
Fixed multi-axis orientation for MillPlus post.
Do not output redundant coolant off for the first section for Heidenhain posts.
Added multi-axis support for Kosy post.
Fixed output of double #-prefix and wrong *-suffix for Gerber Conversational post.
The Y0 position is now output when switching between XYZ-mode and XZC or polar modes for mill-turn posts.
Prevent the SFM speed from being reset during a stock transfer operation for HAAS mill-turn posts.
Updated C-axis engage handling for mill-turn posts.
Fixed C-axis positioning issue when B-axis is supported for Doosan mill-turn post.
Removed unsupported tool preload feature for HAAS turning post.
Updated HAAS mill-turn posts to avoid undesired spindle stops.
Fixed prepositioning moves for 5-axis simultaneous toolpath for HAAS Next Generation posts.
Fixed probe support for DATRON MCR post.
Added support for force tool change for Heidenhain posts.
Updated spindle speed handling for DATRON MCR post.
Updated machine retract handling for DMG Mori CMX with FANUC control.
Updated machine retract handling for DMG Mori NHX with CELOS control.
Updated block output handling for HAAS mill posts.
Updated machine retract handling for posts.
Adjusted output of the C-axis enable/disable when the 'optimizeCaxisSelect' property is set to false for Doosan mill-turn post.
Added support for new style cycles for Siemens 840D post. Extended cycles are disabled by default but can be enabled using the property 'useExtendedCycles'.
Added support for G400 compensation block with milling/drilling operations for Doosan mill-turn post for Puma MX model.
Updated spindle speed handling for posts.
Updated spindle speed handling for Takisawa mill-turn post.
Fixed order of angles for CYCLE800 mode for Siemens mill posts.
Updated spindle speed handling for lathe posts.
Fixed missing unlock of C-axis for mill-turn posts.
Fixed issue for canned cycle handling for DMG Mori NHX post.
Fixed chip breaking issue for Siemens 840D post.
Updated work offset support for DMS Router with posts.
Updated spindle speed handling for posts.
Added support for probing for OKUMA post.
Added property 'Reverse Z-axis direction' to allow the user to choose whether to reverse the Z-axis direction for WinPC-NC post.
Added property 'Style' to control the output style for Mitsubishi laser post.
Added the property 'useM26' to control the output of M06/M26 code for a tool change for Bridgeport DX-32 post.
Fixed potential failure for Fanuc with A-axis post.
Updated spindle speed handling for posts.
The rotary table is now positioned at 0 degrees at the end of the program, whether it is defined as the A, B, or C axis for HAAS Next Generation posts.
Removed support for unsupported tool preload for DATRON ISO post.
Added M26 to lock axis for Hermle C12U post.