HSMWorks2019-R1.43012 - May 03, 2018
New in this version
Fixed wrong machining area issue for 2D Adaptive Clearing. #9821
Changes to toolpath generation
Fixed wrong toolpath issue for turning. #9917
Fixed potential generation failure when using negative stock to leave for turning. #9722
Fixed wrong toolpath issue for turning. #9751
Improved toolpath quality to avoid tiny moves for 2D Contour. #7585
Fixed bad ordering issue when using both ways for Adaptive Clearing. #9580
Changes to post processor
Added support for DPM feedrates for multi-axis motion for Doosan mill-turn post.
Added support for polylines and full circles for DXF post.
Added support for tool calls by tool description rather than tool number for Siemens 810D post.
Added property to control C-axis scale for DMS Router FAGOR posts.
Added QCTP and gang tooling support (using turrets 101-104) for turning posts.
Updated feedrate handling for multi-axis for Shopbot post.
Added support for MX model and B-axis support for Doosan mill-turn Fanuc post.
Added support for probing for Brother post.
Updated coolant and retract handling for 3D HURCO post.
Fixed multi-axis indexing issue for Tormach post.
Fixed multi-axis indexing issue for Pocket NC post.
Fixed missing RAPTO output for drill cycles for CAMplete post.
Fixed output of C-axis when turning for Doosan mill-turn Fanuc post.
Fixed multi-axis indexing for Matsuura MX520 post.
Fixed issue with duplicate moves for Baileigh plasma post.
Fixed wrong machining direction for mill-turn posts.
Fixed tapping with pecking to avoid final position to be repeated for HAAS posts.
Fixed wrong machining direction for HAAS CL-1 post.
Fixed wrong machining direction for HAAS mill-turn posts.
Fixed Z-word for canned cycles for Bridgeport post.
Fixed initial positioning and circular motion issues for KUKA CNC post.
Fixed decimals for inch mode for CanCAM OSAI post.
Fixed End-of-file for HURCO post.
Changed C-reset to use closest virtual C0 instead of absolute C0 for DMS Router posts.
Added check for tool break control for DMG MORI NHX and CMX posts.
Time output is no longer forced for DATRON posts.
Increased minimum chord length for posts.
Added more decimals for feedrate for HAAS mill-turn posts.
Updated coolant and retract handling for posts.
Updated multi-axis indexing for Siemens posts.
Updated G31 for Mach3 plasma post.
Use rotary lock/unlock for indexed milling for HAAS Next Generation Control posts.
Updated coolant and retract handling for Heidenhain posts.
Disabled optional stop by default and machine retract for Laguna post.